Global Food Tour

Chapter 309 Rebellious Venice!

Chapter 309 Rebellious Venice!
On a bridge, Zhang Feng lay on the railing and looked at the gondola in the river.The handsome boatmen are all wearing black and white striped sea soul shirts, standing on the pointed bow of the gondola.Gondola is the oldest small canoe in Venice, it is said to have a history of more than 1000 years.

Speaking of structure, the gondola structure is primitive and simple. The hull is all high-grade wood, painted with black paint seven times, all handmade, and the cost of one gondola is as high as 2 Euros.

Zhang Feng asked, and learned that the gondola was clearly priced at 80 euros for half an hour. Of course, it is a different matter when the business is not good.

Zhang Feng didn't experience it, because he planned to take a boat and go to the main island from another direction, and it was a bit uncomfortable to be a small gondola.

I found a suitable place, found a bigger boat, and boarded the boat with the lively crowd, but when I saw two people with sly eyebrows, Zhang Feng decisively carried the bag on his chest.

After sailing for more than 20 minutes, we finally landed on the main island again.The angle here is very good, the buildings I have seen in the painting appear in front of my eyes, and the doors and windows are closed tightly just like in the painting, and there is no sound, only the strange signboard left on the lintel under the window, allowing visitors to freely in the cold December wind framing.Zhang Feng heard the guide of a passing small tour group say that it is the off-season for tourism, and many residents are on vacation. This explains the little thing in Zhang Feng's heart. Now that there is an explanation, Zhang Feng is listless along the street. I understand it in my heart, and at the same time I am envious of these residents. Except for the occasional few days of long holidays in China, it is the Spring Festival, but the Spring Festival is still so troublesome, and it is a rare holiday.

After walking not far, Zhang Feng saw two white stone pillars standing on the shore, with the flying lions of St. Theodore and St. Mark on the tops, both of which are the patron saints of Venice.Since Venice is a city in the water, the city gate is also unique, symbolized by these two stone pillars, and all distinguished guests who come to Venice enter the city through the middle of the stone pillars.

Pass through the city gate, the left front is the library and the bell tower, and the right front is the Governor's Palace and St. Mark's Cathedral.The square in front of the main entrance of St. Mark's University Church is St. Mark's Square, which was once praised by Napoleon as "the most beautiful living room in Europe".

Contrary to Zhang Feng's imagination, there were no crowds of people in the square. Instead, huge pigeons dominated the main scene.Zhang Feng stopped in the middle of the square.

But the pigeons seemed to be on target, and rushed towards them one after another, making Zhang Feng unable to dodge.Soon Zhang Feng discovered that the pigeon would suddenly turn around the moment Zhang Feng thought it was about to touch him, and narrowly passed Zhang Feng, leaving behind a timid man with a panicked face, and went looking for a new target.

Zhang Feng was a little skeptical whether this unusual enthusiasm really expressed friendship.However, when a tour guide next to him mentioned this phenomenon, Zhang Feng understood it, and felt a little lost. Why didn't he come when there were many people?What the tour guide said was: "During the peak tourist season, the pigeons on the square often can't find a foothold, and some simply stop on the heads of tourists."

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng couldn't help but secretly apologize, he should be a competent tourist.

Come to St. Mark's Square. When Napoleon occupied Venice in the 18th century, he praised St. Mark's Square as the most beautiful living room in Europe.The brick St. Mark's Bell Tower on the square is a landmark of Venice. There is also the St. Mark's Church, which is mainly in Byzantine style and combines ancient Roman art, medieval Gothic art and other artistic styles.

St. Mark's Dajiao = Church is a must-see.Speaking of this Heaven=Lord=Jiaojiao= Church that enshrines Western saints, there are many mysteries.Jiao=Tang was first built in the ninth century AD. After several reconstructions and reconstructions, the current appearance is a combination of Romanesque arches, Gothic spires and Roman domes, plus gorgeous Baroque decorations. It not only reflects the historical changes of Western architecture, but also seems to imply contempt and ridicule for the intolerance of Zongjiao.

Silently counting the history of the West, Little Venice can be regarded as one of the few "rebels".The "rebellion" about Venice has a long history.The reason why Saint Marco was chosen by the Venetians as the god is that his remains are preserved in the church, but the origin of the remains is notoriously dishonorable: stolen.This is probably the earliest record of rebellion in Venice.

When Zhang Feng walked into St. Mark's University Hall, he felt as if time went back a thousand years, and he had the sense of sight of a European and American time-travel drama.The interior of the Jiao = Church is completely in the medieval Byzantine style: the walls, columns, and ceiling are covered with mosaics covered with gold leaf, and even the floor is also a detailed mosaic puzzle.The theme of the picture is nothing more than Christ = Christ, prophet = prophet and saint = man.However, the two large lecture halls in the nave of Jiao=tang are quite famous, one is used for Zong=jiao lectures, and the other is reserved for the governor.

Venice established a republic in AD 687 and produced its first governor, when it was still part of the Eastern Roman Empire.Under the leadership of the Doge, after nearly 300 years of hard work, Venice finally gained independence at the end of the 10th century.The Venetians have always been considered the least religious among the Italians. In the minds of the Venetians, they are Venetians first and Christians second.Therefore, the governor, who represents secular power, will occupy a place of honor in the spiritual landmark of St. Mark's Cathedral.

At that time, Venice faced the threat of foreign invasion. The governor stood in the lecture hall and announced that Venice would not surrender to anyone, whether it was the emperor, the king, or the emperor.Perhaps this is one of the main reasons why Venice was able to rise from a small fishing village where refugees gathered to become an important trading center in Europe in the [-]th century.

Most of the Jiao=Tangs that Zhang Feng has seen are Gothic. No matter whether they are Tian=Master=Jiao or Xin=Jiao, they are not particularly impressive.

I am ashamed to say that this prestigious St. Mark's Church also did not attract Zhang Feng's favor, especially the large piece of gold that shone with dim light, giving people a sense of distance from the world, which did not inspire Zhang Feng at all. The possibility of throwing yourself into the arms *** = the area at the rear right of the hall, there is a vertical fence, which says that you need to pay 2 euros for visiting.Zhang Feng searched online and found that the treasure inside was a golden sacrificial altar (Pala d'Oro), which was said to be dotted with more than 2000 precious gemstones.

Zhang Feng bought a ticket and walked in. Indeed, it is really luxurious. Although the stones are not as big as the one in the crazy stones, they are all high-quality gemstones, and they are all "crystal wall brilliance", which is very artistic. value, but can’t take pictures, so Zhang Feng had no choice but to give up. After looking around, Zhang Feng came out and continued his tour.

(End of this chapter)

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