The strongest chef in the three worlds

Chapter 553 Something is wrong

Chapter 553 Something is wrong

"Grandma, I'll help you!"

Song Liyue put down her chopsticks and stood up.

"No need, I have eaten Xiao Chen's medicinal diet, and my cold is gone, and I am not so weak anymore." The old lady waved her hand and said, "You eat yours, and don't worry about me."

With that said, the old lady left her seat and went upstairs.

Looking at the back of the old lady, Chen Yan couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Going to the bathroom and going back to her own room?
Isn't there a bathroom downstairs?

She doesn't think it's troublesome to run upstairs and downstairs for this matter?
However, Chen Yan didn't think much about it.

Maybe this is what rich people pay attention to!

It may also be due to her old habits.

Rejected by the old lady, Song Liyue sat down helplessly.

A few minutes later, the old lady came down from upstairs and continued to eat with everyone.

Chen Yan cooperated with Song Zhengming to drink, but the two had nothing in common. They basically drank by themselves, and they never touched glasses from the beginning to the end.

Song Zhengming seemed to be in a bad mood, and he couldn't drink properly.

As soon as the meal was finished, Song Zhengming was already drunk.

After Chen Yan helped Huang Shuying bring the drunk Song Zhengming back to the room, he also got up to leave.

"You're drunk, you can't drive."

The old lady glanced at Chen Yan, and then told Song Liyue, "You send him back."

"No, I can..."

Before Chen Yan finished speaking, Song Liyue pulled him hard, making him swallow the rest of the words.

"It's time for me to go back." Yan Baoer looked at the time and said to Song Liyue with a smile: "It's just right, I'll take your ride."

After saying goodbye to the old lady and the others, the three left the Song family.

Chen Yan could have driven, but neither Song Liyue nor Yan Baoer would let him drive.

In desperation, he could only sit in the back seat with Yan Baoer.

"It seems that the words of the fortune teller are quite idiomatic!"

As soon as the car started, Yan Baoer laughed and joked to Chen Yan: "Do you feel flattered?"

"Don't say it, it's really a bit." Chen Yan nodded and smiled, and then said to Song Liyue: "Ask the old lady later, what did she talk to that fortune teller, her attitude towards me changed too quickly some."

Song Liyue rolled her eyes and said helplessly, "If she is willing to tell me, she won't be talking to that fortune teller alone."


Chen Yan tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded approvingly.

"Don't worry about what they talked about, as long as her old man's attitude towards you changes." Song Liyue said with a relieved smile, "It's thanks to you following us to the temple fair this time, otherwise, I don't know that grandma will have to wait until the year of the monkey to let grandma treat you. Your attitude has changed!"

At this moment, Song Liyue felt extremely fortunate.

I'm glad I persisted yesterday, and I'm glad Chen Yan didn't give in yesterday.

Who would have thought that the opportunity to change the old lady's attitude towards Chen Yan would be a temple fair.

I have to say that life is really amazing, you never know what will happen in the next moment.

Speaking of this matter, Chen Yan was extremely fortunate in his heart, and at the same time let out a long breath of foul air.

He remembered the agreement between himself and the old lady, this day will come soon!

A few people chatted in the car for a while, Yan Baoer suddenly bit her red lips, and said with some embarrassment: "Sister Liyue, find a gas station and stop the car, I...I feel a little urgent to urinate."

"This is almost in the suburbs, there is no gas station nearby!"

Song Liyue shook her head lightly, "Why don't you just bear with it for a while, at most you will be at Chen Yan's house in seven or eight minutes."

Yan Bao'er's face turned red, "Then quickly find a place where no one is around and pull over, I...I can't hold it anymore..."

Speaking of the latter, Yan Baoer's voice already had a hint of crying.

It seemed that she was really uncomfortable.


Hearing Yan Baoer's voice, Song Liyue hurriedly found a place where no one was around and pulled over the car.

As soon as the car stopped, Yan Bao'er hurriedly opened the door and ran down, not forgetting to say to Chen Yan: "Come down quickly and let me watch the wind!"

"Aren't you afraid of me peeping?" Chen Yan joked.

"I'm all yours, so I'm still afraid of your peeping?"

Yan Bao'er said something fiercely, and then urged: "Hurry up!"

"Yeah, good!" Chen Yan nodded, and hurriedly opened the car door and walked out.

Fortunately, this place is already close to the suburbs, and there is a small forest beside the road.

Yan Baoer went straight to the grove as soon as she got out of the car, and Chen Yan hurriedly stood outside the grove to look out for her.

After 1 minute, Yan Baoer finally finished her work and walked out of the grove with a comfortable face.

Back in the car, Chen Yan couldn't help but joked: "So you guys are also convenient in the grove?"

"Nonsense!" Yan Bao'er blushed slightly, glared at Chen Yan and said, "If there are no toilets around, the living will be suffocated to death by urine?"

"Exactly!" Song Liyue nodded approvingly, and said angrily, "You're making fun of Bao'er, you're too boring."


Chen Yan shook his head and smiled, "I thought that you rich people are as particular as old ladies!"

"Painful?" Song Liyue asked inexplicably: "What is grandma so particular about?"

"Didn't she go to the bathroom when she was eating?" Chen Yan scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "There is a bathroom downstairs, but she has to climb up the stairs to go to the bathroom in her room, so I thought she was a little Pay attention to..."

Speaking of this matter, Chen Yan still felt very embarrassed.

After all, this is a bit of a suspicion of criticizing the old lady behind the scenes.

"its not right!"

Just as she was secretly blaming herself, Song Liyue suddenly frowned and said, "Grandma is not usually so particular!"

"Oh, that may be because Bao'er and I are here, she is a little embarrassed." Chen Yan said awkwardly.

"What's so embarrassing? Who doesn't shit and pee?"

Song Liyue said something subconsciously, and suddenly realized that what she said was a little indecent, and a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

He does not mean that.

Hearing Song Liyue's words, Chen Yan frowned instantly, "According to what you said, I feel something is wrong!"

"What's wrong?"

The two women asked in unison, while looking at Chen Yan curiously.

"I can't tell."

Chen Yan stroked his chin and thought about it: "I just think that if the old lady is not so particular about it, and it's not because Bao'er and I are there, she's just going to the toilet, so there's no need to run upstairs and downstairs, right? Moreover, I saw that the old lady's expression was a little strange..."

Hearing Chen Yan's words, Song Liyue and Yan Baoer were also lost in thought at the same time.

"If grandma didn't go upstairs to go to the toilet, then she has something to hide from us."

After a moment of contemplation, Song Liyue's face gradually revealed a look of worry, "Besides, it shouldn't be a good thing..."

"I think so."

Chen Yan nodded and said, "Do you still remember that fortune teller told the old lady's fortune?"

Song Liyue's face jumped, she stepped on the brake suddenly, and looked back at Chen Yan, "You mean, grandma can't pass the [-]th hurdle?"

(End of this chapter)

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