Get the trap system at the beginning and unify the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 39 I want to be the team leader (2 in 1 chapter)

Chapter 39 I want to be the team leader (two chapters in one)
"I thought it would be no surprise that someone would come out to look for me, beat me, or scold me." Gao Shun paused and continued, "I saw them. They had white gauze wrapped around their heads."

Gao Shun saw it right away. Among the crowd, on one side were people who were chatting with their relatives, and on the other side were relatives of the soldiers who died in battle. They were very conspicuous.

There were probably dozens of them, men and women, old and young, standing aside with white gauze wrapped around their heads, looking at him from afar.

He knew who those people were and why he looked at him, not approaching him.

Maybe it was because his status as a general made them feel scared, but more because they knew in their hearts that no matter how resentful they were, they could not let their relatives come back.

"No." Zhang Cai was silent for a moment, and explained: "When they first saw...the dead bodies of their relatives, they would be a little angry and irrational, but they knew clearly in their hearts, like a mirror.

When they have relatives who go to the army, this thing is inevitable. "


Gao Shun shook his head and let out a long sigh.

Most of the relatives of the fallen soldiers missed their loved ones, so they came to look around, wondering if they could find any familiar faces in the crowd.

However, death is death, and no matter how much you think about it, you can't bring the dead back to life.

He is not a person of this era. He only learned about it from the Internet before, but now he has experienced it himself and realized the cruelty of war.

He is alone, so he doesn't have to worry about this, but his brothers and his subordinates all have parents and children.

You can imagine how sad and devastated the parents will be when they see their son, the wife sees her husband, and the children see the body of their father.

Countless innocent people left their homes, their wives were separated, and their families were destroyed. These are the consequences of the war.

Naturally, he didn't want to start a fight. If he could, he didn't want to fight this battle now. If there was a fight, people would die. He didn't want to see people he knew die.

But it's not up to him to decide.

If he travels to other dynasties, as long as he avoids those major historical turning points and concentrates on being a "Wen Chaogong", he will be safe and sound, and there is no need to consider these.

But in the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, there were many wars. If he didn't destroy others, others would destroy him.

People in the arena involuntarily.

There were thousands of thoughts, but in the end it just turned into a sigh.


Several hours later, the trap camp had reached the foot of Yuyang Mountain.

At this time, the sky had not yet completely darkened, so Gao Shun looked around after ordering a rest.

Compared with Siping Mountain where the Black Mountain Village is located, Yuyang Mountain is much worse. Not only is it much shorter, the mountain is not steep, and Gao Shun can even see a vague road leading directly to the mountainside.

"General, when will you go up the mountain?" Zhang Cai moved to Gao Shun's side.

"It's not urgent." Gao Shun thought for a moment, and said: "They are prepared now, but the night attack must have the upper hand, and we will go up in the middle of the night.

By the way, send two teams to explore the path, don't go too far up. "

"Yes." Zhang Cai replied, and then went to make arrangements.

Gao Shun continued to look at Yu Yangshan and shook his head.

Yuyang Mountain is not suitable for bandits to set up a stronghold at all. The terrain is too flat, making it easy to attack and difficult to defend. It is strange to have one stronghold, but I didn't expect there to be two.

It seems that these two bandit leaders have bad brains, so it's no wonder that they haven't developed much, Gao Shun said contemptuously, and at the same time he sighed in his heart.

This kind of bandits, only a few hundred young and strong, can live freely on the mountain for several years, and there is no official army to suppress the bandits, which shows how corrupt the government has become.

You have to look at yourself to suppress bandits.

Gao Shun thought for a while, and like other soldiers, he sat cross-legged on the ground, planning to eat something, but saw a familiar figure sitting alone not far away, so he got up and walked over.

"Boy, how do you feel?" Gao Shun patted Jin Yu's shoulder, sat beside him, and took out a pancake.

Just when I was about to start eating, I found a sound coming from nearby, a bit like... the sound of my stomach growling.

Only then did he realize that Jin Yu didn't add food like the others, but just sat there blankly.

"Where's your pancake?"

"No." Jin Yu said sullenly.

"Damn! Vice-Tong Zhang personally arranged the logistics, and he personally asked about every order. How could there be a mistake?" Gao Shun frowned, and said sternly, "It's hidden?"

"No." Jin Yu bowed his head: "I gave it to someone."

