I abused all the anchors in the whole network

Chapter 152 Harvesting Little Wolf

Chapter 152 Harvesting Little Wolf
Shen Feng has been trapped for two hours now, although Shen Feng doesn't know the exact time, but after all, the phone is powered on now, so he can record the time.

Fortunately, the surrounding environment of the forest is not bad. Finally, in such a very comfortable situation like Xin, some people will soon be unable to sit still.

"Oh my god, the black paint is so black, is it necessary to let Shen Feng sit here? That would be too rascal!"

"I think Uncle Wolf can take a walk. Which rich man's island is there, and there is no danger at all?"

"Talking upstairs is like standing up and talking without back pain. The environment on your private island is so bad, and there are animals like wolves?"

"Isn't it? In such a dangerous environment, it's better to stay obediently in the tent and prepare for rescue."

Shen Feng's fans are naturally unwilling to be their idols and enter the forest for years to take risks. The measuring wolf that Shen Feng is afraid of is the best explanation.

Shen Feng looked at the time and it was eleven o'clock in the evening, it was almost time to go to bed, but there were still two wolves here, if he really fell asleep, he would become the dead soul of these wolves.

After staying in the tent for a while, Shen Feng wondered if there would be any survivors in this place, but they didn't trust him so much, but fell into the middle of the forest.

And this shows that all the things that can be persisted are all here, if there are really people who survived.If I don't meet him, I'm afraid there will be no possibility of living.

Thinking this way, I planned to get some food and some water.After adding some self-defense things, we have to go to the forest.

When Shen Feng was packing up his things, the she-wolf looked at him intently, and finally made a move after staring at him for a long time.

The female wolf stood up unsteadily from the ground in great pain, and gave Shen Feng the first feeling that she was hungry and ready to eat people.

But this process didn't seem to be as fierce as Shen Feng thought.The female wolf actually picked up her cub in her mouth and took a trembling step towards Shen Feng.

Mother and son go into battle together?

The mother didn't have any fighting power, and even the dragon cub was just born, not too big, like a husky cub.

It is unlikely that he can compete with him.

Who knew that when Shen Feng was about to deal with these two wolves properly, Goro finally walked in front of him, swaying her unbearable body and biting the wolf cub.

Then he threw the wolf cub on the ground, and looked at Shen Feng with some sad eyes.

It seemed that she was making a very difficult decision at this moment, then she took out her wolf paw and pushed the little wolf cub towards Shen Feng.

For a while, Shen Feng was a little unclear about what the she-wolf meant, why did she feel like she was trusting her?

Finally the female wolf couldn't hold on any longer, she fell to the ground when she touched her, and let out a weak whine, which seemed to be the kind of unwillingness to die soon and her reluctance to give up her son.

But I don't know why, but I still refuse to die.

Seeing such a scene, Shen Feng had to say that he was already moved.

Anyway, the days of survival on an isolated island are really boring, if there is a little wolf cub to accompany him.It won't be that boring either.

Shen Feng finally understood what the female wolf meant, and carefully and gently picked up the wolf cub.

Then he walked to the side of the female wolf.

"You chose me at the last moment of your life, then I will definitely help you and take good care of your child. As long as I don't die, he will definitely live."

As Shen Feng said, he stretched out his hand tentatively, intending to touch the she-wolf's head, so that she could rest assured and leave this world without any worries.

The female wolf closed her eyes without any resistance, and tears fell from her eye sockets.

The mother wolf died, and only the cub was left.

The little wolf cub seemed to feel the feeling of mother-child connection when his mother passed away, and he also cried out, but he may be too young to realize what happened.

I'm afraid that the female wolf's meat, which has no fighting power, is placed here, and some other beasts will be attracted. In addition to this little wolf, it seems to be a little hungry.

He was about to drink milk, but he didn't drink enough, and he didn't understand if he wanted to eat the she-wolf. Shen Feng couldn't resist such a scene, so he also buried the she-wolf.

After he gave the little wolf a few intestines, he obediently lay beside him.

After finishing everything, he led the little wolf into the forest, intending to start looking for those who might also survive.

I might not be able to save them earlier than the rescue team.

The little wolf was put in Shen Feng's arms, and one person and one wolf started their search and rescue operation.

Regarding Shen Feng's cumbersome decision of bringing a wolf, although the fans in the live broadcast room did not understand how it was done.

But in such a difficult environment, you have to go out of trouble yourself, and some fans think it's not right to do so.

"In such a dangerous environment, there is no telling when danger will appear. If this little wolf puts the old man in danger, it would be too unworthy."

"That's right, on such a terrifying isolated island, wouldn't that unpredictable danger little wolf completely expose your position?"

"You can't say that. Maybe this little wolf was sent down from heaven to accompany my uncle. What a warm combination of a little wolf and an old wolf."

"In such a desperate situation, to have a pet as the motivation for Uncle Wolf to survive, maybe this is the meaning of Little Wolf's coming!"

"Don't think animals are too heartless, the wolf is a very spiritual animal."

"There are many stories about wolves in many foreign fables, so the little wolf is not necessarily a burden for Uncle Wolf to stay."

It's just that no matter what the fans in the live broadcast room say, Shen Feng has no chance to see it.

Since he promised the female wolf to take care of the cub, he would naturally keep his word.

The forest is very damp and dark.There are webs made by spiders everywhere, and there are some small insects that live in the deep forest crawling around on the ground.

"If we all jumped out of the plane at the time, and if I landed at the position where I just entered the island, then the others should be n places ahead from my position."

Hope to find them sooner.

"At this time, the host can also exchange some attribute skills by checking in the live broadcast room."

Since Shen Feng fell on this small island, the system has no sound, this is the first time it has sounded.

Shen Feng thought for a while and stopped. If he checked in some live broadcast rooms of survival in the wilderness at this time, would he be given corresponding skills?

Shen Feng planned to give it a try.

After quickly quitting his live broadcast, he searched for keywords, and sure enough.There are a lot of live broadcast accounts that are doing some wilderness survival training.

I selected a few people who seemed to be very powerful and clicked in.

(End of this chapter)

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