I abused all the anchors in the whole network

Chapter 154 A Mass of Human Bones

Chapter 154 A Mass of Human Bones
As if aware that Shen Feng already knew about their existence, he let out a real low growl in a hidden corner in the forest, and then walked out slowly.

It is a kind of brown hair, with some dark black spots, but all of them are relatively thin.This should be the jackal.

Jackals are almost the same as wild dogs, only a little less stupid than wild dogs.

This kind of beast can't be compared with a tiger. For example, a tiger can slap a person to vomit blood, but facing this kind of jackal beast, if people fight hard, they should have a chance to suppress it successfully.

Eight wolves appeared in front of them, and Shen Feng's current location is probably their territory. Shen Feng tied the mobile phone used for live broadcast to his body, and after turning on the night vision function, he didn't have to worry about it too much.

I didn't expect such an exciting side to appear within a few hours of the broadcast.

"Damn, this is so damn real! This is much better than those wilderness survival anchors who just talk but don't do anything!"

"I can feel it, the jackal is glaring at me fiercely. Those green eyes are like ghosts, which makes me shudder!"

"My god, I really want to experience it myself, it's so exciting!"

"Do you guys still have a conscience? What we are most worried about right now is Uncle Wolf's safety! So many wolves are obviously a pack of wolves, wouldn't Uncle Wolf be in danger?!"

"I see that Uncle Wolf doesn't seem too scared, he didn't even yell or tremble or cry in despair..."

Shen Feng is not too scared, after all, he probably won't die here.

A jackal seemed to be the leader of their place. After growling a few times at the surrounding wolves, two jackals crawled towards Shen Feng.

He growled while walking, as if he was threatening Shen Feng, the hala in his mouth wished to protrude more than three feet high, these wolves seemed to have been hungry for a long time, and they already considered him as today's dinner.

Shen Feng made a request to tidy up, and the jackal roared and rushed towards Shen Feng's face, its big belly pointed directly at Shen Feng's face, as if it wanted to push Shen Feng to the ground.

But this posture was just right, Shen Feng picked up the electric baton and quickly reached out to stab the wolf in the direction where the wolf was about to pounce.

I only heard the sound of zigzag in my ears, and my arms couldn't help shaking. After all, the wolf is also a large animal.

The wolf became a zombie in an instant, and its mobility fell from midair to the ground, and then it has been twitching there motionless.

This current is enough to electrocute animals all the time. Although people cannot be electrocuted, animals can still be killed.

The wolves didn't expect that Shen Feng would suddenly draw out his weapon, but they seemed unable to retreat for today's dinner.

Soon more jackals rushed towards him, because he had one hand to hold the cubs, so Shen Feng could only deal with these wolves with one hand which he was not used to.

Because of the protection of electric batons, these wolves couldn't get into Shen Feng's body at all.

Somewhat annoyed, and they are a group of eight wolves, now there are only four wolves left.

In terms of choice, there would be fewer wolves left, and even if they ate this person, their eyesight in this forest would become much weaker.

It will soon be eaten by enemies or competitors.That was really worthless, so as the leader of Chai Lang, after thinking for a long time, he finally retreated to the forest with the remaining wolves.

Or it was planning to make a sneak attack when Shen Feng was not paying attention.

However, no matter what, it is really good to repel these wolves first.

Just now a jackal was going to sneak attack him, almost fell into the way of that jackal.

If it wasn't for the wolf cub in his arms jumping out of his arms suddenly, which frightened the jackal.It is estimated that he will be thrown down, and once he is thrown down, all the wolves will jump up and tear him apart in an instant.

At that time, the probability of wanting to survive will be much smaller than it is now.

"Thank you for saving me just now."

Shen Feng touched the hand pup's head with some lingering fear, and the hand wolf seemed to feel the feeling of mother's love during this movement, and curled up in Shen Feng's arms and rubbed it.

Shen Feng thought about it this way, this little wolf is so cute, he still doesn't know what to call it.

"From now on, you'll be called Dabai. It's easier to say. That's good, and it's easy to pronounce."

Shen Feng admits that this name is vulgar, but it is very practical, isn't it? This wolf is Baimao, and the name Dabai is quite good.

After hearing this vulgar name, Xiaolang seemed to want to refuse. Of course, Shen Feng ignored this behavior and called him Dabai.

After the thrilling battle just now, the fans in the live broadcast room were shocked to see such a scene.

"I'll go, Uncle Long and Dabai are so touching. I feel like I'm about to shed tears. Supporting each other in desperate situations..."

"Why did I see love? The wolf won't turn into a wolf boy, wolf beauty or something like that!"

"What are you talking about, you're probably a rotten girl, and Uncle Wolf already has Shuyi."

"We couldn't grab Shuyi at first, but now it's all over, and there's another great white."

Shen Feng patted Dabai's head, even if he briefly repelled the wolves, he couldn't take it lightly, maybe they were staring at him in the dark.

It is to rush forward and solve myself after the transaction is clear.

But the smell around here is indeed a smell of stinking corpses. Could it be the corpses of some small animals?
Shunfeng still couldn't control its curiosity, and searched in the direction of the smell. The closer it was, the stronger the smell.

Dabai in his arms was smoked so that he was a little dazed.

"What's the smell? It's so bad. Could it be that the food that those jackals brought back has rotted?"

But thinking about how hungry those rich wolves are, they probably don't have any food.

Finally arrived at the source of the smell, Shen Feng was a little shocked when he saw the previous scene.

There are white bones in front of him, and according to the skull, this should be a real human bone.

It looked like there were nearly as many bones as three or four people.

"My god! Why are there so many dead people? This is too scary, Uncle Wolf, run away!"

"There are a lot of dead people's bones, if it wasn't for the reason of the live broadcast, I have never seen so many human bones!"

"More and more fun, more and more fun!"

"It can't be that there are some vicious monsters around that eat people. Three or four people can't stop them. It's too dangerous. Uncle Wolf should go back quickly."

Some of the fans could already imagine such a terrifying scene, and wanted to let Shen Feng go back, but of course Shen Feng would not go back.

The bones of these people seem to be the kind of natural rotten bones, after weathering, I don't know why.

(End of this chapter)

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