"Give it to someone?" Gao Shun seemed to have thought of something, and his voice softened a lot: "Give it to Jin Yuan's parents?"

It seems that there is such a choice, Zhang Cai told him that Jin Yu's parents are gone long ago, his relatives are only Jin Yuan's family, and Gao Shun can only think of Jin Yuan's parents.

And in the town just now, he also saw Jin Yu with two old people, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Yeah." Jin Yu still didn't look up, and said sullenly.

"Aren't you hungry if you don't eat? The war is about to begin." Gao Shun handed him the pancake in his hand: "Eat it."

"General..." Jin Yu shook his head.

"Why, do you still hate me for scolding you before? A man, you can't just have a little stomach, otherwise how can you make a big deal?" Gao Shun joked.

"No, I forgot it a long time ago. I know the general is good to me." Jin Yu raised his head, his eyes flickering: "I'm afraid the general will run out of food."

"Take it, I still have more." Seeing Jin Yu's hesitation, Gao Shun wanted to laugh.

The child was so hungry that he didn't take it. He thought Jin Yu had a small stomach, but he didn't expect it to be because of this.

"Thank you General."

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Jin Yu immediately took the pancakes, gobbled them up, and insisted on eating the pancakes like a big meal, and poured a mouthful of cold water from time to time.

"How about it, are you afraid this time?" Gao Shun broke off a piece of cake, chewed it in his mouth, and said vaguely.

"Don't be afraid."

"Really not afraid?"

"Really." Jin Yu nodded hard, swallowed hard, and then said: "This kind of thing is only scary for the first time. I'm not afraid anymore."

"So, I underestimated you?"

Jin Yu scratched his head and laughed a few times: "General, how can you be the team leader?"

"Why, do you want to be an official? Do you want to teach someone a lesson?" Gao Shun asked curiously.

"Neither, Brother Ayuan wanted me to be." Jin Yu looked up at the sky, his eyes full of memories: "Last night, Brother Ayuan entrusted me with a dream, asking me to be a promising person, don't be a Soft egg, counselor, deserter.

I asked him what it takes to be promising, and he said that at least he had to be a small team leader, with eight or nine people under his command, and he was considered promising. "

Jin Yu suddenly started rambling, like an elderly man introducing his proud son to others.

"Brother Ayuan didn't become a squad leader before, because he didn't like to be in the limelight, if he wanted to be, he must be an official.

People in our village like to play with Tan Liuge, but Tan Liuge sometimes listens to Ayuan, regardless of his young age.

Brother Ayuan has always disliked being in the limelight, just like me.

There is a girl in our village who likes him. That girl’s family owns a butcher’s shop, and we all said that he would cut in the door. As a door-to-door son-in-law, he would definitely be able to eat meat every day.

But he just said he didn't like her. The girl convinced her family and they all came to propose marriage. He was unhappy and refused.

Everyone said that Jin Yu had high vision and wanted to go to the daughter of a wealthy family in the city, but he didn't refute it. After a long time, no one was willing to propose a kiss to him.

But brother Ayuan is lying, in fact I know he likes that girl.

He was afraid that he would not be good enough for him, and that he would live a hard life with him.Later, the girl got married, and I saw Brother Ayuan shed tears all night.

I just lay on the bed with the windows open and my eyes closed. By the moonlight, I could see the tears streaming down Brother Ayuan's face, and the pillow was wet.

But the next day, he went to work in the field like a normal person.

Later I asked Brother Ah Yuan why I didn't agree when I saw him cry.

He was working, and when he heard my words, he shook his head, saying that he has eaten meat since he was a child, how could he eat chaff and vegetables with him?

After finishing speaking, I saw another tear flow down. "

Jin Yu paused, and then said:

"Brother Ayuan is such a person, he is good to his relatives.

Whatever delicious food was available at home, he would save it for his parents and never bear to eat it himself.

Brother Ayuan's elder brother wanted to marry a wife, but he didn't have enough money, so he took out the money he had saved.

I have no parents, and I grew up eating a variety of meals, among which I ate the most meals from Brother Ayuan's.

Usually when someone bullies me, it is Brother Ayuan who calls back for me.

This time he asked me to be an official and told me not to be useless, so I should not be useless and be brave. "

"General." Jin Yu looked at Gao Shun with determination that didn't match his age: "I've already learned martial arts from Tan Liuge, and when I make meritorious service, you can let me be the team leader, okay?"

