Global Food Tour

Chapter 98 Do it! [Only 1 word, read it a few times and experience it for yourself]

Chapter 98 Do it! [Just one word, read it a few times and experience it for yourself]

Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, and said: "Uncle Wang, you only saw your own shortcomings, but not your own strengths. Knife skills are just external skills, and cooking soup is the most profound. Uncle Wang, the soup you boiled, said To be honest, I may not be able to catch up in this life. The soup can nourish the kidneys and blood, nourish yin and moisturize, replenish qi, promote body fluids, regulate menstruation and relieve pain, moisturize the intestines, nourish the kidneys and lungs, nourish the liver and improve eyesight, remove dampness and strengthen the body. It has the functions of diuresis for the kidneys, promoting metabolism, strengthening the spleen and lungs, strengthening the kidneys and replenishing essence, warming the middle and nourishing yang, dispersing cold and relieving pain, clearing and appetizing, replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen.”

"Cough cough cough, there are too many benefits, I can't finish it all at once, it is much better than the benefits of this knife work." Zhang Feng smiled, the fish in his hand also changed its pattern, put it into the clear water, and moved slightly Water and fish are like sea vegetables floating freely on the bottom of the sea.

Although it looks chaotic, it is full of incomparably comfortable beauty when you look closely.

"I was in a much better mood after being praised by you just now, but now, I am in a mood..." Wang Jun rarely said some witty words, and the atmosphere in the kitchen became more relaxed and harmonious.

"Hey, it's purely because I encountered good ingredients, and the condition is good. The third dish today, by the way, challenge yourself. You can learn as much as you can learn from this dish, Uncle Wang. The soup you boil is enough for a signature dish at the bottom of the box. Already!" Zhang Feng laughed.

"You put it that way, it seems that this dish is difficult, uncle, I will definitely watch it carefully!" Wang Jun said solemnly.

"Okay, let's start!"

"Take it out carefully, put it into the cold pot on the other side, drip some cooking wine, and remove the fishy smell. In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. I just want to pursue a sense of art." Zhang Feng let out a sigh of relief after putting the fish away. It was so "amazing", he was a little worried.

"Slice the ginger, slice the onion, slice the garlic, cut each slice into pieces... Forget it, this is too difficult, try to make it as thin as possible."

"You... You are definitely bullying you, Uncle Wang, and me on purpose. This thin one looks like nothing in the water. It's really amazing. No wonder you sharpened your knife for more than an hour when you came in the morning." Wang Jun sighed.

"If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. Hehe, cooking is very fun, compared to outside..."

"You can't enter the kitchen, you can't enter." A waiter stopped him loudly.

"Boy, the two of us have decided. He said that the food you cook is mediocre, and I said that what you cook is delicacies. For the dish that I will cook later, whoever loses will pay for it. If I win, I will pay for it separately. Ten thousand dollars is a lottery!" After the voice of the uncle in the floral shirt reached Zhang Feng's ears, Zhang Feng's face instantly changed into a look of joy after his little plan had succeeded.

"Okay, I'll use my housekeeping skills, but, uncles, what if you say it's not delicious on purpose? I paid a lot of money for these ingredients!" Zhang Feng said intentionally.

"No, don't worry, the moment the food enters the mouth, the video is recorded, who can fake it?" The uncle in the flower shirt said straight to death.

"Hahaha, okay, I will give our boss a soup made by himself later, as a bonus, the two of you will go back and rest for a while, and the delicious food will be here soon!" Zhang Feng almost laughed out loud.

Wang Jun on the side was also so relaxed that the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes disappeared for a short time, and the wrinkles on his forehead also disappeared. The waiter who greeted the guests outside and Wang Jun's wife both heaved a sigh of relief, and they couldn't help but look forward to Zhang Feng. It's time for the next dish.

"Uncle Wang, how many flavors do you think a dish can have at most?" Zhang Feng asked.

"This one, I remember that I can make three flavors, and I have made two flavors myself." Wang Jun pondered.

Zhang Feng nodded, and said: "I plan to make four flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. I drank a kind of wine some time ago, and it was very strong. The four flavors in one sip of wine are simply miraculous."

"Huh? Four flavors in one wine? Tell me..."

While chatting, Zhang Feng processed the things he needed, and took the top ingredients such as shark fins, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and so on, and made the materials in different ways that dazzled Wang Jun.

"...This, isn't this too complicated?" Wang Jun couldn't help but sigh.

Zhang Feng nodded and said: "It's okay, the ingredients are basically cooked, it's the main ingredients, is the hot steam ready?"

"Okay, okay." Wang Jun hurriedly handed the things to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng took a deep breath, still somewhat worried that his work would fail, which would be very sad.

The high-temperature steam that was slowed down by the cloth permeated the entire dish. After seeing that the fish meat had changed to an appropriate point, there was a bang sound and the lid was closed. Zhang Feng signaled that the dish was ready.

Wang Jun didn't understand yet, but he didn't ask, and followed Zhang Feng silently. Zhang Feng was also very nervous at this time, because no one knew what the things under the cover could do until the end.

"Two, I have to say something very seriously and responsibly. The thing inside may be a failed work. It is no different from ordinary delicacies. It may be a delicacy that you have seen for the first time. It costs a lot of money. It’s hard to buy, do you two want to bet now?” Although Zhang Feng was talking with his mouth, he was counting the seconds in his heart.

"This is interesting. I suggest doubling the bet just now. Would you like to do it?"


A crisp sound was accompanied by the sound of Zhang Feng lifting the cover. The cover was lifted for a moment. It can be exaggerated to say that there was a hint of light. The water mist dispersed, and a thousand-layer lace flower with four colors bloomed. Come, and change shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is something like a stream flowing between the petals, and you can also see lifelike "insects", as if you can hear the sound of a hundred insects chirping!

"What a strange word!" Uncle Dai said with a thumbs up.

"Such a work, I want a million dollars!" The uncle in the floral shirt always seems to like to be linked to money.

Wang Jun and his wife looked at each other stiffly. The couple who have been in contact with the kitchen all year round were much more shocked than ordinary people.

The diners around did not move at first, but when they saw the appearance of this dish from the gaps, some people stood up in shock, and there were exclamations everywhere. Zhang Feng also let out a sigh of relief. The work is perfect, but the taste is poor.

"You two, it looks good but it doesn't work, give it a try!"

"Try it!" The uncle in the floral shirt and the uncle wearing a watch said in unison, and picked up the chopsticks at the same time.

"It tastes like water in the mouth, unexpectedly... unexpectedly, this taste is so amazing, how do you do it?" The uncle wearing a watch couldn't believe it. He even suspected that his taste buds were cheating. How could he feel it under this kind of food? A taste that goes against common sense.

The uncle in the flowered shirt felt another taste and said in a rough tone: "Crackling, I feel like my tongue is dancing. It's delicious. It's the most delicious thing I've ever eaten. I'll try it again!"

It can be seen that the uncle in the flower shirt praised this food to the extreme.

"Ha! It's another taste. Sure enough, I guessed it right, four colors and four flavors!" said the uncle wearing the watch happily.

"What? Four flavors? Let me try!"

 ps: Thank you Wushangwulei, Wushang Wulei, Don’t Name, Red Devil, and Violettea for giving a reward of [-] coins each. The happiest thing is that the cat has fish to eat, and I have a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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