Chapter 79 Game Over
Just when Xiao Tuan'er was about to search for the enemy, Shen Feng suddenly said in the headset: "I have found the remaining two teams. They are on my side. Come here quickly!"

Hearing Shen Feng's words, Dai Ba'er and Xiao Tuan'er immediately reacted and walked towards Shen Feng.

Following the direction Shen Feng pointed them to, they immediately found a group of people hiding beside the small house in front of them.

There was also a group of only two people, and these two people also pointed their guns at their house.

And just after Shen Feng finished saying this, when the two of them walked over, the two teams on the opposite side shot at them at the same time.

Da da da da!
Da da da da!
"Damn it, did the two of them make an appointment? They beat us together!" Xiaotuan'er couldn't help complaining.

Shen Feng said with a smile: "It may be that when you were attacking the other team just now, they noticed the gunfire, but I don't know if it was an appointment or not.

Anyway, these two teams are handed over to you, don't die, just let me know if you need help. "

Shen Feng's guess was correct, the two teams did not make an appointment, but simply heard the gunshots from the other team attacking Dabaer and Xiaotuaner, and confirmed their positions.

So as soon as Daba'er and Xiao Tuan'er appeared, they immediately attacked Shen Feng and the others.

On the other hand, Shen Feng and Zhou Yanan hid to the side carelessly, and handed over the two groups of people to Daba'er and Xiao Tuan'er to solve it themselves.

Hearing Shen Feng's words, neither Daba'er nor Xiao Tuan'er replied, because they had no time to reply now, the enemy was right in front of them, and they couldn't do without attacking.

Da da da!
Da da da!
The bullets were fired from the muzzle of the gun, intertwining a dense network of firepower, but Daiba'er and Xiaotuan'er could only dodge and were unable to carry out an effective counterattack.

Because as soon as they appeared, they would be hit by bullets immediately, and the blood disappeared extremely quickly. If they didn't hide quickly, they might have died on the spot.

But Shen Feng and Zhou Yanan, who saw this scene behind, laughed heartlessly.

I have to say that the two of them are really similar as a couple, and they are basically not bad at all in this aspect.

The audience in the live broadcast room, seeing the heartless appearance of the two of them, also launched a barrage.

"Damn it, Uncle Wolf and Yanan are too ruthless, they don't even bother to help."

"2333, can Uncle Wolf and Yanan be blamed for this? It's Dumber and the others who don't want to help."

"I don't know why, but I feel so good watching it!"

"Brother upstairs, you must be a jerk! (д.)"

"I feel that the two of them are about to lose their hold, and it's time to ask for help, otherwise, this will be endless!"

No matter what the audience thought, at least Zhou Yanan and Shen Feng were really interesting to watch.

They were obviously their teammates, but seeing how they were being beaten, they thought it was quite amusing.

Maybe this is a bad taste that everyone has, at least Shen Feng and Zhou Yanan cannot be spared.

This is not the most interesting thing, the most interesting thing is that both Da Ba'er and Xiao Tuan'er were suppressed and beaten by others, but the two of them abruptly did not ask for help.

Shen Feng didn't even know why they were so persistent.

How did Shen Feng know, the two of them knew in their hearts that once Shen Feng asked for help, these people would not be opponents at all.

It will be completely solved by Shen Feng in a short time, and they will not be able to express themselves even if they want to.

So even though they are being pressed and beaten, as long as they have the opportunity and possibility to fight back, they will not ask for help.

Isn't it all right?If they were really beaten to the ground and there was nothing they could do, they would ask for help.

When Daba'er and Xiao Tuan'er were working together to deal with those two teams, the two teams also discovered each other's existence.

In the larger team, one of them asked in the headset.

"There seems to be a team next to us beating the people in the house. What should we do now? Shall we kill them too?"

"Let's not use it for now, everyone has the same goal, get rid of the people in the big house first, after all, their position is so good.

The next round of shrinking seems to be on their side. If we don't get rid of them, we won't be able to eat chicken. "One of them felt that it was not necessary for the time being.

"Okay, go and remind them on the [-]th, open a whole wheat, and ask their team for their opinions."

"Okay, I'll go and ask."

Mai No. [-] temporarily gave up the attack and moved towards another group of people. After hiding under a tree, he immediately turned on All Mai and asked the group for their opinions.

Soon, the team of only two people also responded immediately, that is, they should kill the people in the big house first, and then consider other things.

After reaching a consensus, the two teams decided not to procrastinate any longer.

Because their position is the next time the poisonous circle shrinks, if they don't attack Shen Feng and the others, when the circle shrinks, they will die as well.

After the two teams reached a consensus, they directly raised their guns and shot at Shen Feng and the others. They threw smoke grenades and other things in this direction, anyway, they did not give Shen Feng and the others a chance to attack.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene through the screen, seeing that the two teams were colluding and not attacking each other, they immediately shouted out of righteous indignation.

"Fuck, these people are shameless, they actually formed a team maliciously! (ˇˇ)"

"So what about forming a team? Don't you want to be killed by Uncle Wolf!"

"Uncle Wolf, it's not like they haven't been besieged by people who formed a malicious team before, and they turned back and killed them in the end!"

"Dai Ba'er, Xiao Tuan'er, don't hold on, and get help quickly!"

"Uncle Wolf, it's time for you to make a move, don't procrastinate any longer, we want to see you play games with God V!"

Shen Feng didn't see the barrage posted by the audience in the live broadcast room, but Dai Ba'er and the others really couldn't hold it anymore, so they immediately asked for help.

"Uncle Wolf can't stand it anymore, they're attacking on their own initiative!" Dumber immediately shouted into the headset.

Xiao Tuan'er didn't speak, but she didn't speak, obviously acquiescing to Daddy's request for help.

It seems that she has given up. If there is no chance, there will be no chance. Next time, I will find a chance to play games together.

Hearing their plea for help, Shen Feng agreed, then turned to look at Zhou Yanan.

The two nodded to each other, and then Zhou Yanan and Shen Feng each took out the grenade, pulled out the pull bolt of the grenade, and threw the grenade outside.

The explosion of the grenade immediately stopped the attack of the outsiders. Although no one was hit, it interrupted their attack.

And this was exactly the time Shen Feng needed, without saying a word, he picked up his rifle and came to the window.

Da da da!
Not only Shen Feng, but the three of them also followed and attacked the people outside.

In less than a minute, all the people in the two teams outside were killed.

And Shen Feng killed five by himself, and the remaining one was killed by Dumber.

At this point, the game is completely over, and Shen Feng and the others have successfully eaten the chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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