Chapter 126
Miss Fang Yun and Sister Yang never expected that Catcher Wang would say that, and they were both joyful and terrified in astonishment.Miss Fang Yun said: "My family and my sister dared to make such a request. They are already panicked. How dare you think that you are earning less? But if this is the case... the guests are angry..."

"So what? Who dares to cause trouble?"

Of course Wang Chuan knew that someone would dare.There is never a shortage of idiots in this world. Some are just making trouble for face, some think they are great, and some feel that the backstage is hard. Any reason that seems to be a pain in the ass may make these people pretend to be forceful and suddenly cause trouble. .But now Liuxiang Yicui Building is leaning against him and Six Doors. The remodeled brothel originally existed for making troubles. How could Wang Chuan be afraid of people making troubles?

"You just need to play your part with peace of mind. Do what you need to do well. Who else dares to force you? Let Sister Han come to me and tell me."

Wang Chuan reassured the two terrified sisters and let them go down.

For Wang Chuan, the Yicui Building in Liuxiang is to grab the business of the Yicui Building in Huajie.Before the final goal is achieved, the old functions of the Yicui Building in Liuxiang still need to exist.You must know that Yicuilou in Huajie is for illegal business, and it is now Liuxiang Kiln in Huajie.If Yicui Building in Liuxiang wants to grab its business, it must become the flower street building in Liuxiang.

If the new model of Yicui Building in Liuxiang can bring new income methods to the girls here, and let the girls in the building break away from the survival mode of entertaining people with sex, such a meritorious deed, of course Wang Chuan would be happy to see it.

But not now.

But he will not refuse the request of Miss Fang Yun and Sister Yang.

The two sisters are just two sisters. They rely on the new opera to stand higher than others in the building, and their thoughts have changed, which is normal.However, there are so many sisters in the building, not everyone thinks the same as the two of them.At least not for the time being.

There is a herd mentality in a group, and the trend will develop in one direction, but this is a gradual process and will not happen suddenly.

During the period when this possibility gradually occurred, it was enough for Wang Chuan to use the Yicui New Building to accomplish his purpose.And when the time comes, Yicui New Building will achieve great merit under this trend, that would be the best.

So Wang Chuan will not kill the signs that are emerging now.It's a good thing that doesn't affect the plan, why stop it?

"Thank you, Detective Wang. My family... My family is very grateful."

When the two sisters got up from the ground, their eyes were already red and tears rolled down.The two walked out wiping their tears.

Wang Chuan smiled, and stopped paying attention to the two sisters' questions, and carefully studied the feedback collected by Han sisters.After studying for a while, Sister Han brought over lunch.Wang Chuan watched while eating, and told Sister Han about Miss Fang Yun and Sister Yang by the way, and asked Sister Han to take care of them.

Sister Han smiled lightly, and said: "I'm not going to hide it from Detective Wang, in fact, they have already told this matter to my family. It was my family who asked them to come and tell Detective Wang quickly."

Wang Chuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed and scolded: "Well, you sister Han, you are so scheming! You are so tricked by me, you are not a son of man!"

"Okay, hurry up, what are you talking about, why can't the servant understand?"

Sister Han laughed again and said, "The catcher is so kind, I guessed it a long time ago. But the slave family can't agree to them on behalf of the catcher. The slave family came to tell the catcher that it's better to let them ask the catcher themselves Seeing that the policeman agreed to them with his own eyes, let them know that the policeman has good intentions."

"Okay, okay, I know you have good intentions."

As Wang Chuan said, he started to eat sullenly.

After eating, Sister Han left with the bowl and chopsticks.Wang Chuan studied the materials in his hand for a while before leaving the Yicui New Building.

Although the matter of the new drama requires more research on weekdays, it is not in a hurry yet.What urgently needs to be implemented now is the popularity of Yicui Building in Huajie.In the afternoon, after Wang Chuan clicked on the door in the six doors, he bumped into Mr. Yang.Knowing that it was just a formality, Mr. Yang didn't bother to go on stage himself, so he directly called Long Butou, and arranged for the night's affairs to be directed by Long Butou.

As for Catcher Liang, who was usually in charge of such things, he had already been arranged by Mr. Yang to go to the logistics team.Moreover, Mr. Yang asked Mr. Liang to complete the cleaning of the toilet himself.In the past two days, Wang Chuan came in the door several times, and saw Liang Butou flashing into the toilet with a broom, it seemed that he was ashamed to see him.Chief arrester Yang is probably obsessed with Mrs. Liang's affairs, and arrester Liang is able to rely on Liang to rest at home for such a long time, which also makes chief arrester Yang worry about it.

Wang Chuan quickly dismissed the idea of ​​training Chen Lian to be sloppy.Now looking at the aftereffects of the headhunter Liang's vacation, this kind of method is not worth the candle!

When it was nightfall, Wang Chuan ran to Yicui Building on Flower Street by feeling the time.In the building, Sister Ping was playing happily with Prince Kang, and was disturbed by Wang Chuan, both of them were sweating and panting.

"What's the matter, Detective Wang?"

Prince Kang was a little impatient when he spoke.

Wang Chuan said: "The door will come to investigate tonight, and we will gather soon. I will come here specially to inform the little prince."

"Catcher Wang is here to help! Xiao Wang will clear the scene after playing!"

Prince Kang pushed and dragged Wang Chuan out of the room, and closed the door with a "bang", and an unbearable sound came from inside within a short while.

"This unfortunate building deserves to be closed down!"

While Wang Chuan mourned for Liang Butou, he was also a little bit aggrieved.Anyway, Liang Tutou is infatuated, and this bottle of sister's wave is endless!
Coming out of the Yicui Building, Wang Chuan did not leave in a hurry, and hid in the dark to observe for a while.There is an urgent matter to investigate the six doors, and Prince Kang seems to be in no mood to have fun.After a while, the battle was hastily ended, and he left Yicui Building through the back door first.Wang Chuan stared at the door closely, but saw that there were people rushing out at the door, including some officials and many romantic scholars.These people knew each other, and some of them walked in a panic, and when they came out, their clothes were not arranged, and they opened their arms and cupped their hands, and then walked quickly while covering their clothes and belts.

From it, Wang Chuan also discovered several young guests who were reciting poems at the Yicui Building in Liuxiang the day before yesterday.

It is imperative to hit the popularity of this building!
Wang Chuan strengthened his belief and returned to the door.Long Butou has already begun to worry about manpower.Wang Chuan was incorporated into the investigation team, and after a while, Long Butou had gathered enough people, and led a group of people to Huajie aggressively.The other floors of Huajie did not operate illegal business, so they were naturally not afraid of the investigation, but the battle of the six doors shocked all the buildings, and the managers in the buildings came out one after another to ask what was going on.

Long Captou just ignored him and followed Mr. Yang's orders, heading straight for Yicui Tower.The building was now clean, with some ordinary customers still showing off, and the sound of silk and bamboo could be heard silently.

Sister Ping seemed to be still unsatisfied with something, so she leaned on the railing upstairs to look down, and when she saw Wang Chuan, she gave Wang Chuan a resentful look.Wang Chuan had goose bumps all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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