Chapter 180
"Let them handle it themselves, there's no need to bother me with such a trivial matter." Hualiang, who had just worked, was already a little tired, so how could he care about such things?Just let your subordinates handle it.

As for how to deal with it?Of course it was to kill people to silence him, or wait for them to go down the mountain and report to the government to send someone to beat him?

The guard on one side hesitated, thought for a moment, and then gritted his teeth and said, "That man seems to be a scholar, and he keeps shouting that he has something important to report."

Hua Liang frowned, he was too lazy to care about this, but since the guard said it, he would just see it, there was nothing to lose anyway.

With such a heart in mind, Hua Liang went to meet him.

It was still in a room, but this room was a bit rudimentary, without even doors and windows, and Tao Li was afraid that the wood on his head would fall and hit himself.

Just as he was thinking, he heard a soldier say: "Sima, this is it." should be a moderate official position, and there must be hundreds of people under his command.

Tao Li didn't understand the hierarchy of the army, so he could only divide according to his own guess.

As soon as Hualiang entered, no, I couldn't say it was you, because there was no door in this room, but there was a threshold.

Crossing the threshold, Hua Liang saw Tao Li leaning against the corner with his hands tied behind his back.

Sitting down on the chair brought by the guards, Hua Liang said, "You want to see me? Who are you? Where are you from? What do you want to say?"

When Tao Li saw that the Lord was coming, he also knew that it was time for him to show his strength, so he took two steps toward Hualiang and said honestly, "My name is Tao Li, and I'm... a member of Qingfengzhai. "

Tao Li thought for a long time before deciding to use the word member to describe himself, because in his opinion, he was a cultured person, different from those mud-legged people, let alone a bandit.

This also caused him to speak a little awkwardly, but it was harmless, Tao Li took a breath, and was about to continue, when Hua Liang suddenly interrupted: "Qingfengzhai?"

Seeing Hua Liang's puzzled face, Tao Li was sure that Hua Liang really didn't know the existence of Qingfeng Village.

It seems that his Chihu Lake is not very good. He thought to himself, but it didn't affect him at all: "Qingfengzhai is also on this mountain. It's a bandit's den. It's less than ten miles away from here, but it's a bit secretive. I didn't find out."

In order to give Hualiang a step up, he and Qingfengzhai's location is very secret.

But he was completely overthinking. Hualiang is a rough man who can pay attention to these things. He just nodded when he heard Tao Li's words.

Of course, he was a little bit confused. He had been here for a few days, and he had sent scouts out for an unknown number of batches, but he had never heard any information about Qingfengzhai.

If Tao Li hadn't brought it up, I'm afraid I won't know until they call over!
Although he was shocked in his heart, he couldn't show it on his face. Although Hua Liang was young, he had been in the army for more than ten years. He was quite an expert on how to interrogate prisoners.

"Oh, I got it, it turned out to be Qingfengzhai." Hua Liang pretended that I knew this place but didn't know the name, and said seriously, "Then since you are a bandit in Qingfengzhai, why are you looking for me?"

I'm not a bandit, I'm... Tao Lipo was a little speechless, but he didn't refute, and continued: "I used to be, but now I'm not, I've already defected."

"Oh? Defected, let's take a look." Hearing this, Hua Liang became interested and changed his posture.

"My family was relatively well-off at first, but after some accidents happened, I took some money and went up to the mountain to seek their asylum. I wanted to exchange the money for the position of a leader.

But he took the money away, but he didn’t get the status he promised me!They even excluded and suppressed me and made me suffer humiliation! "

Tao Li was obviously embellishing it. In fact, although Chen Fu and Fang didn't give him any substantive rights, he still had what he should have. He was a core member and had a separate residence.

After all, Tao Li's money was taken away, so the two also gave Tao Li some compensation in other ways. Tao Li's status in Qingfengzhai is equivalent to... an honorary elder?
It is a situation where nothing can be done except voting, and even voting may be opposed by other people.

After listening to Tao Li's narration, Hua Liang slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what do you mean..."

"I want revenge!" Tao Li suddenly raised his head with a ferocious look on his face: "I have nothing, no money, no power, no people, and the two leaders of Qingfeng Village are the ones who caused all this. I want to take revenge on them!"

That is to say, Chen Fang and Chen Fang are not here, otherwise they must have shouted their injustice, and made others "destroy their families" even though they didn't do anything?
Although the two of them could be considered as tricking Tao Li, they felt at ease when Tao Li was allowed to plot evil and had impure thoughts.

As for the later compensation... Well, I don't think much of it at all. After all, he is considered a person who has seen the world, so how can he take the small amount of compensation that the bandits gave him to him?

Unless he is put in power, which again is impossible.

So Tao Li resented them, and this time his proposal failed both times, so he resented even more.

"Then I asked you to say that because you want me to send troops to fight them; why, what is the reason?" Hua Liang said.

If there is no profit, he will not start early. Although he is loyal, he is also a profit-seeking person, and it is impossible to do such a useless thing.

Unless you can come up with enough benefits to convince him.

But judging from the current situation, this person is obviously a pauper, and he can't give anything at all.

At this point, Hualiang squeezed out the value of Tao Li in front of him, and learned of the existence of Qingfengzhai...

Wait, can I still get some specific information about Qingfeng Village from this population?
According to what this person said just now, he seemed to have been close to the core position, but he didn't have any rights.

So he should know some basic things, such as how many people, how many strong men, how much money, how much food, how much money, how many weapons and equipment, these are all Hua Liang is interested in.

"Come, come, untie this brother." Contrary to Tao Li's expectations, Hua Liang laughed and ordered the soldiers to untie Tao Li, and then helped him to another chair, quite affectionately.

"Brother Tao Li, you want revenge, right? Well, I'm an officer. Isn't it easy to beat those bandits?"

Hua Liang patted Tao Li's shoulder, which flattered Tao Li, and then continued: "But, they say that knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, you can win a hundred battles, I don't know anything about Qingfengzhai, how to fight, so, can you give me some advice? Useful information, let me understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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