Chapter 58
At the same time, for some reason, the Empress gradually felt disappointed, if Chen Yi really wanted to use this picture as a bargaining chip.

Does that mean that what Chen Yi did before was all fake?

Or to say that kind of selflessness and wholeheartedly serving the people is a lie.

Not only the empress thought this way, but many other ministers also thought the same way. However, the soldiers present were very calm and there was no disturbance at all.

Mainly because they didn't think of it.

Another reason was because they would never suspect Chen Yi at all.

Don't forget, this time Chen Yi entered the prison and was executed at noon because he helped speak to their border officers, which led to his current ending.

These generals, it's too late to feel guilty, so how could they suspect that Chen Yi's purpose is impure?
Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry did not care about the noise around him.

After waiting for Eunuch Li to take the drawing in his hand, he stood up straight and looked at the empress calmly without any flinching.

There was no uneasiness about the suspicious look in the Empress' eyes.

The empress took the picture without saying a word, opened it and saw that it was very detailed.

"I remember that when Shilang Chen just came back from Longxi, he seemed to have presented a picture. Why is there another picture?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Your Majesty is wise! Indeed, the same content."

The empress waved her hand, and Eunuch Li immediately understood, so he ordered the little eunuch next to him. After a while, the little eunuch came back with a wooden box.

Eunuch Li carefully took the wooden box and gently presented it to the empress.

The empress directly opened the wooden box, took out the blueprint inside, compared it with the blueprint she brought over just now, and snorted coldly.

"Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, what do you mean? What does he mean by Chen Yi? Is he teasing the widow? Or is he threatening the widow?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry immediately knelt down, but he didn't see any panic.

"Your Majesty misunderstood, it was my fault, I didn't explain clearly, there are other reasons for this, listen to explain slowly."

A sarcastic smile appeared on the empress's lips.

"Oh? Okay, then you can give me a good explanation. If there is any deception, I don't mind letting you accompany Chen Yi to ask and kill at noon!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry couldn't help but trembled a bit, collected himself, and then spoke loudly.

"Your Majesty knows, my lord, because of the Longxi well-drilling tools, I am not right with Chen Shilang, and I am very friendly with Chen Yi. However, Chen Yi did not respect His Majesty online, and he deserved what he deserved. However, Chen Nian had an old relationship in the past, so yesterday evening, he went to Visit Chen Yi for the last time."

Minister of the Ministry of Industry swallowed his saliva when he said this.

"I hope I can persuade Chen Yi to let him know that what he did was really disrespectful, and he should repent and make amends."

"Okay, let's get to the point."

The empress directly interrupted Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, and Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry continued to talk helplessly.

"Chen Yi did have some regrets. He felt that he was sorry for the people of Longxi, and that he did not overcome the drought together with the people. Afterwards, Chen Yi begged the minister, saying that there was an important matter to be reported, which was the picture that the minister just took."

The empress raised her eyebrows, and the Minister of Industry finally got to the point.

The empress secretly thought that she would have to take a look, and the Minister of Industry could bring this matter to an end.

"This picture was just drawn by Chen Yi on the spot under the nose of the minister yesterday. After several revisions, the final drawing, Chen Yi said that he had received an imperial decree to rush to Longxi, and immediately began to check it. Longxi's terrain and Land, dare not have any slack."

Minister of the Ministry of Industry said this, and looked up at the empress.

"Your Majesty! It will take five days to travel from the imperial capital to Longxi at full speed. After Chen Yi arrived in Longxi, he only stayed for three or four days before heading back to the imperial capital. The whole journey took less than ten days. These majesties all know."

The Empress nodded, she hadn't noticed this before, but she just felt that Chen Yi came back a little too fast, and thinking about it now, it seemed that it was too fast.

The other ministers were also surprised.

After Chen Yi came back, he met His Majesty once except that day. The two had a quarrel and were beaten by His Majesty, and then he never came to court.

These ministers really don't have such an accurate concept of time.

Hearing what Minister of the Ministry of Industry said now, he was naturally very surprised. What does it mean?
This shows that Chen Yi rushed back day and night, without any rest in the middle, and he couldn't help but feel that Chen Yi was young and had a good foundation, otherwise ordinary people would really not be able to bear the hard work of running around.

The empress nodded: "What do you want to say?"

"Your Majesty! Chen Yi said that because he was in a hurry, he just took the time to draw the terrain on the road. He felt that he might have to go back to Longxi to take charge of the overall situation, and some of the terrain in Longxi still needs to be checked in detail, so it is not as detailed as the painting. .”

If the minister of the Ministry of Industry said these words as soon as he came.

Most of them think it's an excuse.

But just now, the minister of the Ministry of Industry said realistically that in such a short period of time, the tools for digging wells have been prepared.

Finally, I said that the journey back and forth is so tense.

So for the current passage, everyone believes it. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case. Although there are horse-drawn carriages to do, it's not like everyone has never ridden in a horse-drawn carriage.

How comfortable is the carriage on the road?It is reasonable for Chen Yi to be able to roughly draw out the picture.

Minister of the Ministry of Industry intends to take advantage of this opportunity to say the following words.

"Chen Yi said to the minister that he has nothing else to ask for now. The only regret is that he didn't draw the detailed picture before, so he asked the minister to submit the drawing. Chen Yi said that no matter who is in charge of the overall situation in the future, he can accurately draw the picture. Find a suitable location to drill a well."

After saying this, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry raised his head, his voice trembling slightly.

"Chen Yi also said that he was not sure about some places, and he had already marked them. This is the last thing he can do for Dawu Kingdom, His Majesty, and the people of Longxi. He will die without regret!"

Minister of the Ministry of Industry's voice almost choked up when he said this.

The civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were somewhat moved when they heard this.

Chen Yi still thought about the people of Longxi until his death. Did such a minister die like this?

When the Minister of Works first started talking, many ministers thought that the Minister of Works was here to plead for mercy, but they did not expect that it was for this matter, no matter how hard-hearted.

At this time, there seems to be some unbearable.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the chief minister of the cabinet stepped forward directly.

(End of this chapter)

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