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Chapter 325 The Seven Deadly Sins of Hell.

Chapter 325 The Seven Deadly Sins of Hell.

As the most mythical poet in the 13th century, Dante opposed the pope because he advocated freedom and was exiled by the church.But he became the beginning of the transition from the feudal Middle Ages to modern capitalism.

Virgil was an ancient Roman poet (70-19 BC), recognized as "one of the greatest poets in Rome". Among his three major works, the first two are idyllic poetry collections. "Eclogues" (Eclogues) and "Georgics" (Georgics), the third is that Octavian defeated all the enemies and became the first "Augustus" in Rome. Narrative poetry eulogizing the history of the Roman Empire: the epic poem Aeneid.This is another version of the birth of Rome: in the Trojan War, the Greeks defeated the Trojans, the Trojan prince Aeneid escaped, went through hardships and wandered around, and finally came to settle in Rome. The Trojans became the ancestors of the later Romans.This version is equally famous as "Two Children Raised by a She-Wolf Found Rome".Dante and him are separated by 1300 years, but Dante regards him as a teacher.

William Adolphe Bouguereau, a master of the aestheticist school of painting, mainly depicts fables, myths, and love, and likes to express tranquility and idealized happiness.

This painting changes Bouguereau's painting routine, using violent and vivid colors to express the seven deadly sins of hell - pride, jealousy, rage, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust.In the center of the picture are two criminals fighting each other. One of them grabbed the other's flank and bit his throat. This speaks of rage.Immediately behind them was a man lying on the ground, powerless, ignoring everything that was happening in front of him, which was laziness.And further away, the group of people depicts arrogance, jealousy, greed, gluttony and lust respectively.

Bouguereau's "Dante and Virgil in Hell" has changed from the soft and beautiful human body in the past. The muscles are drawn in great detail and the movements are exaggerated. It is one of the most tense pictures in Bouguereau's career. .The sinners in hell, with painful and hideous expressions, atone for the sins they committed during their lifetime, while Dante and Virgil watched silently, and Virgil blocked Dante with one hand, meaning not to interfere with them.Bouguereau arranged the order of the seven deadly sins in his heart in this way, the most taboo is rage, and then laziness, which is also in line with Bouguereau's character.Treat life with a calm mind and art with a diligent mind.Therefore, in most of his works, the themes are often relaxed and natural, peaceful and cheerful.If Bouguereau's life is a painting, then the painting "Dante and Virgil in Hell" is the most important contrasting color of Bouguereau's life painting, it is both Bouguereau and anti-Bouguereau .

The Seven Deadly Sins of Hell - Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony and Lust.So saying that hell is hidden in your heart, does it open the door to hell?The initiative is in your own hands!Do you allow the devil to come out and drag you into hell?The initiative is also in your own hands!Treat life with a calm attitude and approach career with a diligent attitude.
Next Zhang Feng saw the decadent Romans, done in 1847

By Thomas Coutil

In the majestic and orderly buildings built by the ancestors of Rome, the men and women of Rome began to live a life of indulging in wine and sex.Marble statues of the sages towered between the colossal Roman columns, with Gemanicuras at the center, representing a once-moral age.A drunk guy in the upper right even climbs up the statue in an attempt to get the stone to revel with himself.In the lower right corner, two Germans visiting from afar are watching with cold eyes. This decadent scene is a metaphor for the end of the Roman Empire in the hands of the Germans.History is indeed like this. The decline of the Roman Empire did not stem from the early militarism, but from the crimes and moral decline caused by the later prosperity and stability.

Zhang Feng’s impression of the academic works is a bit like Chinese New Year paintings, which are everywhere, and there are too many characters on the scene, which makes it difficult to see.Most of them have stories in them.No wonder, since the Middle Ages, those paintings were done for religious reasons.And what everyone thinks of as a master is just pretending in the eyes of the pope.

Continuing to walk, Zhang Feng came to a painting of a boy playing a piccolo.

Another thing to mention here is Édouard Manet (édouard Manet, 1832.01.23 - 1883.04.30), one of the founders of Impressionism in the 19th century. He was born in Paris, France in 1832.He has never participated in an Impressionist exhibition, but his innovative attitude towards artistic creation has deeply influenced emerging painters such as Monet, Cézanne, and Van Gogh, and then brought painting onto the road of modernism.Influenced by Japanese ukiyo-e and Spanish painting styles, Manet boldly adopted bright colors, abandoned the middle tones of traditional paintings, liberated painting from the traditional shackles of pursuing three-dimensional three-dimensional space, and moved towards two-dimensional two-dimensional creation A big revolutionary step.

Manet was born in Paris, his father was the chief judicial officer of the Ministry of the Interior.The parents wanted their son to study law or become a naval officer. The 16-year-old Manet worked as a trainee sailor on a ship bound for Brazil. The charm of nature during the journey deeply aroused his passion for depicting the beauty of nature with colors and lines.At the age of 18, he resolutely entered the studio of Paris classicist painter Thomas Coucher to study painting.After studying here for 6 years, he received strict training in basic painting skills and acquired solid modeling skills, but he was dissatisfied with classicism.During this period, he often went to the Louvre to observe the works of masters of the past, and traveled to Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium. With his independent opinions, he gained a truly fresh and solid artistic cultivation that was difficult to obtain in the studio.

Manet was well-educated and cultivated a gentlemanly style. He considered himself noble, passionate, unrestrained, and pursued independence and freedom. He opposed conservatism, sympathized with progress, maintained republicanism, and had a spontaneous revolutionary consciousness. At the age of 19, he participated in the revolutionary riots, and joined the National Self-Defense Force with Degas and Baziyi. The young painter Baziyi was killed in battle.His sympathy for the Paris Commune uprising and his election as a member of the Commune Artists Union were due to his loyalty to freedom and his romantic passion.When he turned his whole life and enthusiasm for freedom to art, he opened up a new era in painting. At the age of 29, Manet exhibited "Spanish Guitar Player" at the Salon, making his mark in the Paris painting circle.His paintings have the basis of classical modeling, but also have the overall expression of bright and vivid, light and color, and still maintain the sense of reality of the image.

(End of this chapter)

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