Chapter 88

Liang Mu never thought that one day he would be dubbed "Fox Spirit".

Especially, there are two women opposite.

A lesbian is here with me? ? ?
"Okay, Caishi, stop acting.

Also, you weigh me down. "

Facing Caishiyan's "affectionate confession", Wu Mohuan was unmoved, with a blank expression, and pushed Caishiyan buried in her chest away with a slap.

Caishiyan was not annoyed either, and said with a smile, "Sister Mo Huan who is poisoned is still so fragrant~"

The tears just now seemed like they had never appeared before.

Looking at this terrifying woman who could control her emotions freely, Liang Mu couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

With such acting skills, it's a pity not to run for the Oscar queen!
"Anyway, I'm going to take Sister Mo Huan away immediately, do you have any objections as a three-dimensional creature?"

Caishiyan asked Liang Mu arrogantly.

"Caishi, don't talk to Mr. Liang like that!"

Before Liang Mu could speak, Wu Mohuan gave Caishi a chestnut with his fingers.

"Ah!" Caishiyan covered her head, Oscar-level acting skills appeared again, she looked at Wu Mohuan with tears in her eyes, "Sister Mohuan, you actually hit your lover?"

Wu Mohuan ignored it directly, and said angrily: "Brother Liang cured my illness, understand?"

"Just him?" Cai Shiyan said disdainfully: "It doesn't look like a doctor at first glance, what kind of disease can it cure?"

She rushed over to grab Wu Mohuan's hand, and said coquettishly, "Sister Mohuan, hurry up and let me take you to the doctor.

After seeing the doctor, can you still play games with him at night?"

But as she spoke, Cai Shiyan's complexion changed.

"Oops! At this point, I made an appointment with someone to download a copy!"

As she spoke, she immediately sat down where she was, and turned on the laptop she was carrying with her in twos and twos.

The proficiency of the movements, it is obvious that he has done this a lot.

"Huh? Why is there no signal?"

While poking at the keyboard, Caishiyan looked at Liang Mu with dissatisfaction: "Three-dimensional creature, did you hide the net?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Caishi, there is no signal here."

Wu Mohuan glared at Caishiyan again.

"Impossible!" Caishiyan shook her head again and again, "Wucheng has already achieved network coverage throughout the city, even the sewers have signal, how could there be no signal here?"

Liang Mu smiled immediately: "If you can get a signal here, I'll be your younger brother, okay?"

Signal and enchantment are the two major seals here.

If this little guy can really break through one of the seals, Liang Mu really doesn't mind being her little brother.

"Then it's up to you!"

Cai Shiyan said confidently.

Then his fingers fluttered, his eyes focused like never before.


For a while, the only sound in the bookstore was her typing on the keyboard.

But as time passed, Caishiyan's expression gradually changed from self-confidence to confusion, and finally to disbelief.

"This is impossible! Is there a problem that I, a computer genius, can't solve?"

In Caishiyan's eyes, it seemed that something was broken at this moment.

"I'll try it outside!"

She picked up her laptop and rushed out of the bookstore.

Does she remember her sister Mo Huan?


"I made you laugh."

Wu Mohuan and Yashayan smiled awkwardly but politely at the same time.

Liang Mu didn't care, but thought Caishiyan was quite amusing.

As for Sima Qingjian, it has been a long time since he spoke.

Ever since she knew that Wu Mohuan knew Yashayan and Caishiyan, she had remained silent.

She is not a fool, she has already reacted.

Although Wu Mohuan claimed that Yashayan was her sister and Caishiyan was her younger sister.

But the atmosphere between the three, how could it be the atmosphere between sisters.

Especially Ya Shayan, when she stood beside Wu Mohuan, she felt like a personal bodyguard.

Coupled with the fact that Wu Mohuan knew Riyue Island well, Sima Qingjian basically confirmed one thing——

Wu Mohuan is probably the leader of Mo Yan's organization!

As the eldest lady of the Wu family, it is generally recognized by the outside world that she is only one of the heirs to the Wu family's career.

However, Huanglong Industry, the largest under the name of the Wu family, is firmly in the hands of the eldest son Wu Henan.

Therefore, the outside world basically believes that Wu Tianxiong will eventually hand over the burden of the Wu family to Wu Henan.

For Wu Mohuan, he is not very optimistic.

There are even many people who don't know the name.

But who knew that Wu Mohuan, who was not favored by others, quietly established a powerful Moyan organization?
How could an organization capable of building its own ships be any worse than Huanglong Industry?
In fact, Sima Qingjian should have thought of it earlier.

Mo Yan suddenly came to seek cooperation from Sima Bo, probably the biggest reason was Wu Mohuan.

As she is often in the bookstore on weekdays, she should have heard all about Riyue Island long ago.

But now, Sima Qingjian, who knows Wu Mohuan's real identity, feels that this woman is not simple.

Before I knew it, I fell into deep thought.

It wasn't until Wu Mohuan and Yashayan said goodbye and left that she came back to her senses and followed them away.


In the empty bookstore, Liang Mu raised his head and sighed.

Once upon a time, he also had a dream of a programmer.

But by coincidence, the university applied for a major in metallurgical engineering.

It's not that I dislike this major, it's just that in the dead of night, I occasionally recall my childhood dreams.

I also thought about teaching myself computer knowledge.

But before Liang Mu moved towards his dream, he inexplicably crossed over.

He even failed to get a diploma in metallurgical engineering.

"But." Liang Mu rubbed his chin and murmured, "Why did I choose metallurgical engineering as a major?
Tsk, why can't I remember all of a sudden?"

"Why? Why? Why?!"

As soon as they came out of the alley, Wu Mohuan and Ya Shayan saw Cai Shiyan looking at the computer with a collapsed face.

"Have you figured out why there is no signal?"

Wu Mohuan and Yashayan approached at the same time.

In fact, they have always been curious, why is there no signal in the nameless bookstore?

Also, why would Liang Mu prefer to eat takeaway box lunches rather than step out of the store?
"Look at it."

Caishiyan pointed to the computer screen, where there were two electronic maps.

"This is a wicked map, this is a thousand-degree map.

But the strange thing is that there is no information about this bookstore on the two maps.

It's as if it just popped out of nowhere! "

"Why is this?"

Caishiyan couldn't figure it out.

However, seeing Wu Mohuan and Ya Shayan's expressions were normal, she couldn't help asking, "Don't you think it's strange?"

"Well, with Mr. Liang's ability, he always feels that it is not difficult for him to conjure up a bookstore out of thin air."

Wu Mohuan said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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