The strongest chef in the three worlds

Chapter 655 I'm Serious Too

Chapter 655 I'm Serious Too
With an absolute advantage in numbers, Li Chuang immediately raised his eyebrows at Chen Yan, his face full of provocation.

Chen Yan gave Li Chuang a funny look, and said to Feng Huayue: "Leave them alone, we just do our own thing."

Feng Huayue gave Chen Yan a dissatisfied look, but finally nodded in agreement.

From the corner of Li Chuang's eyes, he glanced at Feng Huayue again, rolled his eyes slightly, and said again: "Forget it, everyone is playing desert island survival anyway, so we won't make things difficult for you, so how about you join in?" Our team, live broadcast with us, we guarantee you will make a lot of money!"

"I disagree!"

Before Chen Yan and the others could speak, one of the women with light makeup stood up and objected: "Our team has enough people, there is no need for more people to come in!"

"Xiao Dan, don't make trouble!" At this time, a man similar to Li Chuang also spoke, and said with a smile: "We want to make money and grow bigger. Of course, the more people in the team, the better!"

"That's right, there are so many people!" Another man also echoed.

Xiao Dan snorted softly, and said with contempt on his face, "I think you've just fallen in love with this woman!"

Having been pierced by Xiao Dan, the faces of the three couldn't help but blush slightly.

Xiao Dan was right, they really fell in love with this mature and beautiful woman.

Although this little Dan looks pretty good, but compared to this mature woman, she is nothing.

"Don't tell me, I really like this beauty!"

Li Chuang said with a smile: "We are in the live broadcast industry, don't we want beautiful women? Xiao Dan, think about it, this beautiful woman has such a high value, and with the gimmick of survival in the wild, it will definitely become a hot spot! It would be good for us to have them join us, wouldn't it?"

"I'm not interested in joining you, and I'm not interested in you hairy kids!"

Feng Huayue maintained restraint, and said coldly: "We do our business, you do your business, it's best not to disturb us, otherwise, I don't mind throwing you into the sea to feed the fish!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Huayue walked straight to the other end of the coconut grove.

Chen Yan glanced at the four with a smile, and quickly followed.

Looking at the backs of the two, the three men suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Haha, hot face sticking to cold butt?"

Xiao Dan was quite happy, and looked at the three men with displeasure on his face, "You guys are all fucking big pigs' hooves. When you see a beautiful woman and want to hook up, there is no good thing!"

Being rejected by Feng Huayue, Li Chuang was not happy at all, but now that Xiao Dan said that, his heart suddenly became angry, and immediately shouted at Xiao Dan with a straight face: "Shut up! You don't talk, you don't People think you are dumb!"


Xiaodan was so angry that he was about to scold angrily, but Li Chuang's warning eyes had already stared over.

After all, Xiaodan was still a little afraid of Li Chuang. After being stared at by Li Chuang, although his anger was even greater in his heart, he still didn't dare to vent it. He could only hold back his full of resentment in his heart, and secretly hated the person who made him be yelled at. Fenghuayue.

She made up her mind, and if she found an opportunity, she must deal with that woman severely!
Feng Huayue didn't know that she had been inexplicably missed by Xiao Dan, and walked through the coconut grove, and took Chen Yan to the huge reef in the middle of the island with ease.

This huge reef occupies almost one-fifth of the area of ​​the island.

Due to the erosion of wind and rain all year round, this reef is full of potholes, and some places are very sharp, which can be used as a knife.

The reef was wet and slippery. Feng Huayue climbed onto the reef, but stood against the wind.

Her gaze was looking at the sea, and her face became solemn, her eyes were a little misty, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

Chen Yan wanted to ask, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't bother her after all.

It was obvious that she was familiar with this place.

This place should have left a memory that she will never forget.

Anyway, at night, I will know the purpose of her coming here, and there is no need to bother her who is trapped in memories now.

Thinking of this, Chen Yan forcibly suppressed the curiosity in his heart, stood on the reef, and looked around the island.

Only then did he realize that there was actually a fishing boat parked on this side of the island.

It seems that no one is wearing it, but you can see that there are a lot of supplies piled up on it.

At this time, Li Chuang and the four of them also walked over through the coconut grove.

The four of them raised their eyes and glanced at the two standing there condescendingly, then walked to the side silently.

Less than 200 meters away from Chen Yan and the others is their temporary shelter, and some live broadcast equipment and solar panels can be seen next to them.

As soon as they came over, two of the men consciously stood aside, while Li Chuang and Xiao Dan appeared in front of the camera.

When the camera was turned on again, Li Chuang lost the energy he had just now, and he looked as if he was dying of weakness.

Xiao Dan also became weak, and said weakly to the camera: "I'm sorry, everyone, our solar panels were out of power just now, and it's too laborious to charge them in this season! Let's start here for our live broadcast, and we'll see them later. I'm going out to find something to eat, and I'll broadcast live when the time comes, thank you everyone."

After speaking, Xiao Dan turned off the camera.

Then, the four of them got together and discussed quietly.

After a while, the rejuvenated Li Chuang left Xiao Dan there, and walked towards Chen Yan and the others with two men.

Chen Yan glanced at Feng Huayue, who was in deep thought, and didn't want the three of them to disturb him, so he took the initiative to walk over without waiting for them to approach.

"Why, do you have anything else to do?"

Chen Yan took the initiative to ask.

"You really don't plan to join our team?" Li Chuang said patiently: "I said, as long as you join, I guarantee that you will make more money in a month than you did in a year before!"

"real or fake?"

Chen Yan's eyes lit up, and he asked with a smile.

Seeing Chen Yan's money-greedy appearance, Li Chuang laughed in his heart, nodded and said, "Of course it's true!"

"Then let me do the math, how much money I made this year."

Chen Yan picked up his fingers, silently calculated in his heart, and looked at Li Chuang jokingly, "I probably made more than one billion this year! You mean, if I join your team, I will earn [-] million yuan in a month." Can you earn more than one billion?"


Hearing Chen Yan's words, the three of them suddenly suffocated slightly.

After a while, the three of them laughed again with disdain.

"More than a billion? I'm afraid you are talking about Mingbi!"

Li Chuang looked at Chen Yan with a sneer on his face, "Brother, what I'm telling you is serious, I'm not joking!"

"I'm serious too." Chen Yan said solemnly.

All in all, he did earn more than one billion this year.

And, it hasn't been a year yet!Just half a year!

"You play with me, right?"

Li Chuang's face instantly collapsed, and his gaze became fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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