Global Food Tour

Chapter 47 Going to sleep is the end of the journey, waking up is the beginning of the journey! (2 m

Chapter 47 Going to sleep is the end of the journey, waking up is the beginning of the journey! (Second watch for tickets)

It was already twelve o'clock when I returned to the hotel. I remembered that there was still a lot of work to be done. I took a shower and started to work. Coupled with the leisure time in the restaurant and the photos on the balcony on the third floor of the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, a travel note appeared in the public On the number.

The fans on both sides of Facebook and official accounts are five figures, and the four figures are rising every day. Zhang Feng is very happy, dreaming of the day when he really becomes a travel expert, standing on the highest mountain in the world to open champagne to celebrate .

"Let's go, let me fly the small train in the alpine tea garden tomorrow."

The next morning, Zhang Feng got up early and had breakfast, then went to the train station.

For Kandy, Zhang Feng has no intention of nostalgia. Some people may think that he is not a competent tourist, and he left without seeing the places, which is too capricious.

But what Zhang Feng wants to say is that the main body of tourism is people, and there is no urge to stay. Why do you have to make it difficult for yourself? Like those who get off the car to take pictures, and get on the car to sleep. The whole journey is like a walking dead. What's the point of checking in for travel? What he wants is the feeling in his heart, the feeling that his soul will tremble when he arrives at a place.

Taking the small train in Sri Lanka, the carriages are all blue in color, a little shabby, maybe not as good as our Huaxia 80s green leather car, although I didn’t get on the train, but the sense of leisure has already permeated, Zhang Feng is a little impatient I want to get in the car and experience the comfort brought by this kind of "slowness".

"Hmm... what kind of train ticket do I need for the first, second and third class?" This is the question that is currently troubling Zhang Feng.

Because there is a routine for the ticket, the first class is air-conditioned, and you are seated according to the seat number; the second class is no seat number, but there are seats, first come first served; the third class is no seat.

Ticket prices vary greatly. Zhang Feng is not a luxury person by nature, but thinking of taking pictures, he decided to buy a second-class seat.

But it turns out that the locals actually buy the third-class carriages and find seats in the second-class carriages, because there is no corresponding seat number on the second-class carriage tickets, and there is no ticket checking mechanism for the whole journey. The location of the station is also good.

The section Zhang Feng purchased is Kandy->Nanu-Oya Railway Station.

The temperature in the morning is very suitable, and the whining sound of the little train makes people feel back to the time when watching TV dramas in the 80s. The trains of that era, except for the different colors, are very similar.

Zhang Feng leaned against the link of the carriage, waiting for the little train to drive into the mountains.

The old iron trains shuttled between tea plantations, coconut groves and caves. The speed was not very fast. Many people even deliberately looked out at the scenery from the open doors of the links, not caring about their own safety at all.

Zhang Feng also exposed one-third of his body to the outside, feeling the wind with the taste of nature head-on. He was thinking, if possible, take a very slow train and enjoy the scenery along the way. Nice way to travel.

But this way may only be experienced in some European countries, because only Europeans have such a leisurely idea, and only Europe is suitable for train travel.

From Kandy to Nuwara Eliya, there are all kinds of beautiful tea gardens. Zhang Feng only did one thing along the way, which was to shoot!shoot!shoot!

The meaning of travel sung by Cheer Chen was set as a single loop by Zhang Feng. During the four-hour drive, Zhang Feng experienced the most interesting, emotional and impressive train journey in his life.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I'm in Nuwo now. Don't mention Kandy with me. I just went to check in." Zhang Feng wanted to shut up the mouths of these questionable babies from the beginning. The trip to Sri Lanka was what he wanted most in his heart. I went to the small town of Galle, and I took the sea train.

[Anchor, why are you in a hurry? We didn’t ask you why you ran away. 】

【Anyway, you have always been like this. 】

[Traveling? It's not a sojourn. Don't worry about it. We don't have an affair. We understand. 】


Zhang Feng was very confused, should he explain himself: "I remembered a passage, listen carefully.

You are you, not the original you!You are you, and you are not the you you were yesterday!In the years of rushing back and forth, in the journey from one stop to another, in the turmoil and wandering, as long as I look back at my heart and purify my mind, I will be calm, calm and peaceful. No matter how remote the place I travel, All can gain without worry.

Going to sleep every day is an end of the journey.

Waking up every day is a starting point of the journey!
I don't care about the time of staying, what I care about is the heart, I am the scenery of travel.

You may see that I am reluctant to stay in one place, or you may see that I just turned around and left when I arrived at a place. I never wronged myself. This is my journey. Of course, you can’t be so willful ! "

Zhang Feng didn't wait for everyone to react, and then said: "Let's not talk, first find a place to live, and then eat, I am very hungry. I heard that the food in many places here is about black tea. Black tea is used to the extreme.”

Zhang Feng dragged the box and headed towards a hotel.

But at this moment, a large number of bullet screens suddenly appeared in the entire live broadcast room, all of which were Hei Zhangfeng's words.

"what's the situation?"

Zhang Feng was a little confused, why so many people hacked him all of a sudden, Lu Tianya's work team also noticed that the data in Zhang Feng's live broadcast room was abnormal.

"Boss, what should I do?"

"Cut off the live broadcast, check!"

On the other side, after Zhang Feng received the prompt, the live broadcast was cut off directly. Zhang Feng, who was confused, could only put away the device and went to the hotel.

Not long after, an overseas call came.

"I'll handle the matter. I didn't inform you that you don't need to broadcast live." Xu Jie's cold words rang in Zhang Feng's ears.

Zhang Feng felt that something was wrong, and said, "Old Xu, what's the matter?"


Xu Jie hung up decisively and didn't give Zhang Feng a chance at all. Zhang Feng was even more puzzled. Was he deliberately hacked for offending someone?Can't it?
After thinking for a while, Zhang Feng still didn't come to a conclusion. After taking a shower, he planned to go out, but found that the sun was very strong, so he could only endure hunger and play on the computer.

Zhang Feng accidentally connected to a domestic website and went in to see a lot of news about him.

"Wood grass!"

"Mad, are you retarded?"

"Hey, what does it have to do with you guys?"

Zhang Feng is completely crazy. A few days ago, it was all about his own positive news. Now, many soft articles have portrayed himself as a "traitor with a round moon in a foreign country", or a little boy who eats soft food. What's more annoying is that He made a villain with low character.

"You are going to heaven!"

Zhang Feng was very angry, who did he offend?Looking at Weibo, many well-known anchors, especially outdoor anchors, also posted Weibo to satirize themselves, jumping jobs immediately at high prices, having no sense of professional ethics, poor character, maliciously seeking popularity, etc.

The official blog of his old club, Black Cat TV, also posted a satirical Weibo, but according to Zhang Feng’s understanding, he and Black Cat TV only signed an ordinary sharing contract, and he can unilaterally announce the termination of the contract. A strong woman, she should have sent a termination letter long ago.

"Who wants to mess with me..." Zhang Feng started to circle around in the room, and for a while his mood for traveling was gone.


"Hey, Fatty, check if Zhao Ming has returned to Guangzhou!" Zhang Feng called Wang Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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