Chapter 35 Choosing a Hero
IG training camp.

Seeing that they had banned Mark directly, several people looked at each other and then towards PPC.

PPC expressed a little helplessness.

PGD ​​banned Mark to be honest, it is quite normal.

In the voice of the group chat.

PPC said: "Qiufeng Xiaoxiao, are the rest of your archers proficient?"

He had already made some preparations in his heart. If Zhang Yi didn't reply in time, he would be arranged to play in the jungle and Yinuo to play as a shooter.

"To be honest, my Gongsunli is doing well."

Mark was banned at the beginning, and Zhang Yi directly filled up Ah Li's proficiency after doing it.

In fact, he had already guessed that Mark would not be available.

Even if it is obtained here, it still cannot be used in the future.

In such a game, there are no repeated heroes.

PPC thought for a while, and said decisively: "Then let's go directly to the mode of starting a group at any time."

The process of banning heroes is not over yet.

IG also banned Guan Yu. If you want to play a mode that can start a group randomly, first ban Guan Yu, a fast support hero, and PGD banned the master of the class.

Xiao Jiu said directly: "PGD has banned the most popular assistant, Master Luban."

"This support is indeed quite popular now." Han Ye continued.

"Yes, the master is very strong now."

"It's really impossible to guess what kind of team they will form."

The IG training camp started to choose heroes.

"Choose A Li?"

Xiao Jiu was taken aback for a moment, and then continued: "In this game, Yinuo is probably going to play AD. Yinuo is better at playing A Li. The current situation should be that Yinuo is playing shooter."

"It seems that IG wants to protect the shooter."

"There is one thing to say, this kind of pig raising flow, the economy of the shooter will be very high."

"Tsk tsk." Han Ye said disappointedly: "It seems that Qiufeng Xiaoxiao is really going to retire directly. I thought he would get the mark."


"Don't panic at all, we will probably see Mark again later."

Then PGD Crocodile chose Zhang Fei and Na Ke Lulu.

The IG picks.


Big Joe and Ziqi!
"The system of quickly starting a group!" Xiao Jiu said a little surprised: "Is this the system of Yinuo and Xiaoke?"

"Bai Qi probably got it from Xiao Jiu."

"I have known for a long time that Xiao Liu doesn't like to play side tanks, but if he wants to do this, he will have a more fleshy influence on the road."

"What do you think, old coach Han Ye?"

Han Ye was stunned for a while, and said:
"To be honest, I just want to see Qiufeng Xiaoxiao get Mark."

Xiao Jiu was speechless for a moment
"Ahem, just kidding."

Han Ye looked at A Li: "If we choose Da Qiao and Gong Sun Li, it will be very interesting."

"I'm looking forward to it." Xiao Jiu rubbed her hands.

"As we all know, Ali Gaqiao, as long as he cooperates enough, he can actually play very well."

"Now everyone can see that IG is very smart. After the opponent banned Mark, they banned Guan Yu and Dunshan, so Da Qiao will have no restrictions."

"Hiss," Han Ye began to say, "I feel that PGD will produce a Xi Shi, and if Xi Shi is not used to control it, then it must have a brain."

Just finished.

On the third floor of PGD, Shih Tzu was chosen.

Everyone in Xi Shi understands that when Da Qiao's second skill returns to the city, Xi Shi will pull people.

Professional players pay attention to heroes restraining each other.

Xiao Jiu also expressed his affirmation.

"Xi Shi is really good. Not only can he control people, but he can also limit IG's field of vision detection."

"Let's think about it, IG will ban Di Renjie next. After all, Di Renjie can maintain Ah Li's development."

"Yes, I think what Xiao Jiu said is right, if you don't take Di Renjie, you're not awake."

Before the words fell, IG banned Di Renjie.

This makes it obvious that each commentator is very familiar with the mechanics of the game, and is very accurate in guessing banned heroes.

At this time, in the group chat of IG.

PPC said very worriedly: "We are fighting this game, and the opponent has Shih Tzu, which will test the cooperation between the shooter and the support to the greatest extent."

"Don't worry."

Zhang Yi said confidently: "Just be careful not to take advantage of her skills."

This is true, but PPC still wants to say something.

What do you mean if you don't get skills?
Your opponent is PG D Crocodile. It would be fine to say that in an ordinary passer-by match, but at this time you are facing a professional player. Who will give you the confidence?
But if he came out, it would depress morale a little, so I had to complain silently in my heart.

Yinuo thought for a while, then looked at PPC: "The jungler in this game probably won't be very advantageous, why don't you choose Zhu Bajie to cooperate with?"

"It's useless."

In the current situation, it would be best to take Zhu Bajie, but their game plan has already been set.

Expand a lineup with two C positions with the highest economy!

Nowadays, professional leagues don't really like the mode of only one C position. If the lineup is selected according to the previous game method, then they will only be screened out, and some changes must be made.

They want to pull Zhang Yi recently.

That's because he can occupy two C positions just like Yinuo.

"OK then."

Yinuo said that he didn't feel a little bit, because his favorite is the jungler. If he is asked to eat money, he is really not used to it.

Then Zhu Bajie was banned.

If I don't use it, I won't give it to the other side, because this pig is really disgusting.

The part of banning heroes is over, and there are only two people left.

IG took Ganjiang Moxie and Juzi.

"Hey, everyone can see that IG got the hero Mo Xie this time." Xiaojiu said after a while: "In IG's fast group start mode, it is probably going to be highly output. Even the wage earners laughed. Laughing, I got the general Mo Xie."

"Haha" Han Ye smiled and said, "I still feel that General Mo Xie is just replenishing residual blood."

"His claws are really long, suitable for replenishing residual blood."

"If you don't say it, I'll forget it. The smiling general Mo Xie is more accurate, but I'm a little confused about Juzi. Why is there another jungler?"

During the dialogue between the two, PDG also chose.

Archers are descendants.

It turned out to be crazy iron on the road.

"That's pretty cool."

Xiao Jiu sighed: "PGD actually took a descendant, this hero is really rare, one has no displacement, the other has displacement, emmm"

"It's too exaggerated to be a descendant!" Han Ye frowned a little.

"To be honest, it's not surprising that the descendants were weakened after last season. To be honest, this hero is indeed relatively rare in the professional league, but his winning rate is not generally high."

I have to say that the damage done by the Descendants is really powerful, even though there is almost no position or movement on the surface. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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