Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 85 History Is Always Surprisingly Similar

Chapter 85 History Is Always Surprisingly Similar
Alsophila spinulosa and rabbit ear grass are not people who sit still.

On the contrary, before the two of them worked for Hua Ji, they were two ruthless people.

So facing a group of people surrounded in the dark, they launched a fierce and crazy counterattack.


"Damn it, these two guys have two tricks?"

The other party didn't seem to have expected that Cymphila spinulosa and Rabbit Ear Grass would fight back so fiercely, and cursed loudly.

But what followed was their fierce attack.

Alsophila spinulosa and Rabbit Ear Grass also found out the strength of the opposite side.

Although the individual strength is not as good as them, but the victory lies in the number of people.

Moreover, there is a sense of deja vu as a street gangster, each move becomes more despicable than the last.

Gradually, the two of them were beyond their strength.

Finally, with a muffled groan, Cynthias spinulosa was knocked unconscious by someone holding a chair leg.

The so-called concern leads to chaos, and rabbit ear grass is also a distraction, following in the footsteps of spinosa.

In the corner, Sima Qingjian and Wu Mohuan were silent.

At first, Sima Qingjian thought it was someone from Wu Mohuan who came.

But when Wu Mohuan signaled her to keep quiet, Sima Qing knew that things were not as simple as he thought.

But at the same time, she was full of doubts.

Why did the two groups of people who had nothing to do with Wu Mohuan get into a fight?

Just as the fighting was gradually coming to an end, someone in the darkness shouted, "Third brother! A woman came outside!"

"It's just a woman. See how scared you are?"

"But third brother, that woman is a bit like the one who came to our base that day."


The person known as the third brother hesitated for a moment, then said coldly: "Hmph, the task is important!
Hurry up and put these two people in sacks, let's evacuate! "


After another burst of chaotic sounds, those people all left the restaurant, and the surroundings suddenly fell into silence.


Sima Qingjian heaved a sigh of relief.

Although she still didn't know what happened, but it looked like the danger had been lifted.

But in the next second, she realized something was wrong.

Wu Mohuan, who was able to speak normally just now, was lying limply on the table.

Sima Qingjian put his finger on Wu Mohuan's wrist, but what he heard was scalding like flames.

"Damn it! What kind of poison is so powerful?"

Sima Qingjian was surrounded by powerlessness.

"By the way, this place is not far from the bookstore, go directly to Mr. Liang for help!"

Sima Qingjian immediately carried Wu Mohuan on his back and left the restaurant.

At this time, the restaurant was in chaos.

Passers-by nearby have long been attracted by the movement just now.

Many people are speculating whether there is some underground organization fighting in the restaurant.

In the distance, approaching sirens also sounded.

Qianbugou has been hiding for a long time.

The moment those thugs rushed into the restaurant, Qian Bugou thought that their targets were also Wu Mohuan and Sima Qingjian.

However, after the confusion, Qian Bugou found that he could not contact the cypress and rabbit ear grass.

Instead, he saw Sima Qingjian leaving the restaurant with Wu Mohuan in his arms.

Qian Bugou was completely dumbfounded.

During the period just now, what happened in the restaurant?
"Young master, the task has been successfully completed!"

"We not only kidnapped Sima Qingjian, but also the woman who was with him!"

"Young master, you don't know, the restaurant just had a power outage, and the two of them almost ran away.

Fortunately, the brothers risked everything for the sake of the young master, and arrested them abruptly! "

In front of Wu Henan, Hou San and his group all had expressions of asking for credit.

"Hahahaha, thank you for your hard work, brothers, go back to my study and pick a gift to take away."

Wu Henan also boasted in a good mood.

"Thank you, young master!"

"Hum hum"

Wu Henan walked in front of one of the black sacks with a step of disbelief.

This black sack was bigger than the one next to it, so Wu Henan naturally thought that it contained Sima Qingjian.

The other sack contained the woman who had dinner with Sima Qingjian.

"Sima Qingjian, you have today too?"

Wu Henan patted the sack triumphantly, as if giving Sima Qing a few big mouths through the sack.

This feeling is so cool!
"Aren't you awesome? Now it's in my hands!
Dare you prick me with a needle?

See if the young master hits you or not, and you're done! "

"Come on, give our Vice President Sima a needle!"

Amidst Wu Henan's ferocious smile, Hou San and his group each picked up a needle, followed by perverted smiles on their faces.

"Prick me!"

Wu Henan gave an order, and countless needles pierced into the sack.


A grunt.

Obviously, the people inside were stabbed awake.

Alsophila spinulosa woke up from a coma in pain, feeling pain all over her body as if she had been stabbed with dozens of needles by Nanny Rong.

But he immediately realized that this was not an illusion!
There are really many needles piercing him!

And he was bumped into a black sack.

What's worse, a bunch of stinky socks were stuffed into his mouth!

Why is this picture so familiar?
"No! No! No!"

Alsophila spinulosa began to struggle non-stop, but because its mouth was gagged, it could only make a humming sound.


Hearing the voice in the sack, Wu Henan became more and more happy.

I just feel that all the humiliation I received on Sun Moon Island has been vented today!

Not only did he not tell his subordinates to stop, but he ordered even more frantically: "Keep piercing for me!"

Inside the sack, the pupils of the spiny spinach tremble instantly!

Because he recognized Wu Henan's voice.

But he couldn't figure it out, why did Wu Henan torture him?
Could it be that this stupid second generation has enlightened and wants to understand the kidnapping incident last time?
So deliberately revenge him in this way?
Before Cyphila spinulosa thought about it, the physical pain came again.

"No! No! No!"

In the struggling voice, there was already a crying tone.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the rabbit ear grass in another sack also woke up.

Like spinosa, she also had a stinky sock stuffed in her mouth.

As soon as the consciousness was awakened, it was also the subconscious that began to struggle.

This movement was immediately discovered by Wu Henan.

"I suddenly thought of an idea." Wu Henan's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, pointing to the sack where the spinosa was in and ordered: "Go, let him out.

I want him to watch his friend being tortured by me!
That powerless look must be delicious! "

Soon, some subordinates stepped forward and unsealed the black sack.

As the sack slowly fell, and as Jiaocheng's frightened face gradually appeared, the evil smile on Wu Henan's face gradually turned into astonishment.

"why you?!"

Wu Henan pointed at the spinulus spinosa, and he was dumbfounded.

Alsophila spinulosa, which was bleeding all over, shed tears of grief and indignation at this moment.

Roaring in my heart: I also want to know why it is me!

(End of this chapter)

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