Global Food Tour

Chapter 362 Pamukkale!

Chapter 362 Pamukkale!
Uchisar's terrain is much higher than its surroundings. Climbing to the top of Uchisar Fortress, you can have a panoramic view of many valleys in Cappadocia, and the landscape is quite amazing.

Before climbing to the top of the mountain, I ran into two handsome soldiers. How could a professional photo shoot miss this opportunity?Zhang Feng was caught as a coolie again, but he took pictures of several girls with all his might.

The scenery on the way up the mountain is pleasant, and the world of elves in Zhang Feng's eyes is comparable to that in Norway.

Zhang Feng and the others met them again at the top of the mountain, and were dragged by the nympho to take a group photo again, and then were "ridiculed" by the surrounding people.

It's not enough for the two girls to take a photo together, they have to hold handsome "props".

"Binggege is really handsome. You smile so brightly, Zhang Feng. In fact, if you wear a military uniform, you must be even more handsome!"

"Uh... maybe."

"What's possible? It's definitely!" Xiaohong said to Zhang Hao with a smile.Zhang Feng chose a dog leash.

After taking a group photo, all kinds of begging for hook-ups, and exchanging e-mails, this is all evidence of crime in Zhang Feng's eyes!

Looking at Uchisar from a distance, the beautiful scenery and mood.

Third stop: Pasaba
Located between Goreme and Avanos, after passing the Pigeon Cottage Cathedral, there is an intersection, turn right and drive inward, and you will see the most beautiful and lovely fairy chimney in Cappadocia.

Pigeon House Cathedral, although I was mentally prepared, when the JJ Mountain appeared in front of me, it still caused a commotion in the whole car. I have to say that the uncanny workmanship of nature is amazing.

Against the backdrop of the evening sun, it is really beautiful, but it is a pity that Zhang Feng and the others only have half an hour to stay because they have to take the night bus at night, so it is a pity that they cannot go deep into the valley.

I met a mountain bike guy by chance, doing all kinds of stunts on the steep and smooth rocks, the nymphomaniacs are committing nympho again, Zhang Feng can only continue to be a coolie!
The handsome guy is from Iran and is a professional gamer.

At night, waiting at the gate of the bus station, the moon in the distance was as bright as a big silver plate. Zhang Feng and the others felt a little sad about leaving here soon. It was a pity that they forgot to take a photo with the lovely KAZO people.

This Cappadocia, which left a good impression on Zhang Feng and the others, has amazing hot air balloons, magical landforms, comfortable cave hotels, and simple folk customs, all of which make Zhang Feng and the others nostalgic. If you want to score, remove the lowest score , Remove the highest score, or a full score of [-]!
"Farewell, Cappadocia."

After leaving, Zhang Feng took the time to write a tip:

1.Car rental: There are many car rental spots in Goreme. You can rent cars, motorcycles, quad bikes, and eDonkeys. There are all kinds of transportation suitable for various routes. Cars are only manual, and basically you don’t have to choose a model, and the price is also available. There are highs and lows, some are 100TL/day, and some are 80TL. The models are similar, so you have to ask more.There is no need to press the passport, just copy a credit card number as a guarantee.

2.Refueling: Take out the empty fuel tank, return the empty fuel tank, and you need to refuel by yourself after picking up the car. I feel that such a rule is really unreasonable and too frustrating. It takes time and effort to find gas stations everywhere. We ran for a day and added 35TL, which is enough.As for what kind of fuel to add, I didn’t understand it for a long time. I only knew it was diesel. Later, I simply asked the boss to write it on a note and ran to the gas station to show the staff.

3.Attached is a Cappadocia tour map and our route.

Number 1: Goreme - Number 12: Derinkuyu Underground City - Number 5: Uchisar - Number 3: Pashabe - Goreme

After writing all this, Zhang Feng started a new journey safely.

Pamukkale is called "Pamukkale" in the native language, and Pamuk means "cotton".And Kale means "castle".

The origin of Pamukkale is of course the natural spectacle like white cotton. In addition to the beautiful snow-like lime sheds, the famous hot springs have attracted a large number of tourists to recuperate. In addition, the surrounding Hierapolis ruins and In the Grand Theater, the viewability is still relatively strong.

But the traffic here is inconvenient. Zhang Feng and the others took the bus from the metro company at 8 o'clock the night before, arrived in Denizli (DENZILI) at 6 o'clock the next morning, and then took the connecting MINI bus to Pasar Mukkale, a full 10 and a half hours.

Get off the car in front of an office similar to the FIT center, and several staff immediately came forward to greet Zhang Feng and the others to enter the house. After Zhang Feng and the others settled their luggage, someone began to encourage everyone to have breakfast first, saying that it was 9:10 in the scenic spot Open the door, he can take everyone to a restaurant with a garden, [-]TL/person, there is a car to pick you up, but Zhang Feng and the others refused when they heard that it would be troublesome to take the car.

I remembered that I had to buy a BUS ticket to Antalya on the same day. I saw on the Internet that you can take the Pamukkale bus company from Pamukkale. The ticket office is in the alley next to the FIT center. I enthusiastically said that they can buy it now. I thought they were acting as an agent for all the bus tickets and agreed. After paying the money, I was told to come back to pick up the tickets after we finished playing.

Then the rest of the people followed one after another, and we were left to pass the time on the Internet in the office. There was really no place for breakfast next to the individual customer center, so we went to a dilapidated teahouse opposite for a while. After drying the tea for a while, the sun reached almost 8:[-], and we set off.

The FIT Center is very close to the scenic spot. After walking for less than 5 minutes, you can see the snow-white Mt. Mianhua. There is a large park at the foot of the mountain, which is very beautiful.

When I came to the ticket office, I was pissed off. The opening hours of the scenic spot are from 8:00 to 22:00. The people in the FIT center actually deceive tourists by selling their breakfast!Originally, Zhang Feng and the others could have come here early even if the scenic spot hadn’t opened yet, Zhang Feng and the others could have wandered around the foot of the mountain, but they wasted time because of their lies.

This uncanny and unique landscape is actually the lime crystals formed by the accumulation of calcium carbonate-rich hot springs exuded from the limestone body. After thousands of years of accumulation, it forms a terraced embankment landscape. In my country, the Sichuan and Shu Huanglongs also have the same landform, but It can only be seen from a distance, and it is much better protected than Pamukkale, which can enter and exit freely.

The previous anger was anger, and as soon as he took off his shoes and stepped into the white lime shed flowing with gurgling hot spring water, all the unpleasantness of everyone was forgotten.

Pamukkale Hot Spring, in the center of the whole scenic spot, you can go in for a stroll. If you want to take a hot spring, you need to buy a ticket, 20TL. I originally planned to go to the hot spring, but because I have to catch the bus to Antalya at 2 p.m., I think It was too troublesome to take off and change clothes, so he gave up. Zhang Feng realized afterwards that it was really not wise to soak in hot springs at this time. The morning in Pamukkale was still very cold, and the water in the hot springs did not look hot. The hot springs should not be braving Is it hot?It wasn't until noon that I saw crowds of bikinis appearing. The afternoon is the best time to soak in the water.

(End of this chapter)

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