Chapter 16

Before dawn, Chen Yan and Li Yuanwu set off.

By the time they delivered the ingredients needed for today to the store, the sky was already bright.

Thinking of Ya Yu's advice, Chen Yan was still a little uneasy.

Fortunately, apart from the terrible incident last night, they have not encountered any troubles until now.

Could it be that Yayu's advice came true in advance?
Chen Yan thought silently in his heart.

After counting the ingredients, Chen Yan said to Li Yuanwu: "We're done with our work today, let's close early and buy a van. It will be more convenient to buy ingredients in the future."

"That's true." Li Yuanwu nodded, "Maybe we need to add more manpower. Although we only receive ten guests a day, if there are some special circumstances, the two of us alone will still be too busy."

Chen Yan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "You can do this. Just hire two waiters to serve the dishes and clean up. We still have to do other things by ourselves, especially the purchase of ingredients."

"Ok, I know."

Li Yuanwu nodded.

At 11:30 noon, all the customers who made an appointment yesterday have come to the store.

Outside the store, there are still many people wanting to come in.

Fortunately, they had the foresight to lock the door in advance and put up a sign of "today's full" at the door.

Even so, there are still famous diners who are reluctant to leave.

Looking at the diners who refused to leave outside the glass door, Chen Yan and Li Yuanwu looked at each other and smiled.

They had already agreed last night that in addition to a limited number of customers, they would also provide a limited number of snacks such as egg fried rice to compensate for the diners waiting outside the store.

"We can start ordering."

Chen Yan gave the order and was about to go to the kitchen to get busy when the diners outside the store who were unwilling to leave suddenly dispersed in a rush.

"What's going on?" Chen Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he remembered Ya Yu's advice again.

At this moment, a strong and pungent stench suddenly came in from the crack of the glass door.

Chen Yan looked up, but saw a manure suction truck parked beside the road in front of the store.

The tank of the fecal suction truck seems to be broken, and the disgusting dirt is constantly spraying out.

Moreover, it is facing the door of their store!

At the same time, the guests who were ordering food excitedly also smelled the disgusting stench.

Everyone frowned, not even interested in ordering food.


Chen Yan cursed in his heart, quickly opened the door and rushed out.

Chen Yan avoided the constant splashing of dirt and came to the excrement suction truck. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said to the driver: "Master, please drive the car away! How can I do business if you do this?"

"Blind? Didn't you see that the car broke down?"

The driver crossed his legs and smoked a cigarette, as if he wanted to use the smell of cigarettes to suppress the stench that kept pouring into the cab.


Chen Yan choked slightly, and almost couldn't resist dragging the driver out of the car and beating him violently.

Conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy!
That bastard Yan Feng must have done it again!
Otherwise, how could this suction truck be broken at this time?And it was right in front of his shop door!

Is it because of this that Ya Yu told herself not to run around?

Do you want to let yourself stay here and take care of this matter?
"I'll deal with you later!"

Chen Yan gave the driver a cold look, kicked the car hard, and quickly returned to the shop.

Looking at the guests covering their noses, Chen Yan took a deep breath and said apologetically, "I'm sorry everyone, I'll take you out through the back door first!"

"When the outside is cleaned up, let's eat again!"

"As compensation, next time you come to my restaurant to eat, you will be free of charge."

Now that things have happened, we can only find a way to solve the current troubles.

These guests cannot be chilled.

Otherwise, the word of mouth will be ruined before it gets up.

"It's really bad luck!"

"I came all the way to eat expensive meals, and I encountered such a disgusting thing!"

"I just encountered this when I opened. It seems that this store has bad feng shui! No matter how delicious the food is, I won't come here anymore!"

"Stop beeping, hurry up, I'm going to stink to death!"

Even if Chen Yan showed enough sincerity, the ten guests still cursed.

Fortunately, the quality of these people is not too bad, so they didn't point at Chen Yan's nose and scold their mothers.

Chen Yan and Li Yuanwu kept apologizing to everyone, and led everyone to the back door.


The moment Chen Yan opened the back door, there was a sudden thunder in the sky.

At the same time, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the light dimmed instantly.

When they were still baffled by the sudden ghost weather, there was a sudden thunder in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, raindrops fell from the sky.

In just a few seconds, it has turned into pouring rain.

"What the hell weather, isn't the rain coming too fast?"

"Go out for a meal, and the dung truck explodes, and it rains again. The feng shui of this store is definitely not good!"

"For sure, I have to tell my friends, don't come here to seek bad luck in the future!"

The ten guests cursed again, regardless of the expressions of Chen Yan and Li Yuanwu.

Now that it was raining heavily, even if they wanted to leave, they couldn't go out for the time being.

In desperation, the two had no choice but to endure the ridicule and complaints from everyone, and took the guests back to the store to sit down.

Fortunately, the sudden rainstorm washed away the dirt outside the store, and the smell in the store was not as strong as before.

This is somewhat of a comfort to Chen Yan and the others.

"It's troublesome now."

Li Yuanwu pulled Chen Yan aside, and said in a low voice: "These rich people care about things like Feng Shui, and now they think that our store's business is not good. The business of the store will definitely be affected."

"I know."

Chen Yan nodded slightly, "But don't worry too much! There are always people who are as greedy as Yan Baoer! As long as the food tastes good enough, you don't have to worry about no business!"

"Also, it's useless for us to worry about these now, let's greet these guests well!"

"If we have a better attitude, we can somewhat restore some reputation."

Yan Feng, that bastard, think that this shop can be brought down with such despicable means?
too naive!

What moves does he have, just use it, and he will follow it!

While the two were talking, there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Open the door, let's go in!"



A group of people gathered around the door, constantly beating on the glass door, all of them were in a panic.

"It should be someone who came to take shelter from the rain."

Chen Yan hesitated slightly, then quickly went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, people from outside crowded into the store.

Waiting for the people around the store to squeeze into the store, Chen Yan's eyes widened, looking at the scene outside in disbelief...

(End of this chapter)

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