Chapter 15 Canyon Ripper!
Zhang Yi also clicked on the profile of the crying little loli, and it doesn't look like a trumpet, and the whale level is actually over 5!
"Hey, thank you again for the super hot crybaby girl!" Zhang Yi smiled like a flower blooming

"Thank you everyone for the gifts and for coming to watch my live broadcast, but consumption should be moderate."

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, there were more bullet screens in the live broadcast room!
"Does a rich woman lack a boyfriend? I look better than the anchor."

"The anchor means please continue, don't stop!"

"I have to say that my elder brother Zhang's looks are really good!"

"Is the rich woman a tank? I want to press F."

After the first shot, everyone seemed to have forgotten that the two major clubs invited Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi also didn't forget to get a housekeeper for the little girl who loves to cry.

For my brother Zhang, giving gifts is actually as much as you want, and you don’t force it. You have never been fooled, and minors give gifts!
Drop drop drop~
Suddenly the QQ on the computer beeps,
"Are you there?"

It was sent by a cute and cute avatar character, it should be a girl, but the note is a dog son!
“1 1 1 o “

"I lost, when did you become so powerful, is there something wrong?"

Zhang Yi also replied: "Hang on with a hammer, do I have real strength?"

"You didn't even bother with the invitation from EX and Chaohui. What do you think?" Gouzi asked.

"I haven't decided which team to go to." Zhang Yi replied.

"Forget it, take me to the top first!" Gouzi sent an invitation directly.

"I'll change to a smaller account later." Zhang Yi also declined and replied.

The tuba is still reserved for the peak game at night, so you can't waste your time on this!
As soon as Zhang Yi joined the trumpet, he received an invitation and immediately agreed.

As soon as I entered the room, I heard a bohemian voice.

"I lost it, have you taken any medicine recently? You are unmoved by the invitations from the two major clubs.

!” said a mean voice.

"Hurry up and watch Dad take you flying." Zhang Yi also replied with a smile.

Of course he is not Zhang Yi's son, he is also an anchor on Whale Platform, his name is Liangren
The strength is similar to that of Zhang Yi before, with a cheerful personality and a different style from the live broadcast, he has become a not-so-small anchor in the Glory of Kings section.

One is a big anchor, and the other is a small anchor who even has a problem eating. Originally, they would never have any intersections in their lives, but their chance encounter came from an epic confrontation in the middle of the night!

The two of them, both turned into Ritual Horsemen in the Canyon, kept cursing that the game was over. The two of them didn't feel that they had enough fun, so they added WeChat after the game and started a new round of battle!After going back and forth, the two actually scolded their feelings.Often duo together.

"Isn't this the good-for-nothing guy?"

"Today's rank, tomorrow's goal? Reversely rush to No. 1?"

"The anchor don't play with her, he's too bad!"

"The newcomer doesn't know, the anchor often doubles with him!"

"What should I do? Your fathers all sent me messages telling me not to let me take you up to cheat people." Zhang Yi looked at the barrage and said.

"Dad???" Liang Ren looked puzzled.

"Aren't I your father? The people in my live broadcast room are of course your father. They think you are too stupid, otherwise they will take you up there." Zhang Yi explained.

"I'm cheating? I'll let you see what it is, killing a person in ten steps, not staying behind for thousands of miles, killing people in the world of mortals, and getting out of the white smoke."

Both of them were talking nonsense.

The game match is completed, enter the game.

When it came time to deal with heroes, Diao Chan was directly dealt with on the opposite side.

"I lost it, he dared to ban my Diao Chan, and I'll punch out all the shit on the fourth floor opposite!" Liang Ren said arrogantly.

"Haha, what's the difference? You said it as if you knew how to play!" Zhang Yi also replied with a smile.After speaking, he banned Guiguzi with his backhand.

Zhang Yi went directly to preselect Mark, but the first floor didn't seem to see it, and directly locked on Sun Shangxiang, which made Zhang Yi very speechless, which was good, and the second floor didn't say much, and directly chose Princess Yaoyao.

"Are you sick? Zhang Fei Niumo won't take it. Go get a fw Yao?"

The opponent chose a top laner named Kuang Tie.

After Liangren finished speaking, he didn't stay idle, so he went up and sprayed: "Do you like being a bastard so much?"

After finishing speaking, he was still not relieved and said: "Playing Yao, is it for your convenience, to collect the corpse?"

At this time, the live broadcast room is boiling again!

"With all due respect, Yao, the hero, is just a fw."

"There is no fw hero, only a fw summoner!"

"Let's play Yao, kiss me and bury me!"

"Oh, they are all big warm men!"

"Why hasn't the hero Yao been deleted?"

"I can't start a group, just a small shield, and it will fall off when I touch it. There is no more FW hero than this!"

"Let him turn on the mic and teach him well!"

The live broadcast also started to argue with Princess Yaoyao. Princess Yaoyao has been called a soft assistant or a bastard since she came out!
But Zhang Yi also saw it, but he didn't say it, and he didn't express his own point of view!

Liang Ren also chose Wang Zhaojun after he finished speaking. This version of Wang Zhaojun is quite good, with simple skills, more controls, and a built-in shield. It is a good choice in the functional mid laner!

Zhang Yi was a little hesitant, the shooter was robbed, what did he play, looked at his points, and decided to exchange for a hero.

Or choose a jungler.

Monkey, Zhao Yun, Pei Qinhu, Yun Zhongjun, Jing Ke, Han Xin.

At this time, Zhang Yi fell into confusion again. First of all, he did not consider the monkey. In the high-end game, the monkey will basically die if he enters.In high-end games, the appearance rate is not high. The monkey's critical attack relies too much on face. In the later stage, it is very weak without a big move. After much thought, I decided to choose Yunzhongjun. This hero has a good rhythm in the early stage and can basically control the overall situation. It is a good choice. The trumpet I am playing now is also relatively simple!

A cool feeling poured in from the top of the head, unlocking Yun Zhongjun's big treasure!

"6 6 6 6"

"The anchor took Yun Zhongjun."

"Other people's Yunzhongjun is like a big roc spreading its wings, and the anchor's Yunzhongjun is like a chicken eating rice."

"Brother Zhang is no longer the same Brother Zhang, okay?"

"Brother Zhang, show them off?"

"Princess Yaoyao cooperates with Yun Zhongjun, is this what the host means?"

At this time, a huge barrage appeared on the live broadcast. Come on, the host, Yun Zhongjun is a warm man!

"No problem, I'll show little Lolita what it means to spread the wings of a roc and dive nine days!"

"The anchor actually started interacting?"

"Even Brother Zhang has started to interact, my youth is over!"

"Tm, your youth is ending every day, right?"

"Brother Zhang is so cold!"

"Brother Zhang, go ahead and catch them!"

"Haha, it's not that I don't want to interact with you, it's because your font is too small for me to see!" Zhang Yi replied with a smile.

"Unblocked, unblocked. Brother Zhang is now a big anchor."

"Brother Zhang, you have changed. My youth is over."

"Let's go, let's go, the anchors are looking down on you."

(End of this chapter)

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