Chapter 177 Live Streaming
In this way, in the case of 2 on 5, Uncle Wolf still got the head, and it was when the blood volume was very sufficient.

After losing Master Luban kl.They can only retreat. Although their idea of ​​invading the wild area this time is good, but our Uncle Wolf's operation is so awesome that they can't react at all.

In this wave, they obviously lost their wife and lost their troops.

Because the opponent has already lost Master Luban, lp.Quickly decided to attack the black storm, because there is no master Luban, so the opponent can only try to grab the black storm.

Unsurprisingly, Uncle Wolf and the others got the black storm and once again grabbed the advantage of the game.

The game is halfway through.

"At this time, our Uncle Wolf should have seen the horse, but he directly followed up with the second skill displacement in the line of troops on the top road. Although Ma Chao on the opposite side started sprinting and wanted to run, but was swiped by Uncle Wolf's first skill, and then Coupled with Yao's control skills, he can't run away at all, and directly takes the head!"

After Uncle Wolf won the head, the live broadcast room was very excited. They knew that with Uncle Wolf's ability, he would never be afraid of the players in the professional game.

Just go up.

In the next game, neither Uncle Wolf's team nor the opposing team attacked rashly.

"Everyone's fights are dull, there is no more exciting scene, and everyone is trying to fight when the team is evenly matched. If you can win the head, try to win the head as much as possible."

"Our mouse has also changed from the high-profile work in the past. It will never play 1-on-5, but cooperate with teammates in a low-key manner."

"I think they should be looking for rhythm on dragons in the later stage. After all, dragons are very important for another game."

Sure enough, at 15 minutes into the fight, Uncle Wolf's team planned to fight the black storm first, and when the dragon had already been beaten to the brim, the opposite Ma Chao entered the field to harvest directly, unexpectedly snatching the dragon.

This made it impossible for the audience in the live broadcast room to accept it.

"Oh my god, this is too irritating. I'm so angry that I'm vomiting blood. The dragon who fought for a long time was snatched away by the opponent!"

"Yeah, yeah, such a big advantage can still be snatched away by others."

"Zhu Bajie and Zhao Yun brought two punishments, and they also handed over the dragon!"

"It's still a professional player, I think that's what it is."

Because the members of Shen Feng's team took two punishments but failed to grab the dragon, the fans in the live broadcast room were a little emotional.

"Everyone, don't get too excited, it's not lp. The food may be better for Ma Chao to grab the dragon, but this time the dragon snatches it doesn't mean the game is over, so everyone should look back patiently, maybe Uncle Wolf What high-end operations will there be in the future?"

Shen Mengxi did a very good job in the dragon grab just now. He used his big move to interfere with Uncle Wolf's opponent's jungler. Zhao Yun's judgment on Hei Bao's blood volume allowed Ma Chao to successfully take down the dragon.

It's just that fans didn't expect it, and even saury didn't expect it to be kl.Taking advantage of this time to get the black storm, he took the initiative to attack Uncle Wolf's team.

Very heroically captured the high ground of Uncle Wolf's team, and the situation was reversed at once.

"Oh my God, isn't this the same game as I used to play? The game that went smoothly before was suddenly overturned by the National People's Congress!"

"This heart is too congested."

"But you must not lose. With so many people watching, Uncle Wolf will not let everyone down."

The fans still pinned all their hopes on Uncle Wolf. In their eyes, the so-called professional players were no match for Uncle Wolf.

After Uncle Wolf's team lost the high ground, it seemed that they had been unsealed, as if they knew how to play the game right away.

And in the game, there was finally a thrilling scene.

That is the coming of the Dragon King. If you can beat the Dragon King, the game will probably be over.

And at this time kl.Because he had been playing with an advantage just now, when the Dragon King had only 1/3 of his health left, he took the lead in occupying the Dragon Pit and forced Uncle Wolf's jungler Zhao Yun away.

At this time, Uncle Wolf no longer just stood by and watched the right time to make a big move to enter the field, and then successfully won the most critical Dragon King.

After Uncle Wolf got the Dragon King, the opposing team started a retreat strategy.

It's just that Ma Chao seems to be very brave. He started 1v5, and he was relatively successful 1v5.

When his teammates saw how brave Ma Chao was, they turned back and joined the team fight. Uncle Lang's Zhu Bajie also fulfilled his role as a tank, directly dividing the battlefield with his ultimate move, and then producing normal output.

It's just that when the Storm Dragon King appeared, most of them had already bought the resurrection armor, and fought back and forth. After the resurrection armor was played, everyone's skills can be regarded as clean.

After a wave of team battles, Uncle Wolf sacrificed two heroes on his side, but sacrificed a hero on the opposite side.

Getting the Dragon King but losing two teammates is not considered an advantage.

But after Uncle Lang got the Dragon King, he didn't get much advantage, because the troop line was very different and he couldn't complete the counter push or anything like that.

So after fighting the Dragon King, the two sides carried out another wave of business operations, and they almost wouldn't fight until the next Dragon King was refreshed.

Finally, when there were only more than 40 seconds left before the dragon king was refreshed, the two sides began to approach the dragon pit, and Uncle Wolf's Yaoma combination quickly entered the grass to prepare for an ambush.

On the other hand, Ma Chao obviously didn't feel the crisis. After standing in Longkeng for a while, Master Lu Ban on the opposite side also cleared two visions in the bottom lane.

Ma Chao may have entered the bushes directly to meet Uncle Wolf because of the presence of Master Lu Ban.

Uncle Wolf directly pulls Ma Chao up with one skill and wants to escape, Uncle Fang catches up directly with his second skill, and then directly takes Ma Chao's head with a big move.

This wave can be regarded as a mistake by the opponent's master Lu Ban. After seeing Ma Chao being attacked, he should have thrown the chain directly, but he did not throw the chain immediately, which led to Ma Chao's mistake.

This should be Master Luban's fault.

But the people in the live broadcast room were very excited. In their opinion, Ma Chao was very good at playing, but at the critical moment when he was about to refresh the Dragon King, Ma Chao's head was taken down.

Wouldn't the subsequent games be much easier?
Sure enough, after Ma Chao was gone, the opponent's mobility was not very strong, so Uncle Wolf's team easily won the next wave of Dragon Kings.

This time the Dragon King was not like last time. Taking advantage of the storm, Uncle Wolf's team began to attack the opposing team.

Pushed directly to the opposite high ground.

But Agudo moved against the wall but was pulled over by Zhu Bajie's skill, and was directly injured by Uncle Wolf without any struggle, and took his head.

(End of this chapter)

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