Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 130 New Play Plan

Chapter 130 New Play Plan
Check, check, check.

The anxious hyena has already pulled its front hooves out of the wall. What Wang Chuan has to do now is to drive the hyenas away, swing their buttocks and tails, and follow them out of the wall with their hind hooves.

The hidden stakes arranged by Chief Yang in Prince Kang's Mansion are reporting back more and more news.

Wang Chuan observed that Prince Kang's mood changed like a graph.He was calm at the beginning, then became irritable, and almost exploded in the harassment of the six doors, but now, his emotions seemed to have been smoothed out, even though the Yicui building was deserted and there was no business, even if the six doors The door still came to harass him every now and then, and Prince Kang was still unpretentiously calm, and he didn't mean to get angry at all.

It was easy for Wang Chuan to guess what was going on.Without needing the evidence obtained by Chief Detective Yang from the hidden piles, Wang Chuan could already figure out that the young prince of Kang Wangfu had already found a trading place elsewhere, and started to re-sell Xiaoyaosan for those hard-to-find people. Addicts offer a blissful ride to "heaven".

"It's time to finish."

Wang Chuan thought urgently.

Although Wang Chuan knew from the information obtained from the hidden stakes that Prince Kang's Mansion did not use boys to test the medicine when refining Xiaoyao Powder, he could not rule out whether this would happen in the future.

As long as the bottom line is broken a little, it will become easier to break through.Wang Chuan can't guarantee whether such a thing will happen in the future, so it's best to kill the signs of things before this kind of tragedy happens again.

Mr. Yang and Wang Chuan agreed.After confirming that Xiaoyao San was not sold in Yicui Building on Flower Street, Mr. Yang removed some hidden stakes from there, and sent him to follow Prince Kang to see where Prince Kang was selling medicine.

In Prince Kang's mansion, the alchemy Taoist priest Ping Daoan suffered a lot and had to continue refining medicine for Prince Kang and Prince Kang.

Prince Kang made his first pot of gold with the medicine he snatched from Pingdao'an that time. He was very economical and didn't squander it. Instead, he bought all the medicinal materials needed for refining Xiaoyao San.

As a result, there was no shortage of medicinal materials in Prince Kang's palace, and Prince Kang generously gave Ping Daoan a daily dose of Xiaoyaosan.The premise is that Ping Daoan needs to refine an additional set of medicine every day and give it to Prince Kang.

Prince Kang loves this kind of loose medicine that is in short supply. A daily dose of medicine is enough to make him sit down and raise the price among addicts, and sell the medicine that the cost price is not too high.

Prince Kang, who gradually became rich, regained the capital to squander, and even bought himself a tiger penis to soak in wine, and also bought a lot of tonic medicine to nourish the kidneys.A few days later, when Wang Chuan went to Prince Kang to inform him, he saw blood bleeding from Prince Kang's nose and couldn't stop it.

But Prince Kang was happy for himself, but he didn't know that in the heart of the alchemy Taoist Ping Daoan, he had already been filled with hatred.

The hatred of taking medicine is comparable to the hatred of killing one's wife, and the alchemy Taoist cannot let it go.

Ping Daoan has always been a cautious person.Otherwise, in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, this Taoist priest would not have been able to resist at first. Hearing that he was going to die while others were alive, he couldn't accept it.

For a person like Ping Dao'an, if someone makes him unhappy, he will die and make this person feel bad.This kind of spirit of being willing to cut the whole body and want to pull the emperor off the horse appeared on Ping Daoan, which seemed very disgusting, and interpreted the villain's mind to the extreme.

But Wang Chuan and Liu Fanmen are very happy to see this kind of thinking.

Ping Daoan lived a small and cautious life in Prince Kang's mansion, and his revenge against Prince Kang was also small and cautious, but to a certain extent, he was very bold and reckless.He increased the dosage of some drugs in Xiaoyao San, which made the side effects of this drug on ordinary people more violent. Compared with normal Xiaoyao San, it has less effect on cultivators and less addiction to ordinary people. less than.But the damage it caused to the human spirit has become even greater.

This is a practice that harms others and does not benefit oneself.For Ping Daoan, it was so contradictory, yet so natural.

Just like Ping Dao'an, he can calmly avoid failing in Bigu while practicing Dao Gong, but he can also maintain the strong and hard-to-dispel hatred for Prince Kang for taking the medicine.Contradictions and what should be are so harmonious that people can't understand.

Whether you want to plant flowers intentionally or by accident, every cause in Kang Wang's mansion has been planted, just waiting to bear the fruit that Wang Chuan and Mr. Yang expected.

The effects of Xiaoyaosan will always break out in the addicts who deal with Prince Kang, it's just a matter of time.And the place where the drug's effect breaks out will not always be in a secret place. There will always be a time when it will fall into the public eye.At that time, all the crazy behaviors of Prince Kang will be revealed and bring disaster to Prince Kang's palace.

Wang Chuan waited patiently.Mr. Yang is also very patient.

Those who handle cases in Six Doors have never lacked patience.

While waiting, Wang Chuan began to prepare for his next drama work.

With the success of the first play, Wang Chuan has more confidence.

Part of this confidence comes from the popularity of new types of operas, and the other part comes from the fact that the Yicui new building in Liuxiang has become prosperous, and the building is full of reserve poets.

The first play proved that Lu Xuan's poetry and composition standards are trustworthy, but in this play, Lu Xuan's full strength has not yet been brought into play.

You must know that Lu Xuan is a literary young woman. A story with a simple plot and no connotation like the first play completely failed to arouse all the creative enthusiasm of Lu Sinu.In the second part, all these connotations and some literary youth routines are used to stimulate Lu Sinu's poetic sentiment.

Wang Chuan considered the content of the new play by referring to the opinions of the guests in Yicui New Building and the feedback obtained from the first play, but after thinking for a long time, he still had no clue, and finally decided to plagiarize and adapt.

Wenqing, connotation, meaning, twists and turns, tragedy, but also in line with the level of thinking and appreciation of people in this world.There are quite a few such works in the vast sea of ​​works in the world, but it is not easy to choose suitable works from them.

Because Wang Chuan wants to choose not only those that meet these requirements, but also the aesthetics of the audience.If he chooses "Du Shiniang's Fury and Sinking of Treasure Chest" to satirize the scholars, I'm afraid those romantic scholars will not say anything but patronize it, but they won't be willing to patronize it.There is a movie called "The Injustice of Dou E". Is this a satire on the dark society?When the officials see it, who would be happy with it?

After thinking about it for a long time, Wang Chuan made a decision——magical reformation of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

The longing for beautiful love conforms to the spiritual pursuit of the world in every era.The work itself is well-known and popular.As long as Liang Shanbo is changed to the sister in the building, Zhu Yingtai is changed to the son of a scholarly family, the background of the story is changed to Yicui New Building, the beginning of the study is changed to the old-fashioned encounter in the brothel, and the first play is included by the way, The straightforward "Zhu Yingtai" regarded "Liang Shanbo" who played the role of Fang Yun girl as a real man, and "Liang Shanbo" did not expose the lie in order to have a sincere friendship with "Zhu Yingtai".

After a series of incidents, "Zhu Yingtai" knew the true identity of "Liang Shanbo", and disregarded the etiquette to marry Louli's sister and son, which was strongly opposed by her family. "Liang Shanbo" was persuaded to leave by the family of "Zhu Yingtai", and died in depression. "Zhu Yingtai" had no choice but to marry a wife and have a son according to the arrangement of her family. After raising her son, she died in front of "Liang Shanbo"'s grave and died with "Liang Shanbo".

(End of this chapter)

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