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Chapter 392 The Final Battle, Back in Time (The Finale)

Chapter 392 The Final Battle, Back in Time (The Finale)

The situation is urgent, Qin Mengming knows that there may be other tricks in it, but even if he drinks poison to quench his thirst, he has no choice.

The process of gathering the strong monsters and the powerful sea clan went smoothly, but what he didn't expect was that the monster clan had a lot of cards hidden in it, which hadn't been revealed before.

The Yaozu has hidden 5 demigod-level powerhouses, the Sea tribe has 7, and the humans and him already have eight demigod-level powerhouses. Lao Song may not be limited to 7-star demigods.

With these 12 demigods, Qin Meng went directly back to the headquarters of the Ability Bureau, where the strongest among human beings had already assembled, Fusang Country, Citi Country, India Country, etc., there were also 8 in total. Demigods, plus Huaguo three, a total of 11 demigods.

A group of strong men looked at each other. With such a huge strength, most of the strong men were full of confidence in repelling the invasion.

"What God Realm, it's just a bunch of egomaniacs!"

"I want to rule Blue Star, rule this universe, Protoss. Hehe, it's just a joke!"

"Don't be careless, that is an invasion from another universe, they are better at fighting than us!"

"Okay, I'll find out after calling! Everyone is here, even if there are leaks, there aren't many left, so we can set off!"

"Wait," Qin Meng raised his hand, interrupting the communication and discussion of these strong men, "I have a request. I plan to report this battle in a global simultaneous live broadcast!"

The powerhouses of Yaozu and Haizu expressed their support immediately. They are well aware of the relationship between Qin Meng and their leaders.

Originally, a new demigod like Qin Meng didn't have much influence in the circle, but from this moment, with more than 10 demigods standing behind him, everyone had to weigh what he said.

This proposal did not harm everyone's interests, and there was no need to cause conflicts over such a trivial matter. In the end, Qin Meng's proposal was passed by unanimous votes, and Qin Meng's coded live broadcast signal would be synchronized to major TV network media around the world.

Things went so smoothly, and Qin Meng breathed a sigh of relief, now it's a serious war.

There is no need to use Qin Meng for this teleportation, led by Daoist Xuanming, and people with special abilities who are good at space abilities from various countries join forces, which is more efficient than Qin Meng.

In the hall, there were hundreds of people densely packed. There were supernatural beings from the Huaguo Supernatural Bureau, there were superhumans from the Citigroup S.H.I.E.L.D.

Qin Meng saw the first team of the Ability Bureau, Linglong and the others standing in the corner, looking very inconspicuous. He wanted to prevent them from participating in the battle out of selfishness, but he couldn't. People in the back!

He only had time to show a smile to that side before being interrupted by Daoist Xuanming.

"Qin Meng, you should be the one who knows best about the scope of that space channel's influence. You are in control of the coordinates this time!"

Qin Meng nodded, and stood in the center of the group of space power users, white light flashed, everyone's eyes blurred, and they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The strong smell of blood permeated everyone's nostrils, and many people couldn't help coughing a few times, stimulated by the smell of blood. All kinds of corpses of monsters piled up on the ground to form a mountain with a height of more than [-] meters.

The real mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!
The Spider Queen and the Prophet were drenched in blood, and the Prophet had no time to drink anymore. A deep bony scar ran from his left shoulder to his right waist, and it was still oozing blood.

However, the Spider Queen had several strange weapons stuck in her body, and even a beast claw directly pierced through her chest and protruded from her back.

"Master Spider Queen!"

"Lord Prophet!"

The strong Yaozu and Haizu uttered a shocked cry at the same time, and rushed forward to replace the two who were desperately blocking the invasion.

Qin Meng set up the machine, and in an instant, this tragic scene was synchronized globally to everyone who was watching TV or surfing the Internet.

"This is not a drill!The gods from another universe are coming, where should human beings go?Will Blue Star perish? "

"Unite to resist aggression!"Defeat all invaders! "


People who are surfing the Internet, whether they are playing games or watching movies, and at the same time see this mandatory pop-up window, which cannot be closed even if they click X, someone swears.

"These video sites are crazy, and the ads are getting more and more excessive. How much are they charging?"

It’s just that no matter which video website or browser he enters, this pop-up window that takes up the entire computer desktop is still like a stubborn cowhide.

"I'd like to see who made this movie, it's such a big deal!"

There are many such people. The young man just now is just the epitome of this huge group of people. Whether it is a TV station, a video website, or a live broadcast platform, such a pop-up window pops up, and then forced to enter a screen.

Back near the space passage, a group of strong men replaced the Spider Queen and the others who had persisted for more than an hour. The passage has now been completely opened, and the entrance and exit passages are as wide as a highway.

The formed Protoss army rushed into the Blue Star Universe, and the battle entered a fierce stage from the moment everyone joined the battle.

Flesh and blood flying everywhere, this is war!

"What kind of movie is this? The scale is too big? Just zoom in? The money is burning!"

"What the hell movie, I'm playing a game, I'm about to kill 5, and suddenly such a broken thing pops up, go to hell!"