Seeing that Gao Shun didn't answer, Jin Yu became anxious, thinking that he didn't believe in himself, pulled Gao Shun's sleeve, and hurriedly said: "I guarantee that I can manage well..."

"Okay, after you have made meritorious service, I will let you be the team leader."

Gao Shun was still immersed in Jin Yu's description of Jin Yuan, and suddenly felt that someone was pulling him. When he came back to his senses, he saw Jin Yu's hopeful gaze, pursed his lips, and said, "When the battle is over, go talk to Tai Shi Captain Haoda learns martial arts, but Tan Liu can't.

When did you kill ten enemies, when will I make you the team leader!no sooner said than done. "

"What about the squadron leader?" Jin Yu asked hastily.

"You haven't become the captain yet, but you want to be the captain? And Jin Yuan didn't say that the captain is good for you?" Gao Shun said with a smile.

"Brother Ayuan said so, but I want to be more promising." Jin Yu raised his head stubbornly and said.

"Then when you become the squad leader, I will tell you the conditions of the squadron leader."


"I am a general, how can I still lie to you? It's a deal!"


The two teams were fully armed, and they walked up the mountain little by little, but they didn't hide their whereabouts too much, so they were naturally noticed.

"Say it again, how many people?" Lin Yi looked in disbelief, looking at the subordinates who ran over to report the news.

"Seven,800 people max."

"Are you sure there are really seven or eight hundred people?"

"I promise I'm not mistaken, Master, although I haven't attended a private school, I can still count." The subordinates vowed.

Lin Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and lay down on the chair. His subordinates should not dare to lie to him, and he repeatedly confirmed that it was just for safety.

I didn't expect that the old fox would take care of it. I didn't expect that these officers and soldiers would be so corrupt.

Now it is completely relaxed, and said: "The third child..."

Just wanted to ask Fang San's opinion, but found that Fang San had already been locked up by him, so he changed his words: "Second brother, what do you think?"

The second child is named Wen Yu, who was promoted by him half a year ago. The second head who was trusted by him before died of illness, and now Wen Yu's status in his heart is not as good as that of Fang San.

Wen Yu is a short, fat man with a round head and a round brain. He looks very blessed, and he doesn't look like a bandit.

A few days ago, Lin Yi and Qiu Le were discussing in Juyi Hall. He was also present, but he didn't dare to speak out. Now he naturally knows what Lin Yi wants to hear.

Hearing Lin Yi's question, he chuckled and said, "Most of the seven to eight hundred people will not be able to go up the mountain, so it should just be a perfunctory one.

Even if we go up the mountain, at most half of them will come to us, and there are only three to four hundred people, and we have more than 400 strong men, which is not much different.

And we are still prepared, and we are familiar with the environment, so we definitely can't suffer. "

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You still think too simply. What if all their troops come to us?"

"This kind of possibility is not big." Wen Yu hesitated.

"What if there is? In this way, continue to send the quick-legged people to squat at the bottom of the mountain. The direction of Qiu's village is different from ours. If they divide their troops or not, they will report immediately.

If they divide their troops, that's no problem, just deal with it; if they don't divide their troops, they will lead people to evacuate immediately. "

"Yes." Wen Yu nodded again and again, and then flattered... "The master is really thoughtful and clever..."

"Get rolling." Although Lin Yi sounded comfortable in his heart, he had an impatient look on his face.

Seeing Wen Yu leaving with a smile, and his subordinates also retreating, Lin Yi heaved a long sigh.

Wen Yu's ability really made him worry, and he had to go and tell him in person later.

This person has no other skills other than flattering him to please him.If it weren't for the fact that there was no one under his command, the position of second master would not have fallen to him at all.

There was originally another Fang San, but because Fang San had lost Qiu Le's face and made him feel ugly, he was determined to teach Fang San a lesson and imprison him for ten days and eight days.

This has also led to the fact that no one is using it now, and Wen Yu can only be allowed to do these things.

But fortunately, the matter wasn't too dangerous this time, and he worked a little harder, so he could arrange it well.

"After this encirclement and suppression, we can expand our strength." Lin Yi murmured.

That old man Qiu Le had wanted to merge him a long time ago, so he must have hidden some private goods this time and didn't tell himself.

When I get through this difficult time, I must give him a good look.

It's best for the officers and soldiers to wipe him out directly!Lin Yi thought hard in his heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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