Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 781 The power of time and space

Chapter 781 The power of time and space
Since returning to the throne, she also acquired the chivalrous sword, and Yashayan's strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

In terms of combat power alone, it is currently the number one among the seven stars.

And because of the Sword Bone Moluo incident, her hatred of the Star Demon Clan is also extremely strong, and she is not inferior to Wu Mohuan.

Therefore, for Liang Wei, the instigator who mixed humans and demons into one, Ya Shayan also wanted to kill him quickly.

Under the strong murderous intent, the starlight sword glow went straight to Liang Wei.

The strong energy instantly lifted the roof of the hall.

Wherever the sword light passed, it was all dust.

This sword seemed to split Liang Wei and the entire hall in half.

But facing such a fierce sword, Liang Wei didn't even move a finger, he just looked at the flying sword light indifferently.

It wasn't until Jianmang came to him that his eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, the space in front of him suddenly became distorted.

As a result, the sword light that was originally pointing at him was distorted and turned in a different direction, flying backwards towards Yashayan!

The crowd was startled.

"Quickly open!"

Even Yashayan herself didn't want to face her sword.

Others can't even avoid it.


With a loud roar, the entire hall burst open.

Gravel cracked tiles and splashed everywhere.

Billowing smoke and dust filled the sky.

"I'll go! Did you call all the way to the palace?"

At this time, Liang Mu, who was quietly sneaking out of the palace, was startled by the loud noise.

But just as he was about to speed up and slip away, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and he felt something under his feet.


Liang Mu subconsciously looked down, only to find a round black hole forming silently under his feet.


When the black hole appeared and immediately dragged Liang Mu into it, Liang Mu heaved a sigh of relief.

This black hole is also an "old friend".

Undoubtedly, this is the system sending him to the next task.

Under the current situation, of course it would be better to leave here, that's why Liang Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, he realized something was wrong.

I haven't had a round with Dongji Xingjun yet!

"Wait! Those guys haven't... ah!"

Before Liang Mu finished shouting, the black hole sucked him in completely.

The entrance to the black hole slowly closed in front of him.

But just before the entrance of the cave was about to close, Liang Mu saw a familiar face appear above his head.

It is Dongji Xingjun!

Just as Liang Mu was about to say something, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because the Dongji Xingjun in front of him is completely different from the one in his memory.

Especially in those blue eyes, there is no trace of the usual human-shaped Erha's temperament, only coldness and indifference.

And the plastic lightsaber he held in his hand was no longer the inferior texture of the knockoffs in the past.

On the contrary, the stars above are flourishing, and the cold light is awe-inspiring.

Standing above the black hole, Dongji Xingjun just watched Liang Mu being sucked in without expression.

A gust of cold air shot up from Liang Mu's back and went straight to the top of his skull.

For the first time, he realized that he didn't seem to have seen the man above his head clearly.

Just be deceived by his illusion.

Before his consciousness was completely swallowed by the black hole, the catchphrase of Dongji Xingjun popped up in Liang Mu's mind.

"This Xingjun is the most powerful person under the starry sky!"

Then, I don't know anything.

Outside the collapsed hall, the troops of the Demon Elimination Legion gathered again.

Because he dodged quickly, there was no injury.

But at the same time, Liang Wei was also unscathed.

He even sat on the dragon chair relaxed and freehand.

Even though the main hall collapsed, the dragon chair under Liang Wei's buttocks was as clean as ever.

And Liang Wei's body was spotless.

It seems that there is no dust, and it is possible to get close to Liang Wei's body.

"That... what ability?"

Thinking of Liang Wei's method of distorting the space, the group of people didn't look very good.

"The ruler of the seventh plane, Tianzhu Xingji Hongye."

On the dragon chair, Liang Wei sneered with disdain.

He was able to tell Yashayan's true identity in one go, and everyone was not surprised.

His understatement was what surprised everyone the most.

This meant that Liang Wei didn't pay attention to the majestic master of the plane at all.


This behavior also made Chiwen growl in dissatisfaction.

To look down on Yashayan, the master of the plane, is to look down on its will on the plane!
"What? Want to fight in groups?

It doesn't matter, anyway, if you go together, you are not my opponent. "

Liang Wei's face was full of contempt.

He looked up at the sky, and for some reason, he suddenly muttered to himself: "At the beginning of the chaos, there were those with supreme supernatural powers who broke the chaos and created the stars.

With a wave of his hand, there are stars in the darkness.

With one finger at the void, there is life in the world.

Then the universe successively generates the realm of time and space, the realm of the underworld, and the twelve planes.
Among them, the main stars of the first nine planes of the twelve planes are arranged in the directions of nine stars and eight trigrams.

They are Tianpeng star in the first house of Kan, Tianrui star in the second house of Kun, Tianchong star in the third house of Zhen, Tianfu star in the fourth house of Xun, Tianqin star in the fifth house of middle, Tianxin star in the sixth house of Qian, Dui The Tianzhu star in the seventh house, the Tianren star in the eighth house, and the Tianying star in the ninth house.

Anyone with this nine-star status is the ruler of the nine planes."

In Liang Wei's mouth, it seemed that he was talking about an ancient history of the starry sky.

And hearing this, everyone's memories seemed to return to the Nine Palaces and Bagua Formation in the depths of the Blue Star East Sea in an instant.

So at that time, everyone's identities had already begun to emerge?

But why did Liang Wei know this?

Why is there such a sense of familiarity?
Also, why would he say these things at this time?

Liang Wei didn't seem to care, and continued on his own: "The rulers of the nine planes are powerful, but they always belong to mortals.

Because on top of these masters, there is another race appointed as managers by supreme supernatural beings.

That is a race that is powerful enough to control time and space.

In the eyes of that race, the Nine Masters are nothing more than ants."

Speaking of this, Liang Wei grinned grinningly at the members of the Demon Elimination Corps: "Now, do you understand?"

At this moment, the hearts of all the members of the Demon Slayer Legion were shocked.

Of course they knew who the race of managers Liang Wei was talking about was!
It is exactly what Ye Shiyi once told them, the time and space clan to which the Eternal Holy Lord Luqiu Wuji belongs!
That clan of gods who live in the realm of time and space and manage the entire universe!
But didn't Night Eleven say that that race had perished?
Could it be that.
Everyone thought of Liang Wei's method of distorting space just now, and then thought of the ability of the legendary time and space clan, and their faces changed instantly.

"That's right, it's exactly what you think!

I am from the Time and Space Clan! "

Liang Wei sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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