Global Food Tour

Chapter 346 A kind of gentleness that combines bleakness and time!

Chapter 346 A kind of gentleness that combines bleakness and time!
ps: The software mentioned in the article are all practical, I try to be as realistic as possible.


Today, the castle has been turned into a museum, where Zhang Feng discovered many traces of Suzdal from time.

In addition, there is also a Cathedral of Our Lady of the Nativity, which is the famous blue-top church.The blue-domed church was built in the 13s, and the blue dome shimmers with gold.However, only the intricately carved lower part of the building still retains the original white stone, and the rest are built with 20th-century bricks.

Zhang Feng walked back from Suzdal Castle and arrived at the Trade Square.The main building on the trade square is the commercial corridor with colonnades.Today's ancient trade corridor seems to continue the story of the past, and locals are selling various souvenirs, seasonal vegetables, and warm clothes here.

Zhang Feng had to add a piece of warm clothing for himself, which was neither expensive nor cheap.

After putting it on, Zhang Feng continued to walk south along уЛЛЕНИНА. Proud white birches were neatly distributed on both sides of the narrow road, and golden leaves fell on the ground. Late autumn is here, or winter is coming soon.

To the north of Suzdal is the largest monastery in Suzdal.

The Monastery of St. Eusemius the Redeemer was built in the 14th century to defend the northern junction of the town. In the 16th and 17th centuries, under the patronage of Vasily III, Ivan the Terrible and the noble Pozharsky family, majestic stone buildings appeared here.They also donated land and property here, making the monastery even more majestic. In the 17th century, magnificent brick walls and towers were added around it.

In the evening, the setting sun plummeted below the clouds, illuminating the sky with red light. Zhang Feng stood and looked at it for a while, and then left. Zhang Feng didn't feel much about the monastery.

Zhang Feng had dinner at Chaynaya, a restaurant not far from the Suzdal Kremlin.

The reason was that a Chinese couple Zhang Feng met on the road recommended it and said that the dishes in the store were unique. This rekindled Zhang Feng's hope for Russian food. However, after tasting pancakes and cabbage, Zhang Feng After the soup and mushroom dishes, Zhang Feng didn't think there was anything particularly worth recommending, but he didn't lower the quality of the food again.

The night in Suzdal comes earlier than in the city, and there are not many pedestrians on the wet road under the night.Lying on a warm hotel bed, Zhang Feng released the videos recorded along the way, and answered some fans' questions, mostly asking Zhang Feng to start the live broadcast. Bo Rhythm, it can be regarded as dodging, after dealing with the fans, Zhang Feng began to inquire about the way to go to Yaroslavl the next day.

Needless to say, Zhang Feng clearly knew that this would be the most difficult part of my trip.Yaroslavl is a city on the Volga River. Compared with Moscow, or even Suzdal, it is more niche and has a lower language popularity.However, Suzdal to Yaroslavl seems to have very few direct trains, and there are very few trains.As shown on a website that inquires about Russian intercity buses, there are only two direct buses between these two cities a day: one at [-]:[-] in the morning—obviously, Zhang Feng still needs some time to visit Suzdal; Another trip left at [-]:[-] pm and arrived in Yaroslavl at [-]:[-] pm - which didn't seem ideal either.

However, it seems that there are many buses between the two cities in Ivanovo, which is not far from the two cities.

Zhang Feng does not know what the road ahead is.I can only sleep with expectations.

In a trance, with sleepy eyes, I saw the wet window, and I was not interested in going out.Lie down again, and slowly adapt to the jet lag.After lying down for a while, Zhang Feng still decided to go out for a walk.

The streets are still desolate surrounded by the cold wind, and naturally there are not many people walking through the cold weather wrapped in thick clothes.

Even if the weather is bad, it is still easy to be surrounded by a kind of bleakness and tenderness that blends with time.Zhang Feng wanted to forget the time and imagined himself as a passerby who traveled to a hidden town in Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, as if he had passed away.

Perhaps because of his mentality, Zhang Feng met a restaurant in Suzdal, which he personally felt was very good, and he had to recommend it, Харчевня.This is a Russian restaurant located in the center of уЛЛЕНИНА, but it seems to focus more on rural cuisine.

For the cold dish, Zhang Feng still ordered herring, mixed broth for the starter, and crock pot lamb for the main course.Every dish is delicious, and the characteristics of earth cold and oily are again very obvious.

Zhang Feng stood on the path beside the majestic city wall of St. Eusimius the Savior Monastery. In the green field of flowers on the other side of the Kamenka River, an exquisite white building grew in the open space in front of the sight like a snow lotus blooming in the distance. .It's the Abbey of Our Lady.

According to Zhang Feng's understanding, it is a nunnery.It was built in 1364 during the period of Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich of Suzdal, and the current appearance is a building of the 16th century. This monastery is one of the largest monasteries in ancient Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries.

It was once used to imprison Russian queens in history: in the 16th century, Ivan III's wife was left out due to infertility and was sent here to spend the rest of her life. Since then, Ivan IV and other Russian tsars have used this monastery to put them under house arrest and lose their favor. His wife, Peter the Great's first wife Yevdokia Lopushina was imprisoned here for 19 years.The women who have spent their lives here are finally resting here - more than 20 famous nuns are buried in the storage room of the cathedral.After the October Revolution, the monastery was banned, and there is a museum inside, which has been returned to the church in recent years.

Zhang Feng did not visit the interior in depth, but chose to watch from a distance by the Kamenka River.

Zhang Feng walked back to the hotel in the cold wind, and told the grandma of the hotel that Zhang Feng was going to Yaroslavl through Google Translator, and the grandma replied using the software that she could only go there if she changed trains in Ivanovo.Zhang Feng then troubled his grandma to call a taxi to Suzdal Bus Station.

At the Suzdal bus station, Zhang Feng showed the Russian name of Ivanovo to the ticket sales lady, who told Zhang Feng to wait aside and buy the ticket after the bus arrived.But at that time, Zhang Feng didn't really understand the meaning of the aunt. It happened that a Chinese boy who was studying in Russia happened to buy a ticket for Vladimir here, so with his help, Zhang Feng understood the intention of the aunt.

More than an hour later, the CMB stopped at Ivanovo Bus Station.Similarly, Zhang Feng showed the Russian name of Yaroslavl to the ticket sales sister.The ticket seller gave Zhang Feng a ticket for the fastest departure.

From Ivanovo to Yaroslavl was a medium-sized van with not many people in it. After more than an hour of turbulence, Zhang Feng arrived in Yaroslavl.

 ps: Thank you Mengxin for the reward of 9416 coins, thank you wn[-], and Shadow for the reward of [-] coins each, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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