"This is not a movie," Qin Meng's voice sounded in every movie, TV, and mobile phone, "It's not an exercise either, the war came so suddenly, and this ferocious army with no bottom line in front of me came from another universe!
Let's call it the Protoss universe for now, because the ruler of this universe claims to be the Protoss.

I originally thought that this war is still a long time away, we humans or Blue Star still have a lot of time to slowly find a way to deal with this war!
I even thought that I might not see it in my lifetime, but it seems that war never gives people a chance to prepare. Suddenly, the invaders have come. Are you ready to fight?

There is no compromise, and it is impossible to surrender. For some reason, the aggression of the Protoss is not alien. Their aggression comes from the existence of higher dimensions. It is useless to tell you this. I only have the last sentence.

They are coming to exterminate all living things! "

After the last sentence, Qin Meng didn't speak any more. He just controlled the live broadcast equipment and tried his best to capture the entire battlefield.

Seeing Linglong and others rushing up, Qin Meng wanted to stop him, his lips trembled, but in the end he didn't say anything, it wasn't that he didn't want to rush up by himself, but if he wanted to absorb the battlefield and the global negative emotional value about this war, he It must be associated with this set of live broadcast equipment.

Otherwise, no amount of negative emotional value can be fed back to him.

"The system, the ability of the Creator God, can really turn back time and bring the dead back to life?"

That's right, it was because the system told him this that he just stood aside and took pictures instead of choosing to join the battle. As long as he had enough anger points, when he exchanged the ability of the Creator God, these dead people could be resurrected.

But even if he told himself that, when he saw Linglong being cut in two by a ray of cold light, his heart was still clenched together, and he looked at the last look in Linglong's eyes towards him.

Affection, nostalgia, and a hint of relief...

Rage value: 6 trillion...

Rage value: 7 trillion...

Before he knew it, Qin Meng had blood on his hands, his nails pierced his skin, and the lens was stained red!

This battle did not last as long as expected. When the protoss powerhouses also began to appear, the powerhouses of the Blue Star Universe did not have much resistance in their hands.

The same demigod powerhouse, often after a few moves, was found by the protoss powerhouse and shattered the domain!

Like a flash flood, the Protoss army rushed out of the passage unstoppably.

Most of the powerhouses were killed and injured. At this time, only one figure stood in front of the thousands of gods. He was Song Aiguo!

With one punch, it's ordinary, but it can collapse mountains and boil seas!In front of the passage, it was like a wall of iron and steel, and the protoss army, which was like a mountain and a river rolled upside down, was hit and bloody!
Rage value: 50 trillion!

It's only half!
No matter how powerful Song Aiguo is, he is only one person, and he will be exhausted sometimes, and his manpower will sometimes be exhausted!

Song Aiguo threw his last punch and turned his face to Qin Meng. The trust in his eyes made Qin Meng burst into tears.

The death of a tiger does not bring down its prestige, Song Aiguo's aura of being in charge of the gate shocked all the protoss, and he didn't dare to move forward for a while!
This time, this plan, he only told three people, Spider Queen, Prophet, and Song Aiguo. Now Spider Queen Prophet is seriously injured, Old Song is dead, but his anger is not enough!
Rage value: 80 trillion!

Suddenly, the Spider Queen and the Prophet appeared beside him, one on the left and one on the right, and two fiery lips appeared on his cheeks.

"Whether you can win or not depends on you!"

Go to death calmly, and regard death as home!
Qin Meng's left hand firmly grasped his right hand, and because of too much force, it broke with a click, but it healed quickly because of his strong physique, and the cycle repeated!
Looking around, all the familiar figures fell into a pool of blood, and some of them could leave their whole bodies, and some of them only left fragments!
But, it's not enough!
Rage value: 99 trillion!

Qin Meng pointed the camera at the battlefield, "You should have seen it? This is not a drill, and now there is the last hope!"

"Lend me your anger, raise your hands, share your anger and unwillingness, and share your fear with me!"

one, two, ...,
100 million, 200 million...

Countless hands were raised from all over the world, and the speed of rising anger suddenly became faster.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get a trillion anger points, whether to exchange for the authority of the Creator God!"

"Exchange!" Qin Meng gritted his teeth and hated the system so much!
There is no special aura, and there is no abnormal phenomenon. After the exchange, there is no sound.

Qin Meng opened his eyes and smiled faintly: "God said, let there be light!"

The world is filled with light, and the protoss rushing through the passage, encountering these lights is like encountering sulfuric acid, and their bodies are dissolved!
"God says, banish!"

The space passage, which had been continuously expanding, suddenly began to shrink rapidly, and a giant hand suddenly stretched out from the space passage, grabbing Qin Meng in the air like a mountain peak.

Just reaching halfway, suddenly, the space channel was completely closed, and the giant hand like a mountain fell from the air powerlessly, hitting the ground, and smashing out of the abyss.

"God said that the world will have good rewards!"

It's like turning back time and space, turning back time, like playing a video backwards, blood flowing back, and wounds healed!
The first ones to open their eyes were the Spider Queen and the Prophet, who suddenly appeared beside Qin Meng and kissed them passionately.

Qin Meng's eyes met two angry eyes, Linglong and Song Aiguo glared at him with murderous eyes!
(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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