Global Food Tour

Chapter 83 Free yourself! (Readers, vote...)

Chapter 83 Free yourself! (Readers, vote...)
Looking at this scene, Zhang Feng was very envious. Although he has been avoiding feelings and avoiding getting too close to women, he still longs for a new start in his heart.

Stepping into the castle, Zhang Feng recorded the things that touched him from time to time. One is to keep it as a souvenir, and the other is to prepare some materials. Galle, he plans to not live broadcast anything except food, but he also has something for himself The fans explained.

Above the castle, you can overlook the Galle Railway Station and the XC area, the surrounding places of interest, and many locals playing.

"They will be beaten to death in China like this!" Zhang Ting said half-jokingly.

"Haha, this kind of place is really great. Look at that train. I came this time because I wanted to take a small train by the sea. Have you seen Spirited Away?" Zhang Feng asked.

"I must have seen it, I am very yearning."

"Little train, wait for me!" Zhang Ting shouted to a small train leaving the station in the distance.

The gentle breeze blew Zhang Ting's skirt and hair. The next moment, a new high-quality photo appeared in Zhang Feng's camera.

Zhang Feng believes that many beautiful artistic moments come from snapshots, from sudden flashes of inspiration.

Our intuition will tell us how to freeze this moment. The uncanny craftsmanship of nature makes people very small in front of nature. In the vast world, people are just dust, but we change the world with our thoughts. We are the unique beauty in the world.

"I'm in the game world, how about you?" Zhang Feng also yelled at the little train.

"Me too!"

"Haha..." The laughter of the two spread far away in the empty world, and it lasted for a long time.

Blowing the cool sea breeze, the two of them got off the old castle and strolled along the small seaside road in the old city. A group of primary school students walked up to them. They were uniformed all over the country in white uniforms. There were more than a hundred people, probably in the same grade, and they all waved when they were more than ten meters away. call.

During the meeting, Zhang Feng high-fived one of the children. This was a big deal. Everyone rushed to give Zhang Feng a high-five. Such enthusiasm made Zhang unable to refuse every child, and it also made Zhang Ting suffer.

The long line, all the way to shoot, Zhang Feng's hands are hot and swollen!Zhang Ting also stretched out her red palm, and the next moment, both of them laughed, even though it hurt, they were very happy.

"It's great, these kids are so enthusiastic." Zhang Ting couldn't help but look back.

"Yes, but they are late after school, it's past six o'clock." Zhang Feng looked at the phone and said.

"Maybe they are late for class in the morning."

The high cliff by the sea where you meet the students is also the most exciting part of this old city stroll.

Especially the fortress at the corner, the two climbed up, placed on a high ground, overlooking the horizon, the sea and the sky, dotted with ships, and the waves of the Indian Ocean crashed against the shore. .1 will.

Zhang Ting lifted one foot unconsciously, but unfortunately there were no steps or boulders under her feet to complete her heroic posture, she almost staggered, embarrassing, but fortunately Zhang Feng had quick eyes and hands to help.

"Hee hee, thanks."

"I heard that there is a legendary high cliff diving performer here, why not?" Zhang Ting continued.

"I don't know, but it's busy over there." Zhang Feng pointed to the distance, and there were salutes roaring.

"Could it be that someone is holding a wedding? I heard that many people come to the Indian Ocean for their honeymoon. The second choice is Galle. Let's go and see." Zhang Ting took a step forward.

When they arrived at the venue, the two did not walk in out of politeness, but the couple were obviously locals. Due to the skin color of the locals, under the white wedding dress, the romance lost a lot of points. The bride held a red rose in her hand, and the groom was dressed very handsomely. .

Seeing the bright and happy smiles on the faces of the groom and the bride, Zhang Feng put down his hands to salute, took out his camera, and recorded this moment, not for anything else but to preserve the touched happy time.

"Wow, snake charmer!" Zhang Ting pointed at two people in the distance in surprise.

Zhang Feng heard the sound and looked, and found that there were indeed two snake charmers. In Zhang Feng's impression, snake charmers should be unique to the third brother's side, but he didn't expect to meet them here.

Before you know it, it is dusk, and the most beautiful moment in Galle has arrived.

Waiting for dusk to fall on the high platform west of the old city.

The afterglow of the sunset makes the sea level as red as fire.

Sunrise and sunset always make people watch tirelessly. It's a pity that time can't stay, and the beauty is swallowed by night in an instant.

"Oh, it's gone again." Zhang Feng sighed.

At this time, Zhang Feng suddenly became envious of these people living in the ancient city.

How happy are these people who live in the ancient city and come to the beach to watch the sunset every day. One step ahead of them is the vast beach of the Maldives, and the next step is the blue waves of the New Zealand-style pasture, which is suitable for movement and stillness.

Sitting on an old city wall, the warm sunshine shines on your face, you close your eyes and meditate, recalling the ups and downs in this life, all kinds of people and things you meet by chance, detached will to release the self in the depths of your soul , sitting quietly, the inner tide is surging, like the sea.

"By the way, why does sunset always disappear faster than sunrise?" Zhang Ting broke the calm.

Zhang Feng shook his head and said: "This... I don't know. I'm hungry. I'll see the rest tomorrow. Let's go!"

"Ah? I haven't taken any photos yet. You can take a few photos for me. Otherwise, I won't be able to post on Moments when I go back." Zhang Ting looked at Zhang Feng with a smile.

"I took it. There should be more than a dozen photos of you, from the entrance of the castle to here, all of them. Take a look." Zhang Feng said and handed the camera to Zhang Ting.

"Wow... Is this when I yelled at the little train just now? It's so timely, it's natural to the extreme..."

"Cough, cough, cough... the right time, the right place, and the right people can do it."

"Zhang Feng, you are really perfect. You are handsome, you can cook well, you can take pictures, and you can sing well... You are a lover of the masses." Zhang Ting looked at Zhang Feng with bright eyes.

Zhang Feng shrugged his shoulders and said: "When I'm away from home, I only have the scenery and delicious food. Don't talk about the rest. You can go now? Eat crabs!"

"Okay." Zhang Ting smiled, and the word "crab" wiped away any disappointment in her heart.

"Where are we going?"

"The one recommended by the hotel owner."

After drawing up a route with a map, the two started heading towards the Ministry of Crab (crab) restaurant.

"The boss said that Dharshan is one of the best chefs in Sri Lanka? Do you think it is true?" Zhang Ting asked.

Zhang Feng has black hair, what are you commenting on? He has never eaten it, so he can only shake his head and say, "At least I have to try it first."

After a while, we arrived at the restaurant. The environment of the restaurant is elegant, with a sense of design, and there is no outdoor dining place.

The decoration style of the restaurant is modern and simple, and there is a crab sign at the door, which is especially eye-catching at night.

It can be seen that almost all the people who come to eat are Chinese, so the taste here must also be biased towards Chinese.

The attitude of the waiter was super nice, but after reading the service tip, 20.00% five, Zhang Feng almost cried, thinking: "There really is no free dinner in the world."

Two people ordered only 800 grams of black pepper crab, a set meal, and a teriyaki chicken.

 ps: Thanks to Xiaomengxin who has a low sense of existence for the reward of 1200 coins, and thanks to the book friends with the tail number 45 for the reward of 200 coins, thank you everyone, please this week, everyone can share a few tickets to support this book, and I won’t post it anymore Sanjiang, if the word count is over, there is no chance...

(End of this chapter)

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