Chapter 792 Who Did It?
Although the members of the Demon Elimination Legion didn't know what happened, they all saw the fear and panic displayed by the Grand Duke of Crocodile Demon.

They didn't miss this opportunity, and once again attacked the Grand Duke of Crocodile Demon.

But this time, the Grand Duke Crocodile Demon no longer had the same calmness as before.

"Do not--"

With a miserable howl, the body of the Grand Duke Crocodile Demon was once again smashed to pieces by various moves.

But this time, the demon energy quickly dissipated and never gathered again.

Everyone in the Demon Slayer Legion looked at each other while panting.

what is happening?
Only a small number of people are very familiar with this scene of divine punishment.

"It seems that Mr. Liang already knows we are coming."

"Taiwei! What happened?!"

In the laboratory, Gu Liang Ziwei asked Taiwei Mozun with an ugly face.

He was enjoying the headaches of everyone in the Demon Slayer Legion comfortably.

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, the Grand Duke Crocodile Demon would fall down!
This is not as simple as just falling down with one of his subordinates, but a slap in the face of Guliang Ziwei!
It proved that his experiment had a big problem!
"My subordinates don't know, my subordinates will investigate now!"

Demon Venerable Taiwei also looked bewildered.

Afterwards, figures of star demons flew out from the floating island to investigate the truth of the incident.

"There, it should be the hiding place of the Devouring Star Demon Emperor."

After dealing with the Grand Duke Crocodile Demon, the Demon Slayer Legion has advanced a lot.

And what the team was referring to now was the floating island in the distance.

As for the name of the Devouring Star Demon Emperor, they learned about it through torture of the Star Demon Race.

But whether this Devouring Star Demon King is the star demon master that the rebels said, they still have no way to determine.

"Unfortunately, you are destined not to see Lord Demon Emperor."

A cold but familiar voice suddenly emerged from the ground.


Everyone in the Demon Elimination Army quickly dispersed.

And then, a huge figure slowly drilled out from below the ground.

Appearance is a huge manul with black scales.

Who else is it not the corpse ghost emperor of the Eighth Star Market?

But everyone also clearly remembered that the corpse ghost emperor was hacked to pieces by Lan Xiaoli's Tianren Army soldiers in the Eighth Star Market, and the dead could not die again.

But now, he is standing alive on the land of the First Star Market.

After experiencing what happened to the Grand Duke Crocodile Demon, everyone was not so surprised, but looked at the corpse ghost emperor with a full face of wariness.

"I have not forgotten the enmity of the Eighth Star Market.

Today, I will give it all back to you! "

As the ghoul emperor smiled evilly, corpses emerged from the surrounding ground.

As soon as it appeared, it launched an attack on the Demon Slayer Legion.

"As before, part of the body will deal with the corpse, and the main force will deal with the main body together!"

Wu Mohuan quickly issued orders.

Under her overall planning, the Demon Slayer Legion was immediately divided into two parts.

Some of them dealt with the corpses emerging from the ground, and the other part of the main force stared at the body of the corpse ghost emperor together!


Unsurprisingly, the corpse ghost emperor's body was blasted to pieces.

But it was also not surprising that the corpse that had been blasted to pieces immediately revived.


The Demon Slayer Legion and his party had already been prepared for this.

But even so, with the resurrection of the corpse ghost emperor again and again, more and more corpses gathered around him.

The pressure faced by the Demon Slayer Corps also continued to increase.

'Brother Liang, give me some help! '

They could only pray in their hearts that Liang Mu would lend a helping hand again.

So what is Liang Mu doing at this time?

At this time, Liang Mu's height from the ground has increased a lot.

And maybe because he is already familiar with the feeling of walking in the air, although the height has increased, Liang Mu's mood is not as disturbed as before.

Just from time to time, I still find excuses to stop and rest.

After all, he is just an ordinary person.

Ordinary people get tired.

It's just that he couldn't let Mozun Tianshi see that he was an ordinary person.

Otherwise, it might be thrown directly from this high altitude.

"That is.?"

Liang Mu pointed to a building on the ground under his feet.

It was a giant steel cathouse.

For some reason, seeing the shape of this building, Liang Mu immediately thought of the corpse ghost emperor in the Eighth Star Market.

I remember that guy's old lair, which was also in a similar shape.

At this time, Tianshi Mozun just replied: "Your Excellency, that is the home of the corpse ghost emperor."

"Huh? It really belongs to that guy?!"

Liang Mu's voice suddenly rose, showing signs of gnashing his teeth.

The frustration he suffered in the Eighth Star Market was no less than that in the Ninth Star Market!
Liang Mu will never forget in his life, the scene where the greedy ghoul emperor treated human beings as miners and coolies.

I don't know how many human beings were squeezed to death in the mines. Before they died, they didn't see what the sun looked like.

Although Liang Mu made a plan to liberate the human beings, he knew in his heart that as long as the corpse ghost emperor is still alive, human beings will eventually return to the miserable life of being enslaved by it.

Thinking of that Xiaomi who eagerly asked him to beg for food, and seeing the magnificent home of the Ghoul Emperor, Liang Mu was so angry that his teeth itch.

And Tianshi Mozun, who watched this scene from the side, felt dark in his heart.

He didn't know how the corpse ghost emperor angered Liang Mu, and he seemed to be more disgusted by Liang Mu than the Grand Duke Crocodile Demon.

This time, Tianshi Mozun didn't ask for instructions, and directly raised his hand and threw a black light down.

Soon, the giant cat nest of the corpse ghost emperor also became a ruin.

And almost at the same time, the corpse ghost emperor's clone, which was trembling with the Demon Slayer Legion, shook violently.

On its face, there was an expression of astonishment similar to that of the Grand Duke Crocodile before he died.


The Demon Slayer Legion won't give it time to perform, and will do it directly.

And this time, the corpse ghost emperor also did not come back to life.

Two consecutive similar situations made more and more people in the Demon Slayer Army realize that there are experts helping them secretly
And who that expert is, is ready to be revealed.

"Thank you, Mr. Liang!"




The enraged Guliang Ziwei smashed most of the laboratory.

Roaring towards the light screen: "Taiwei!! Did you find it?!"

On the light screen, Demon Venerable Taiwei appeared, and Shen Shenghui reported: "Master Demon Emperor, the reason has been found out.

The reason why the clones of the Grand Duke Crocodile Demon and the Ghoul Emperor could not be revived was that someone destroyed the storage place of their souls.

The soul is dead, and naturally it cannot be revived. "

"Who is it?! How dare you act presumptuously on the site where I devoured the Star Demon Emperor!"

Guliang Ziwei continued to roar.

"Uh, that man is powerful, and his whereabouts are strange, and his subordinates have to continue to investigate."

On the light screen, Demon Lord Taiwei disappeared.

Only Gu Liang Ziwei was left with a ferocious face, gasping for breath against the debris on the ground: "Don't let me catch you."

(End of this chapter)

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