Chapter 23

"I said, you two are not poor, why do you live in such a place?"

After the alarm bell went away, Yan Baoer looked at Chen Yan's house, and looked at the two of them with a strange face, "Let's not say that there are mixed fish and dragons here, but this house is all dilapidated, so you are not afraid that the house will suddenly collapse one day? "

"Or, what are you doing here secretly?"

"Or, you two have masochistic tendencies?"

After speaking, Yan Baoer's face showed a strong gossip color, and a pair of big eyes kept sweeping back and forth on the two of them.

"What are you thinking!"

Chen Yan looked at her speechlessly, "We were really poor before!"

Li Yuanwu also smiled wryly: "You, the chairman's daughter, must not be able to understand the thoughts of us poor people."

If it weren't for the poor economy, who would want to live in this place!
If they had Yan Baoer's family background, they would have lived in a big villa long ago!

"You were poor before?" Yan Baoer exaggeratedly widened her eyes, somewhat disbelieving.

With Chen Yan's culinary skills, even if he can't become rich and powerful, it's impossible for him to be linked to being poor, right?

Chen Yan nodded and said, "You guys chat first, I'll go cook!"


Yan Baoer's eyes were shining brightly, like a hungry wolf.

Seeing her like this, Chen Yan couldn't help but smile, turned and walked into the kitchen.

This kind of staff dormitory is actually just a house with a small kitchen and bathroom, all of which are next to each other.

Yan Baoer was there listening to Li Yuanwu talk about their poor history, while Chen Yan in the kitchen cooked with peace of mind, and occasionally added a few words.

After more than 20 minutes, the food was served.

Before the two of them had time to move their chopsticks, Yan Baoer, who was already panicking with hunger, started to gobble it up.

Seeing her like this, the two of them smiled at each other and put down their chopsticks at the same time.

After wolfing down a lot, Yan Bao'er was finally full.

And a table of dishes has been eaten by her.

It wasn't until this moment that she remembered that Chen Yan and Li Yuanwu hadn't touched their chopsticks at all, so she blushed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm so hungry, I forgot that you two haven't eaten yet..."

"It's okay, we've eaten." The two said in unison.


Yan Bao'er didn't think too much, she stroked her bulging stomach, and said with a satisfied face: "It feels so good to eat..."

"Why are you doing this?" Chen Yan looked at Yan Bao'er helplessly, "Eat what you want, don't starve your body to death."

"I do not want it."

Yan Baoer's head shook like a rattle, "Since I ate the food you made, and then ate other food, I have no appetite at all."

"Yeah, I hurt you." Chen Yan said dumbfoundedly: "It just so happens that I'm going to help a friend make a diet meal recently, you can also send someone to our store to pack a meal every day, so that you won't gain weight after eating it .”

Anyway, it's okay to do it for Ya Yu alone, and it doesn't matter if you reserve an extra portion for Yan Bao'er.

If this girl really starves herself out of trouble, she can't bear the responsibility.

Yan Baoer's eyes lit up, but she tilted her head and asked, "That friend of yours, is that fat girl from that day?"


Chen Yan nodded and smiled.

Yan Baoer thought for a while, then suddenly showed a bad smile, and said ghostly: "When that fat girl really loses weight with your diet, I will eat it with confidence."

Although she believed in Chen Yan's cooking skills, she never believed in diet meals.

Don't worry about weight loss meals, if you eat too much, you will definitely gain weight!
"Okay, as you like."

Chen Yan smiled helplessly. Seeing that it was getting late, he said to Li Yuanwu, "Go and pack your things too. Our plan remains the same, we will move tonight!"

"it is good!"

Li Yuanwu nodded, got up and left.

Chen Yan asked Yan Bao'er to digest first, while he started packing up.

Although he has lived here for almost two years, his things are actually not many.

Now that the economy is a little better, he doesn't need to pick and shrink as much as before. He doesn't take away things that don't have to be taken away, such as pots and pans. He only picks up some important things and packs them.

While Chen Yan was packing up there, Yan Baoer suddenly picked up a photo on the ground.

In the photo, Chen Yan and Yang Xue are hugging each other.

However, both of them looked a little young.

Moreover, very earthy!
"So that woman was your girlfriend that day!" Yan Baoer suddenly exclaimed.

Chen Yan stopped packing and looked back at Yan Baoer and the photo in her hand.

This photo was taken when they first came to Ningchuan.

At that time, Yang Xue had just enrolled in the university, and she was still a simple silly girl.

However, four years of snowy life completely changed her.

"Wrong, it's an ex-girlfriend! It's not even an ex-girlfriend."

Chen Yan shook his head and smiled, took the photo from Yan Baoer's hand, and lit it on the gas stove.

Accompanied by a puff of black smoke, the photo was completely reduced to ashes.

"Did you dump her, or did she dump you?" Yan Baoer asked gossipingly.

"We broke up peacefully." Chen Yan lied.


Yan Baoer snorted lightly, not believing it at all.

Judging from their tit-for-tat attitude at the Song family that day, we knew that the two of them definitely did not break up peacefully.

"Okay, stop gossiping." Chen Yan gave Yan Bao'er a white look, "It's getting late, you should go home quickly! We will move to another place when Li Yuanwu packs up."

Yan Baoer rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I'll go to your new home first to see. Then I know the way, so I can go get some food."

"I don't even know where our new home is!"

Chen Yan said speechlessly, "We'll find a hotel to stay tonight, and we'll find a house tomorrow. I'll tell you when it's confirmed."

Thinking about staying in a hotel, Chen Yan actually still had a little expectation in his heart.

He has been in Ningchuan for almost four years, and he has never stayed in a hotel in Ningchuan!

"Then don't look for it." Yan Bao'er said with a smile: "I still have a villa in my house, which has been vacant all the time. You can just move there and live there! I'll charge your rent, as long as you cook for me every day Just do it!"


Chen Yan's heart skipped a beat.

After thinking about it carefully, Chen Yan shook his head again and said, "Forget it! Let's just find a house near Shiweitian. It's closer to the store, so it's more convenient for us."

Cannibals are soft and short.

It's not good to live in someone else's villa.

"Is that so..." Yan Baoer thought for a while, "Then I'll talk to Sister Liyue later."

"What did you tell her?"

Chen Yan asked inexplicably.

"You don't know?" Yan Baoer asked in surprise.

"What do I know?" Chen Yan looked at her dumbfounded, not knowing what she was talking about.

"The piece of New Pedestrian Street was developed by her company!"

Yan Baoer said with a smile: "There is also a well-decorated apartment over there. I asked her to give you rent-free."

Chen Yan was surprised.

That piece was actually developed by the Song family's company?

So, wasn't the previous flood indirectly caused by the Song family?
(End of this chapter)

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