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Chapter 389 Forced Interruption

Chapter 389 Forced Interruption
The Princess of the Sea Clan, whom she had not seen for a long time, slowly appeared from the end of the passage. Shui Xinlian wore a pearl crown on her head and an ancient palace costume, with a solemn and majestic expression. Because it was on the bottom of the sea, a fish tail sneaked away from behind the palace costume come out.

Behind her were several strong men, all of whom were at least 2 meters tall. Even the strong men of the Yaozu looked a little shorter, let alone them, just like children.

The Hai Clan put up such a big battle, which made Qin Meng a little tongue-tied. Although it was a bit nondescript, he didn't intend to interrupt it. If such a scene is posted on the Internet, it will only increase the pride of ordinary people as human beings. feel.

Look at these Yaozu and Haizu, all of them are like local tyrants in the countryside. Although rich, this civilization is still too backward, and human civilization is more advanced!

Several photographers have not stopped shooting since they saw the surrounding scenery. At this time, they focused all their attention on the dignified and majestic Queen of the Sea Clan.

"Welcome the human race to visit, and welcome Lord Qin Meng!"

Shui Xinlian Yingying came to everyone, this majestic and noble beauty made everyone's knees weak involuntarily, but after hearing the following words, the heart of gossip defeated the fear.

Everyone's eyes turned to Qin Meng instantly, guessing the story that the sea queen and the human superhuman had to tell. Although the queen was talking to everyone, her eyes kept staring at Qin Meng. It seemed that they were just incidental.

Qin Meng casually raised his hand and said hello, "Hi! Long time no see, Xiaolian, you are really getting more and more beautiful!"

The two naturally walked in the front. Qin Meng greeted each of the elders of the Hai clan.

"I don't know if Xiao Lian has made your choice, but our movie will start shooting soon."

"Of course!"

Under the gossiping gazes of all the photographers, Qin Meng and Shui Xinlian just chatted casually. A group of people came to the palace. At first they thought that this kind of palace was very big, but only after entering did they realize that it was even bigger.

The entire palace occupies an area as large as two football fields, and they are all placed on the back of a turtle. It can be said to be a mobile palace under the sea.

The choice of actors for the Sea Clan is very simple. After all, compared to the loose tribal alliance of the Monster Clan, the Spider Queen doesn't care.

With a wave of his hand, Qin Meng brought people to the African continent. Originally, his ideal filming location should be the North and South Poles. It was not difficult for him, but after he took Director Zhang Da to experience it, the other party was dead. Disagree.

In desperation, I had no choice but to choose the remaining alternative location. I chose the North and South Poles because I wanted to use the aurora as the background for shooting. Thinking about it makes me feel. Under the mysterious aurora all over the sky, the various races on the blue star fought for their own survival and alienation. The invaders of the universe fought to the death.

This artistic conception, this forceful style, is much higher than the decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City.

However, the crew behind the scenes are all ordinary people. The harsh climate of the Arctic and Antarctic is not something they can easily adapt to. Some of them may fall down before filming even starts.

When Qin Meng brought a group of people to the Amazon jungle, everyone was almost used to the feeling of traveling thousands of miles away. Except for the dizziness in the head, this feeling of traveling to the North Sea at dusk is still very good.

Arriving at the predetermined location, Qin Meng was a little speechless as soon as he raised his head. There was an open space in the middle of the jungle, and there was a sofa on it. Two beauties with different styles were sitting curled up on one end of the sofa.

It looks like the two fairies in the painting are holding a mobile phone each, and they are still muttering words, which looks quite inconsistent with the style of the painting.

"This...what's the situation again?"

The filming staff looked at each other. In such a strange situation, it was obvious that they were not ordinary people. Naturally, they were not so stupid as to go forward alone, they just cast their eyes on Qin Meng.

"Master Spider Queen!"

"Lord Prophet!"

At the same time, two voices sounded, but they came from the Yaozu and the Haizu. As soon as they saw the two, they ran behind their leaders, and at the same time, they started cheering one after another!

"Master Spider Queen, come on, I almost won!"

"Master Prophet is the most powerful, Wencheng Wude, unifying KOF!"

The veins on Qin Meng's forehead were twitching, and the corners of his mouth were twitching. He knew that these two guys were unreliable, but he underestimated how unreliable they were. What did he want to do in this situation?
Didn't you say you wanted to make a movie?How did you get to play the game?And dragged our actor away?What the hell is this?

"Mr. Qin, what is this...?"

Zhang Dao could tell that these two beautiful women, who brought disaster to the country and the people, might be high-level powerhouses from the Monster Race or the Sea Race.

"I'm going to communicate!"

Qin Meng walked over with a dark face, reached out and took away the two women's mobile phones, and instantly, two knife-like eyes shot at him. Under the sharp eyes of the Spider Queen and the Prophet, the pressure was still quite high. .

"Ahem, our filming is about to start, let's put this game aside, we can play it anytime."

"Then let you go first!"

"It's up to you to speak up without shame!"

For these two noisy women, Qin Meng really regretted agreeing now, isn't this causing trouble for himself?

"Okay, director, you don't need to worry about these two people. Whenever there are any unimportant roles, just let them show their faces!"

Qin Meng waved to the director, indicating that they can start. This place is already near the equator. It has only been ten minutes since they came here, and a group of ordinary people are already sweating profusely.

Due to the fact that there are too many strong people here, some regressive and degenerate animals that originally existed in the jungle, as well as local evolutionary monsters dare not approach here, and even a mosquito has not been seen, otherwise, their situation may be even worse .

"Is it really possible? Who are these two people?"

Director Zhang carefully glanced at Qin Meng, and then glanced at the two women who made him dare not look directly at them. As a great director, he has seen a lot of beautiful women, but some women can't tell clearly whether they are beautiful or not.

"They..." Qin Meng lowered his head furtively, lowered his voice, and said in a very low voice: "It's not human!"


Everyone had a black line, looking at the reactions of the two groups of Yaozu and Haizu, a fool would know that they are not human anymore, Qin Meng doesn't seem to be very reliable!
"Okay, let's take a few simple shots first, and strive for one pass!"

Director Zhang chose the simplest shot. It seemed to be asking Guan Gong, burning incense or something, but the forest didn’t seem like a place where these things could be found, so he just skipped it.

Before the words were finished, the sky suddenly became a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

The rumbling thunder suddenly attracted everyone's attention. There was no rain, and there was no cloud in the sky. No one knew what the sudden thunderbolt from the blue sky meant.


A black spot appeared in the sky in the distance, surrounded by countless thunderbolts, and it was constantly expanding, getting bigger every moment.

At the same time, an astonishing spatial fluctuation, like a boulder smashed into a pond, spread out in all directions!
(End of this chapter)

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