Chapter 68 Follow Your Wish
At the moment, the Empress felt a little moved, and the Empress didn't have to think for too long, so she directly agreed.

"The widow is very pleased, sure."

Among all the ministers, the chief assistant of the cabinet and the minister of the Ministry of Industry were very anxious.

I don't understand how things turned out like this. Chen Yi looks like a very shrewd person, why can't he think about it like this, knowing that it's a trap, he still jumps into it.

The chief minister of the cabinet glanced at Chen Yi, and just as he was about to speak out, he saw Chen Yi winking at him.

The chief minister of the cabinet endured it and sighed. As expected, he still has a young mind, he is too impulsive and cannot withstand the excitement.

Chen Yizhi didn't know, but this time he didn't know if he could return to the court after just one border check. The chief minister of the cabinet couldn't bear to see such a pillar of talent buried and wasted on the western border.

Chen Yi continued without any pause.

"I thank Your Majesty for your permission, but Your Majesty also knows that a good woman can't cook without rice. Since I have gone, I naturally want to settle the matter, but I went there empty-handed. It has no effect except for one more person to eat."

Chen Yi had just finished speaking.

The Queen's brows began to twitch, and a bad premonition arose in her heart. As expected, she heard Chen Yi's next words and couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

"Your Majesty, I implore you to allocate funds to feed the border soldiers." After Chen Yi finished speaking, he bowed deeply and saluted.

The generals were a little moved when they heard this, and they also stepped forward and said.

"I implore Your Majesty to allocate funds to feed the border soldiers."

All of a sudden, several generals knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads to ask for orders.

The empress was a little bit hard to get off, and the anger in her heart suddenly surged up again. Chen Yi just stopped for a few days, and then started again!

At the same time, Chen Yi fixed his eyes on the third-rank minister who was played just now, and he was vicious and undisguised.

The third-rank minister naturally felt that his body couldn't help shaking a few times.

She didn't dare to look up at all, and there was still a trace of grievance in her heart, why did the empress look at herself like this?

It doesn't seem reasonable that His Majesty should hate Chen Shilang, but instead turn his anger on himself.

The empress seemed very reasonable, what kind of person Chen Yi was, who had been making trouble for such a long time, no one knew, knowing what kind of character Chen Yi was, and rushing to provoke him, it was not her empress who suffered in the end.

The empress has completely forgotten now, the excitement and approval of that proposal just now.

Chen Yi saw that the empress did not respond, and was too lazy to talk to the empress.

Turning his head directly, he asked the Chief Assistant of the Cabinet and the Minister of the Household Department: "My lords, the matter on the western border has been going on for a long time. If it is not resolved, it will become a serious problem. I wonder how much silver is still in the imperial bank? Can it be solved? Confused?"

The chief minister of the cabinet looked up at the angry empress, and then looked back at Shangshu Hubu.

Then he lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, there are still taels of silver in the Imperial Bank. Excluding the expenses in the past period, as of today, there are only 600 taels of silver left."

Hearing this number, the Empress breathed a sigh of relief, at least it was much more than before, but when she thought of the money, it was gone immediately, and her heart ached again.

Chen Yi compared the numbers mentioned by the frontier generals before, and he had a rough idea in mind.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please give me 500 taels."

The Empress let out a sigh of relief, this was too much, just about to say no, she heard Chen Yi say it again.

"Your Majesty, I didn't ask for this money for nothing. At least it can cover the border guards' expenses for half a year. This price is much lower than before. Your Majesty can consider it."

The empress felt a lot more comfortable when she thought of the previous amount, which was indeed much less, but after taking it, the money she had just saved was gone, so the empress still hesitated.

"Your Majesty, the matter here must be resolved. Your Majesty does not want to see the land fall into the hands of other countries."

Chen Yi's last words made the Empress pause.

That's true, other things can be pushed back, but now that the war has started, if you push it off, I'm afraid there really is no room for maneuver.

The empress gritted her teeth: "Okay! I'll give it to you. From now on, Chen Shilang will go to the border."

Chen Yi interrupted the Empress at this moment.

"Your Majesty! The minister's application has been delayed for five days. The soldiers at the border still need some supplies, which are indispensable. The minister wants to wait for these supplies to be ready before heading to the border together."

The empress nodded, and then announced her retirement, and the other ministers left one after another.

Chen Yi walked slowly behind, and the chief minister of the cabinet followed beside him.

As soon as he left the palace gate, he stepped forward impatiently and said, "How can you agree? They want you to be transferred from the court and away from the center of power, and is the border issue so easy to solve?" Alas, I am the one who made you tired."

Chen Yi smiled and bowed to the chief minister of the cabinet.

"Your Excellency, don't worry, everything is under my control. Even without them, I plan to go to the border myself. Now no one in the court dares to take care of the border affairs, but someone must take care of it."

The chief minister of the cabinet saw that Chen Yi was a little obsessed, and felt anxious.

"It's beyond your control. As a civil servant, your body may not be able to bear such a harsh environment. What's the use of the little money His Majesty gave you?"

Chen Yi comforted him again: "My lord, really don't worry, do you think I'm the kind of reckless person? I have some ideas now, but there are still some things that need to be improved. When I get to the border, I will know how to do it."

The chief minister of the cabinet paused when he heard this, and looked up at Chen Yi, with a hint of surprise and some surprises in his heart.

"Do you really have a way?"

Chen Yi nodded with a smile, and the chief assistant of the cabinet let out a long breath, with excitement in his eyes.

"Okay! It's good if there is a way. It's not easy for those soldiers. If you can help them, you can help them. If you have any difficulties here, just tell me."

Chen Yi did not refuse and thanked: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely not be polite to you."

Then the two separated. On the way back, Chen Yi was thinking about how to deal with the border issue.

In fact, the matter of border crossing is easy to solve, mainly because there is no money.

It is said that it is not easy to solve because there are many difficulties other than money, mainly because of the poor resource conditions at the border.

Chen Yi planned to go back and study his own system to see if there was any better way. He pondered in the study all afternoon, and finally got some clues.

Early the next morning, because Chen Yi had already greeted the empress, he didn't need to go to the morning court. After packing up, he went directly to the Ministry of Industry.

Chen Yi didn't know about the court, because he caused another wave of discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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