Chapter 9 My First Play
Soon, as the game officially began, all four of them boarded the plane.

The audience in the live broadcast room are also ready to appreciate their meal operation.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the headset, and this voice immediately stunned everyone.

"Where did my character go? What's going on?" Shen Feng asked with some doubts.

? ? ? ?
Question marks, everyone at that time had only one thing in their minds, and that was question marks.

Zhou Yanan, who was sitting next to Shen Feng, turned to look at him with a dull expression, and asked, "Honey, you haven't played Ultimate Battle Royale, have you?"

"Um, this is indeed my first time playing this game, please tell me what this operation is like."

Shen Feng admitted that it was his first time playing Ultimate Battle Royale, and even asked them how to operate the game.

As soon as this remark came out, Daba'er and the gold medal lecturer were stunned for a moment.

"Damn, Uncle Wolf, you're not kidding me, are you? You haven't played this game before?" Dumber asked in disbelief.

"You haven't only played the game of Glory of Heroes, have you?" Gold medal mentor Lao Ma asked.

Without thinking too much, Shen Feng replied directly: "This is the first time I played this game, but I have also played shooting games before, I thought it was just a group of people shooting each other together.

Who knew it would be like this, I don't even know what's going on. "

Well, with Shen Feng's personal acknowledgment again, the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

"Wan Duzi, now you guys are waiting to be wiped out by the group."

"Good guy, I call it good guy, this is going to heaven, it's okay to play Ultimate Battle Royale for the first time."

"I'm a dumbass, and I'm crazy now."

"Brothers, I seem to smell the breath of happiness."

"This wave, this wave, I might die laughing in this live broadcast room."

Never expected that Shen Feng would not know how to play Ultimate Battle Royale, and this was the first time he played this game.

In addition to playing this game, the relatively powerful Dai Baer, ​​Zhou Yanan and the gold medal lecturer are all novices.

Coupled with the fact that Shen Feng is playing for the first time, it's hard to say whether they can survive this wave for 10 minutes.

The audience in the live broadcast room directly regarded this round as the next meal, as if they had already seen the scene of their tragic death.

"Husband, aren't you playing with me? It's your first time playing this game, how can you protect me?" Zhou Yanan said with some dumbfounding.

"Aren't they all shooting games? Don't worry, I will still shoot. There is absolutely no problem in protecting you." Shen Feng said confidently.

"I said, Uncle Wolf, you're even worse than me, I've played it a few times anyway.

If we had known that you wouldn't know how to play this game, shouldn't we choose it? It would be great to just play Glory of Heroes, and everyone would know how to play it. "The gold medal lecturer said.

"It's okay, it's okay, hasn't he played this kind of game? This is actually no different from those games, but the equipment needs to be searched by yourself. It's very simple to teach you as you beat us." Dumber came out to smooth things over.

Even so, Shen Feng's operation still left everyone speechless.

Who would have thought that Shen Feng had never played this game, you know, the most popular shooting game right now is Battle Royale.

Although they are a little speechless, what can they do? Now that they have entered the game, is it possible that they can just quit?
Next, they began to teach Shen Feng how to play the game, starting from the very first jumping off the plane.

"Everyone listen to my command later, I will lead you to fight, don't worry, don't talk about eating chicken, we will definitely fight to the end." Daba'er said to everyone in the headset.

There is no way, she is the core of this team by herself now, she must calm everyone down.

Otherwise, it will be affected, and it may really fall into a box.

"Dai Ba'er, my poor Dui Ba'er."

"This game will definitely fall into a box."

"Brother upstairs, I'll add a packet of spicy strips."

"Let's bet, let's bet, bet on whether they can last for 10 minutes, I am a spicy strip maker, and I have plenty of spicy strips, come and bet."

"Here it comes, I bet ten packs of spicy strips fall into a box!"

"I bet five packs of spicy strips, I want Weilong's!"

Almost all viewers in the live broadcast room were not optimistic, and they all thought that they would definitely land in a box.

Whether it was Zhou Yanan, Daober, or the gold medal lecturer Lao Ma, none of them objected to this.

Not to mention Shen Feng, who was playing this game for the first time, just Zhou Yanan and the gold medal lecturer, the two of them played Extreme Battle Royale very rarely, obviously they are that kind of rookie.

No matter how powerful a single person is, it is impossible to take them off. What's more, they are playing a team battle, not an individual battle.

Dabaer is sitting in front of the computer at the moment, staring at the computer screen a little nervously, seeing that she is about the same distance from P City, she immediately shouted into the headset.

"Press F to skydive!"

Upon hearing this, she herself, the gold medal lecturer Lao Ma, and Zhou Yanan quickly pressed the F key.

Shen Feng was stunned for a moment, but he responded quickly, followed them, pressed the f key, and jumped out of the plane.

After pressing the button, Shen Feng stopped operating and just watched the character falling freely.

And the audience in the live broadcast room who saw this scene immediately started to launch barrage again.

"Wow, wow, wow, Yanan, please teach your husband, he is still in free fall!"

"It's over, it's too late, even if Uncle Wolf rushes to City P as quickly as possible, he won't be the first to land."

"Don't think too much about it, let's get down from the sky first, otherwise Uncle Wolf will still be floating in the sky after people search for the equipment."

"Hurry up, Yanan, please teach your husband, I'm really worried."

Zhou Yanan also saw the barrage immediately, and others also noticed that after Shen Feng fell from the plane, he remained at the original point and did not move.

"Husband, look at me playing like this. You use the mouse to move the character, and then wasd is front, back, left, and right. Did you see that point?

You press the W key to rush forward, and then adjust the direction with the mouse, and then rush towards that point on the map, see? "

Zhou Yanan immediately turned to look at Shen Feng and said, even teaching him how to move characters from the beginning.

As for Dumber and the gold medal lecturer Lao Ma, the two of them don't want to talk now, they seem to have seen the end of Shen Feng.

Shen Feng is not stupid either. Hearing Zhou Yanan's teaching, he immediately operated a few times by himself, and immediately understood what to do.

But even so, as said on the barrage, he has already missed the first batch of landing in P city.

(End of this chapter)

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