The strongest chef in the three worlds

Chapter 318 Can't catch up with me, la la la...

Chapter 318 Can't catch up with me, la la la...

"Why don't you join them?"

After watching Yun Zheng and the others leave, Chen Yan looked suspiciously at Zhou Bukong.

Chen Yan was still wary of Zhou Bukong.

The apprentice of the most godly thief in the world stays by his side, and he doesn't have any friendship, so everyone will be vigilant.

"Didn't I say it? I haven't eaten enough of what you made."

Zhou Bukong laughed, and said again: "Besides, fighting and killing is not suitable for me."

Fighting and killing things are not suitable for you?
That sneaky thing is for you, right?
Chen Yan muttered in his heart, and glanced around, "Let's go, don't care if we can find that cave, let's leave here first."

There are corpses all over the place, after all, it is a place of right and wrong.

It's better to leave early, so as not to cause trouble for no reason.

Zhou Bukong didn't talk too much, and quickly left the scene with Chen Yan.

As soon as it became fully light, they began to search the area.

No surprises.

No surprise.

Until noon, they still found nothing.

Moreover, people from Huanglong Mansion have searched the area several times, but they haven't found even a single elixir.

Fortunately, Chen Yan was already mentally prepared.

With this result, he didn't feel any loss.

It wasn't until Zhou Bukong repeatedly yelled that he was hungry that Chen Yan stopped searching.

After finishing the food, the two sat on the ground.

While eating something in his mouth, Chen Yan's eyes did not stop, scanning almost inch by inch wherever he looked.

"stop looking."

Zhou Bukong ate wildly, and said casually: "If you can find it with your eyes alone, that cave has already been found by the gang of Huanglong Mansion."

Chen Yan was dumbfounded, then nodded.

Zhou Bukong's words are not without reason.

There are traces of trampling everywhere around here, which proves that people from Huanglong Mansion also searched here.

If they could see the hole, would it be their turn to look for it?
After figuring this out, Chen Yan didn't bother to read any more, and enjoyed the delicious meal with peace of mind.

After eating and drinking, they continued their search.

However, Zhou Bukong is just the one who makes soy sauce.

Mainly Chen Yan is looking for it alone.

Although he knew in his heart that the hope of finding that cave was extremely slim, Chen Yan still didn't want to just give up.

Whether you can find it or not, you have to try your best.

If he still can't find it after trying his best, then he has no regrets.

When it was completely dark, the two stopped searching.

They made some barbecue by the fire, and the two of them lay down to rest.

"You stay away from me."

Seeing Zhou Bukong approaching, Chen Yan immediately became vigilant, took out a burning branch from the fire, and drew a boundary on the ground, "Let's use this as a boundary, don't come over, and I won't go over either."

"Don't worry, I won't think about those things on you."

Zhou Bukong knew why Chen Yan was wary of himself, and said with a smile: "I still want to eat what you made in the future!"

"That doesn't work either." Chen Yan shook his head, "I won't beat around the bush with you either. It's essential to be defensive, and I hope you understand."


Zhou Bukong shrugged helplessly, lay down on the other side of the fire, and said across the fire: "Actually, I am a grand robber who robs the rich and gives to the poor."

"Ha ha……"

Chen Yan rolled his eyes at him.

Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor?
He is afraid that he wants to rob himself to help him?

Regardless of whether he is a grand thief or not, he just needs to be careful.

When sleeping, Chen Yan put his backpack directly under him.

Although his eyes were closed, he kept reminding himself to stay awake.

After more than an hour, Chen Yan suddenly felt the fire move.

Has Zhou Bukong started to do it yet?
Chen Yan was puzzled, but he didn't open his eyes and kept breathing evenly.

A smirk appeared on the corner of Zhou Bukong's mouth, and he picked up a stone and threw it at Chen Yan.

hidden weapon?

Chen Yan's heart shuddered, and he immediately turned over to escape.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Chen Yan move, Zhou Bukong burst out laughing, "I knew it, you must not have slept!"

"Are you testing me?" Chen Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, staring straight at Zhou Bukong.


Zhou Bukong nodded, and said with a smile on his face: "It seems that you are not so wary of me."


Chen Yan pouted, and lay down again holding the backpack.

"Can we trust each other more?" Zhou Bukong lay on the ground, raised his head and said, "You are always so wary of me, even if you are not tired, I am too tired."

"It's okay." Chen Yan yawned: "I'm really going to sleep now, don't get close to me, otherwise, if I kill you in a daze, you will die unjustly. "

With that said, Chen Yan closed his eyes again.

He was really sleepy.

He hardly slept last night, and today he spent a whole day searching around here during the day. If he hadn't been wary of Zhou Bukong, he would have fallen asleep a long time ago.

Soon, Chen Yan fell into a deep sleep.

Around four or five o'clock in the morning, the sky was already bright.

At this time, Chen Yan was soundly asleep.

Suddenly, Chen Yan felt his hand was empty.


Chen Yan suddenly trembled, and before he opened his eyes, he punched out.

Week is not empty!
It must be that bastard Zhou Bukong!
Chen Yan roared in his heart.

However, his punch fell through the air.

When he punched out, Zhou Bukong's figure quickly backed away.

"Haha, it's still in my hands! Bye bye!"

Zhou Bukong laughed loudly, picked up his backpack, and fled quickly.


Chen Yan cursed angrily, and chased after him involuntarily.

Take all precautions, but you still haven't stopped this bastard!
Although most of the elixir is in the Sumeru bag on his body, there are still a lot of elixir in the backpack.

More importantly, don't let this bastard's plot succeed!
Chen Yan raised his speed to the extreme, and quickly chased Zhou Bukong who was running away.

He is fast, but Zhou Bukong's speed is even faster.

This bastard seemed to have grown wings, and his body kept moving back and forth.

In less than 2 minutes, Chen Yan had distanced himself from him.

"Stop chasing me! You can't catch me!"

During Zhou Bukong's frantic escape, he turned his head to look at Chen Yan who was desperately chasing him, and said with a proud smile: "I am not your opponent in fighting; in terms of lightness kung fu, you will not be my opponent after ten years of practice!"

"You fucking don't let me catch you!" Chen Yan roared angrily: "Otherwise, I will break your dog legs!"

"Then I can't let you catch me!"

Zhou Bukong laughed, turned around suddenly, and the speed increased again.

Looking at Zhou Bukong who was getting farther and farther away from him, Chen Yan was furious.

No wonder Yun Zheng and the others are so afraid of this bastard, this bastard's ability to escape is really not covered!
Seeing that he couldn't catch up with Zhou Bukong, Chen Yan suddenly stopped and looked at Zhou Bukong's back with hatred.

"Stop chasing?"

Zhou Bukong stood still, looked back at Chen Yan who was so angry, and said with a smile: "I told you not to chase, you..."

Before Zhou Bukong finished speaking, the stone under his feet suddenly loosened.

He stepped into the air, and his body immediately fell...

(End of this chapter)

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