The strongest chef in the three worlds

Chapter 833 Now is the time to enter the bridal chamber

Chapter 833 Now is the time to enter the bridal chamber

When the primordial spirit returned to the body, the two regained consciousness immediately.

The two slowly put down their hands on the stone wall, but Shenyin's voice rang in their ears again, "You guys, won't you explain to me?"

"Explain what?" Chen Yan asked pretending to be crazy.

"What do you say?"

Shenyin snorted softly, "You have maintained the posture just now for almost two hours. I talked to you, but you didn't respond. Don't tell me, you fell asleep."

Any fool could see that something must have happened to them.

However, Shenyin didn't know exactly what happened.

Now that the two have regained consciousness, Shenyin naturally wants to ask questions.

Chen Yan was about to prevaricate, but Xue Luan said lightly, "It's nothing, just chatted with the Yingying he was talking about, and drank a few glasses of wine along the way."

Xue Luan didn't hide anything.

In his opinion, there is no need to hide this kind of thing.

Or, he didn't bother to lie in front of Shenyin at all.

"You guys are chatting with ghosts!" Shenyin looked at Xue Luan sullenly, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? I'm just eating here, who are you drinking with?"

"What you see may not be real."

Xue Luan responded lightly, without explaining, and left without hesitation.


Seeing Xue Luan's back, Shenyin gritted her teeth in anger.

She is Xue Luan's wife in name!
But Xue Luan's attitude was beyond imagination.

She even felt that Xue Luan treated herself as a stranger.

Even though she knew that Xue Luan was born like this and was determined to have a smoke-free contest with Xue Luan, Shenyin was still very angry at this moment.

"This bastard!"

Seeing Xue Luan going away, without even waiting for herself, Shenyin stomped her feet fiercely, and grabbed Chen Yan again, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Why don't you ask your husband, why ask me?"

Chen Yan shrugged and said with a smile: "You haven't adjusted your mentality yet! If you mess with Xue with this mentality, I'm afraid you will be defeated."

Xue Luan is so pissed.

He is indifferent to everyone.

I have gotten along with Xue Luan a few times, and I know him a little bit.

Moreover, Xue Luan's attitude towards him was not so cold.

Maybe it's because he regards himself as an opponent!


Shenyin suffocated slightly, and fell silent for a moment.

Thinking about it carefully, what Chen Yan said made no sense.

Although her desire to defeat Xue Luan was very strong, she still hadn't adjusted to the mentality of getting used to the stars, and she couldn't deal with Xue Luan's indifference.

She knew in her heart that this was just the beginning.

After marrying Xue Luan, she has to face Xue Luan's dead face every day.

If you still have this mentality, you won't even talk about winning or losing.

Xue Luan could be pissed to death with anger!

After thinking about this, Shenyin suddenly showed a bright smile, "Thank you for your reminder, I think, I know what to do! In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is not a bad thing. Even if you can't win him, at least you can win." It can temper your mood."

Looking at Shenyin's sudden relief, Chen Yan couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"Sometimes, I really feel that you two are a match made in heaven!" Chen Yan looked at Shenyin with a smile and sighed in his heart.

Shenyin can be regarded as a strange woman.

He even thought of using Xue Luan to improve his state of mind and cultivation.

Chen Yan didn't know whether she could make Xue Luan fall in love with her.

However, he believes that after being with Xue Luan for a long time, he can definitely improve his mental state and cultivation.

Get along with Xue Luan, a wonderful flower like Xue Luan, as long as you don't get pissed off, you won't be able to improve your mental state.

"Lend your auspicious words!"

Shenyin smiled lightly: "If I win, I will thank you!"

"Then I wish you success soon!" Chen Yan laughed, waved at Shenyin, and left contentedly.


Early the next morning, Zhao Wuji, the head of Yuxu Sect, arrived.

Regarding Xue Luan and Shenyin, even Zhao Wuji was a little embarrassed.

It's hard to put this on anyone's body!
He knew that Xue Luan's nature was like this, but he also felt that Xue Luan's actions were too much.

However, he couldn't blame Xue Luan, so he could only find Zhuang Jingci and compensate her on Xue Luan's behalf.

Zhuang Jingci was quite reasonable and didn't blame Zhao Wuji, but she also made it clear that they were only the witnesses of Xue Luan and Shenyin's marriage, and they only followed a simple process, no banquet, but no ceremony.

Zhao Wuji naturally agreed.

Yuxumen came here alone, if it really held a grand wedding, if word got out, others would not only laugh at Yuchan Palace's kneeling and licking, but also accuse Yuxumen of being arrogant and rude.

Why make a fuss about something that is not good for everyone?
Anyway, getting married is also a matter for the two of them, as long as they have no objections.

At noon, the "wedding" between Xue Luan and Shenyin was officially held.

It was said to be a wedding, but in fact there were only four people.

Even Chen Yan did not attend their wedding.

How to operate it, Chen Yan did not know.

All I know is that the whole process took no more than 3 minutes.

This should be the simplest wedding he has ever seen, and it is also the fastest wedding, but it is also the weirdest wedding.

Although many people in Yuchan Palace were dissatisfied, Shenyin herself had no objection, and Zhuang Jingci also agreed, so they couldn't say anything more.

Walking out of the spiritual shrine of the successive masters of Yuchan Palace, Zhuang Jingci forced a smile at Zhao Wuji, "Master Zhao, from now on, we will be considered in-laws."

"The palace master is right."

Zhao Wuji chuckled, "Although their wedding is simple, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Zhao has the cheek to ask the palace master for a glass of water and wine. I wonder if it's okay?"

"Of course!"

The smile on Zhuang Jingci's face stretched again, "I should be the one who invited Master Zhao to have a good drink! Master Zhao, this way please!"


Zhao Wuji laughed and followed Zhuang Jingci deep into the Jade Toad Palace.

Behind him, Xue Luan and Shenyin walked out side by side.

The two are now a real couple.

However, Xue Luan still had an indifferent expression on his face, as if the person who married Shenyin had nothing to do with him.


Chen Yan greeted them with a smile, and gave the two thumbs up, "If you really love each other in the future, I guess this matter between you will become a good story."

"I'll do my best." Shenyin smiled sweetly, looked at Xue Luan with a provocative look, vowed to make Xue Luan fall in love with her, and then dumped him hard!

Xue Luan still had a flat face, as if he didn't see her eyes at all.

It is really difficult to melt this piece of ice!

Chen Yan sighed in his heart, then approached Xue Luan and said with a smile: "Now that you are married, shouldn't you tell me what I want to know?"

"We'll talk later."

Xue Ran shook his head and said seriously: "Now is the time for me to enter the bridal chamber."


Chen Yan's eyes suddenly widened and his face twitched.

The next moment, Chen Yan laughed so loudly that he almost rolled on the ground laughing.

Shenyin blushed, looked at Xue Luan with hatred, and yelled frantically, "Don't even try to touch me!"

"We are husband and wife!"

Xue Luan continued to say solemnly: "Only when you enter the bridal chamber can you be considered a real couple. Perhaps, after going through human affairs, my state of mind will be perfected."


Shenyin screamed and ran away with a flushed face...

(End of this chapter)

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