Global Food Tour

Chapter 311: A Plaza with Many Story Thieves!

Chapter 311: A Plaza with Many Story Thieves!
In the picture, Venice is depicted as a girl standing among the clouds, surrounded by the gods in mythology, accepting the laurel crown bestowed by the Goddess of Victory, while the God of Glory blows the horn of victory on one side.

Both works were painted in the late sixteenth century. Compared with the time when Venice got rich by relying on geographical advantages, Venice at this time has a different look.The Portuguese expeditions at the end of the fifteenth century ruined the good days of Venice for hundreds of years. Banks were closed, foreign merchant ships disappeared, and the bustling streets became cold.

However, the Venetians quickly found a new source of income. In 1497, when da Gama successfully crossed the Cape of Good Hope and sailed into the Indian Ocean, Venice began to accept a wandering nation—the Jews.By the first half of the sixteenth century, a Jewish ghetto had appeared in Venice. With the wisdom, hard work and wealth of the Jews, Venice saved itself.

Of course, she also paid a price for this: she offended Jiao=hui.

In fact, it has not been a day or two since Tian = Lord = Rendezvous has been unhappy with Venice.As early as the middle of the [-]th century, Ottoman Turkey destroyed Eastern Rome, and the Saint Sophia Grand Church of the Christian Church was transformed into a temple. Song section.

But this time, in order to get rid of the predicament, Venice invited the Jews into the house again.In the eyes of heaven=lord=jiao=hui, this kind of behavior without integrity is really tantamount to rebellion and should be punished.Therefore, in the attacking teams of the surrounding powers again and again, you can often see rendezvous.

However, Venice has always gone its own way, fighting wars when they should fight, and making peace when they should talk, and is not bound by any religious or secular beliefs.Since the middle of the sixteenth century, Venice has successfully transformed from a paradise for adventurers into a paradise for pleasure seekers. It has become a city of travelers, and the Venetians seem to have returned to their former prosperity.

The difference is that this time Venice is even more out of the ordinary.The paintings of the Doge's Palace are mainly divided into two categories of themes, one is like Tintoretto's "Paradise", which praises the glory of Venice in the name of Zong=jiao, and the other is like Veronese's "Triumph". Naked arrogance, gods and even saints are just a foil.Echoing the arrogance of the government, ordinary citizens also abandoned morality one after another and indulged in sensuality. Venice has spread far and wide as the city of pleasure.

In the empty hall of the Doge's Palace, there are surprisingly few tourists. I don't know whether it is because the expensive tickets have swept away the interest of the tourists, or most people are no longer interested in the former glory of Venice.Zhang Feng visited one by one calmly, followed the arrow and unknowingly entered a dark and narrow passage. Zhang Feng was looking down at the road, when the person next to him suddenly said to his companion: "Look outside, we are on the Bridge of Sighs .”

As soon as Zhang Feng raised his head, sure enough, through the flower window, the opposite bridge was surrounded by people looking at Zhang Feng and his side, and the passage where Zhang Feng was located was connected to the court of the Governor's Mansion at one end and the prison at the other end.

It was the first time in Zhang Feng's life that he walked into the prison. He was both curious and slightly uneasy.Each cell is like a stone cave dwelling, with a height of half a person and a flat dome. There are a lot of graffiti on the top of the wall, but unfortunately I can't read it.There was a row of torture rooms further ahead. Zhang Feng didn't go there because he was tired and had some mental disorders.Looking left and right at the same spot, I couldn't imagine how Casanova used only a small dagger to cut through such a thick stone wall.

After watching for a while, Zhang Feng walked out and came to the east side of St. Mark's Square again.Two of the pillars stand tall, one is the representative flying lion of Venice, and the other is the earliest patron saint of Venice, Theodore. They turned around again at the welcome entrance of the city of Venice, and carefully looked at the crowds that had grown up in the square. .

Seeing the beggars in the square, Zhang Feng thought of the beggars in Dubai earning 47 euros a month, and wondered if the beggars in Venice were so powerful.

As the capital of pleasure, the scenery of Venice continued for another 300 years.There are mainly two people who define this period of history: courtesan Veronica and lover San Casanova.

Veronica was active in the sixteenth century and was once called the most beautiful woman in the world.She is not only proficient in business, but also has a remarkable literary talent, comparable to Liu Rushi and others by the Qinhuai River back then.Victoria Beauty is good at marketing. She published a passionate collection of poems, and every fashionista has a copy, provoking King Henry III of France to climb mountains and rivers to court him.

The Weimei people readily agreed, and wrote poems to commemorate, and erotic poetry has led the trend of the times.Compared with Rome and Florence, in Venice during this period, body paintings were more open, religious paintings were more blasphemous, erotic poems were more rampant, and carnivals were more endless. Even the plague and war could not stop the Venetians Pleasure footsteps.

It was in this era that Venice gave birth to a rebel——Casanova.If Veronica opened the prelude to an era, then Casanova represents the end of that era.Born in Venice in the 100th century, Mr. Kaka is legendary not only for his romantic affairs with more than [-] beauties from all walks of life, but also for his miraculous escape from the Venetian prison for repeat offenders.

During his asylum abroad, he worked for the successor emperor and different governments. He represented Portugal in international peace conferences for a while, and went to the Netherlands on behalf of France for a while.His circle of friends is even more eye-catching. The list includes Zong Clement XIII, King Frederick II of Prussia, and Russian Empress Catherine II.

He is not only like a wizard who can perform magic, but also makes people doubt whether he is a spy. He is also engaged in financial speculation.In his later years, he lived in a small castle in Bohemia. While watching the ups and downs of his hometown, he spent the rest of his life writing autobiography.

Zhang Feng didn't know how he felt when he heard the French occupied Venice. He died in the second year when Venice lost its freedom.After his death, his autobiography was published, and that comprehensive memoir not only wrote a man's life, but also showed the final scene of Venice's doomsday carnival.As soon as this book was published, men all over the world lamented themselves as men, and more people came to Venice, wanting to pursue the traces of that contemporary Sodom.

After Zhang Feng finished shopping around, it was almost dusk, and the noise at noon was less in Piazza San Marco, and the pigeons also quieted down.Zhang Feng walked into the square again, stood in the center, and looked around.The church, the bell tower, and the cafe are silent under the cloud, just like a day in May 1797.On that day, as witnesses, they will never forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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