Chapter 64
Xiao Jiu then asked: "This kind of perfunctory answer is really not like your style."

"I'm not trying to put you off, I really feel that he is suitable for all teams."

Han Ye said seriously: "This is the first time I have encountered such a player."

While they are discussing, the game begins.

The start was normal. Xiao Ke took Zhuang Zhou and followed Li Bai to take down Papa Lan. They said that they did not go to the opposite side to fight against the wild.

Now this season, there have been a lot of updates.

If the lineup is relatively strong, it is probably okay to go to the opposite field.

At this time, the minions in the middle lane have been weakened, and the position of the mage can be quickly upgraded by relying on the minions, and it will not waste too much time for support.

Then there is the competition of small wild monsters in the river on the middle road.

Liu Bei on the opposite side ran from the original confrontation line with his big gun, and took out the small wild monsters in the middle road and river.

It wasn't too fast at first.

Zhang Yi's Li Bai is already level [-], he is now going to the middle lane, and Ah Meng is taking pawns at this time, when he sees Zhang Yi go to the middle lane and start squatting, Milady sees everything.

But Shangguan Wan'er on the other side is still very witty, holding her brush to explore the grass, and she will not touch the grass.

Zhang Yi expressed his desire to evacuate, but at this time Shangguan Wan'er began to test the edge of the grass.

Zhang Yi said that this was a good time, and he threw the skill [Will Enter the Wine] to rush up, but Ameng's reaction was still very fast. As soon as Li Bai rushed in front of him, he threw away the flash and ran under his own defense tower.

Then a large brush is thrown in an S-shaped line.

Zhang Yi said that he didn't squat down, so he had to avoid the skills, and then went to the jungle again.

At this time, they have to fight for the tyrant.

"Open now!"

Zhang Yi's skill [Will Entering Wine] two consecutive dashes, and when he goes up, he will kill the tyrant, and Master Lu Ban on the opposite side is walking next to the tyrant.

At this time Genghis Khan came over, Zhang Yi reacted quickly, throwing the second skill [The Pen of God] can slow down the damage to Genghis Khan, and at the same time he cannot be selected and will not be hurt.

Genghis Khan is under attack.

Because of the crispy skin, the blood volume dropped instantly, and their assistant class master started to lose the skill [assistant rush] to pull out Genghis Khan, and then stunned Milady, the skill could not be released in time, and then Jiang

At this time, He threw away his skills to start the battle and began to evacuate.

The mage Shangguan Wan'er threw away her skills as a cover to ensure the safe evacuation of her teammates.

Before Liu Bei arrived, this wave of small team battles was over.

P GD The crocodile can't grab the tyrant now, so Zhang Yi took down the tyrant, which is considered to have mastered the rhythm of the beginning.

Then there will be no big fluctuations in the game.

What Zhang Yi is learning now is the idea of ​​the game passed by the opponent, as long as something feels wrong, he will go to catch the shooter.

However, Jiang He was quite astute, he was caught several times and was only caught to death once, but it was only because of his death that Yinuo seized the opportunity.

The economy is slowly accumulating.

The confrontation between Liu Bei and Hua Mulan was quite fierce, but it was obvious that Liu Bei on the opposite side was sanctioned by Hua Mulan. Liu Bei, who can only deal with output with a close face, met the hero Hua Mulan who had more control, and he was really powerless.

Xiao Liu said that just throw skills out, if you can get it, I will count as a loser.

Because of Zhuang Zhou's good frankness and control ability, cooperating with Zhang Yi will directly push down one of the opposite top towers.

The mirror said that the economy gave Genghis Khan a chance to develop clothes.

The game lasted 8 minutes.

Liu Bei and Hua Mulan were still competing on the confrontation route, Zhang Yi came back to support, ready to go to the confrontation route to grasp the situation at a higher level.

But before he got to the route, he encountered a mirror!

Shangguan Wan'er, a mage, also came here, but Xiaoxiao didn't delay, and came up with her own Milady.

The mirror seems to be nearby, but dare not come out, is this threatening Zhang Yi?

Then Zhang Yi simply stood still, as if waiting for something.

At this point the commentator expressed doubts.

"Why did Li Bai stop moving?"

"Jing didn't seem to choose to shoot directly, he was waiting for support."

"Yishen chose to stay where he is, presumably to let the mirror reveal his vision first. This is fishing."

"But the mirror doesn't seem to be hooked, and the morning mist is still quite stable."

At this time, Chen Wu also expressed his doubts, why didn't this Li Bai operate?

He was always confused by Zhang Yi's position and thoughts, but he chose to hold on, because he had suffered from fishing.

Two seconds!
Li Bai stayed in one position for a full two seconds, which is enough to be given by others in the ever-changing arena.


When Chen Wu was about to launch an attack, Li Bai suddenly started to move, and he even took the initiative to find Jing.

Morning Mist said it was confusing and started to back off.

【will drink】

"Will be drinking, don't stop drinking!"

It is directly a displacement that hits the mirror for output.

Han Ye was startled again this time, and jumped up from his seat.

"He actually knows where the mirror is!"

"Go jumping with no vision?"

"It really feels like wearing a see-through hanging!"

At this time, Xiao Jiu's expression was surprised: "What's the situation? The direct advance of this skill means that you already know the mirror's position!"

"not like this."

Han Ye continued: "Just now the mirror saw that Li Bai stayed where he was and did not rush up to output, but chose to retreat, but Li Bai hadn't moved yet, and when the mirror wanted to go up, Li Bai had already predicted the range of the mirror."

"Could it be that he chose to stay where he was looking for the mirror's position?"


Xiaojiu expressed disbelief and said, "The position of the mirror can be found, but it took only two seconds to find it?"

"Is this really mysterious confidence?"

At this time, the teammates who came to support were already in place.

It's still the old saying that the game is really changing rapidly.

Chen Wu said that he has completely surrendered to Zhang Yi Q
He couldn't believe how Li Bai found his position in just two seconds

.It's completely as if you can see everything in the grass.

The quick-fix group station is really interesting.

IG exchanged one head for three heads this time, and Zhang Yi lost Li Bai.

Together with Hua Mulan, Milady takes down the Master.

But it seems that there are not many leading players, because the gap in this round has not been completely widened.

Nearly 10 minutes later, a new round of tyrants is about to join the battlefield. At this time, Hua Mulan, Liu Bei, and the two people in the shooter position are constantly fighting, but it seems that no one can take the other.

At this time, there was a gap in the economy of the two junglers, Jing and Li Baizhi, but it didn't pull very far.

Then, Papa Lan, who each took away their own families, went to the middle lane together and started squatting.

The grass is also evenly distributed, with each person squatting.

If you want to squat, you must have enough patience.

If the other side doesn't come out, I won't come out, and if the other side comes out, then I will go up.

(End of this chapter)

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