Chapter 768 Strange World
"Damn human, dare to threaten us?"

"Brothers, kill them all!"

As soon as Liang Mu opened his eyes, he saw the bumpy scene in front of him.

Not a single blade of grass grows, and the demonic energy is entangled.

There is no difference from the world scene ruled by the Star Demon Clan that we have experienced before.

So, this is another place ruled by the Star Demons?
The sound of chasing and killing came from behind.

Liang Mu glanced down first and confirmed that it was indeed Jelly carrying him.

He turned his head, and immediately saw dozens of Star Demons with black scales approaching fiercely.

And beside him is Dongji Xingjun holding a plastic lightsaber!

At this time, Dongji Xingjun pointed his lightsaber at those star demons, and kept saying all kinds of pretentious words from his mouth.

Liang Mu rolled his eyes immediately.

He seriously suspected that these star demons were all attracted by this bastard.

At this time, Dongji Xingjun seemed to have noticed Liang Mu's awakening.

As soon as he turned his head, the fragrance came out of his mouth directly: "Your surname is Liang, how can you sleep more and more?

Do you know that you slept for ten days this time? !
I almost thought you were a vegetable! "

ten days?

so long!
Liang Mu was also taken aback.

Although he had already realized from the lengthy dream that this sleep was definitely not short, he never thought that he slept for a full ten days.

In other words, it has been ten days since I came to this world?

And during these ten days, it was Dongji Xingjun and Jelly who took care of themselves?
Liang Mu was a little embarrassed.

He seemed to understand why the system forced him to have a Dongjixingjun pendant.

Otherwise, according to his sleeping method, coupled with Jelly's stupidity, he might not even know when he was taken away by a wild beast.

"Now is not the time to say that."

Liang Mu shook his head, preventing Dongji Xingjun from continuing to push.

The most urgent task is to escape from the pursuit of these star demons.

Although, he didn't know how he and others provoked these star demons.

But according to experience, the Star Demon Race and the Human Race are born sworn enemies.

And in the past major star markets, all the star demons suppressed and exploited the human race.

Therefore, as a weak human race, being chased and killed by the star demon clan seems to be a matter of course.

While Liang Mu accelerated the jelly, he observed the surrounding environment.

I saw that this place where not a single blade of grass grew was a barren road.

On both sides of the road, there are towering cliffs.

The cliffs are smooth and can be climbed by non-manpower.

Although the jelly can climb the wall, Liang Mu still didn't intend to take the risk, so he gave up the idea of ​​climbing up to escape.

Then the remaining way of escape seems to be to go straight along the barren road.

But this barren road has been extended to a very far distance, with no end in sight.

Liang Mu didn't know if there would be another star demon waiting in front of the deserted road.

He could only let Jelly run first, and then think about ways to get out.

Just like that, the two sides chased and fled, running in the deserted road.

The star demons were frustrated because they couldn't catch up.

All kinds of swear words kept flying over.

Dongji Xingjun was unwilling to be lonely, and also responded with swear words.

The chaotic voices from both sides gave Liang Mu a headache, and he couldn't think quietly at all.

At this moment, Liang Mu wished he hadn't woken up.

At this moment, Jelly suddenly came to a screeching halt.

Liang Mu was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously raised his eyes to look forward.

Then, he showed a wry smile.

The most worrying thing still happened.

On the road in front of him, dozens of Star Demons stood at some point.

He was looking at Liang Mu and the others with a sneer.

Well, there are wolves in front and tigers in back.

The situation suddenly became serious.

But Mr. Dongji Xing, a guy with a weak head, seems to be unaware of this.

Hold a plastic lightsaber and point forward and backward.

With an arrogant expression: "Come on! Let's go together!
This Xingjun will let you experience the strength of the strongest man under the starry sky! "

"Ah ah ah! I can't stand it anymore!"

"After catching this human being, I must tear his broken mouth!"

Dongji Xingjun's provocation made the two groups of Star Demons furious.

With murderous intentions, he approached the surrounded Liang Mu and others.

Liang Mu covered his forehead with his hands, wishing to kick Dongji Xingjun off Jelly's back and give it to the Star Demon Clan.

But the fingers of his other hand were gently scratching the jelly's back.

With the tacit understanding between one person and one beast, Liang Mu knew that Jelly would understand his intentions.

Sure enough, the jelly's small eyes aimed at the left and right mountain walls.

However, Liang Mu had no choice but to take the risk and let Jelly climb up the mountain.

Otherwise, they would be made dumplings by the Star Demon Clan.

However, before Jelly could move, a clear boy's voice suddenly came from one side of the mountain walls on both sides: "Bold gangster, Hugh is rampant!

archery! "

The moment the sound fell, more than a dozen archers suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain wall.

In an instant, the rain of arrows fell from the sky, and precisely landed on the two groups of star demons.

Amidst the screams, the two groups of Star Demon Race quickly became corpses all over the place.

Liang Mu was not happy about this, but looked at the dozen or so archers in astonishment.

only because.
Those are more than a dozen archers with the appearance of Star Demon Race!

Liang Mu was stunned for a moment.

What's happening here?
Infighting among the Star Demon Clan?
Just when Liang Mu was in a daze, a human figure appeared from among a dozen star demon archers, and he greeted Liang Mu and others on the deserted road with concern: "Are you all okay?"

The appearance of this human being not only did not relieve Liang Mu's bewildered symptoms, but made him even more bewildered!

Because he recognized that this voice was the voice of the boy who ordered the arrow to be released just now.

In other words, a human commanded a group of star demon archers and killed another star demon?

What the hell is going on? ?

Seeing that Liang Mu hadn't responded for a long time, the young man above his head thought that something had happened, and immediately brought the star demon archers down from the mountain wall.

They move nimbly and nimbly, on the smooth and towering cliffs, like walking on the ground.

In a few seconds, he had already landed in front of Liang Mu.

"How many of you are alright?"

The visitor asked with concern.

Liang Mu didn't speak, but narrowed his eyes, looking at the person in front of him.

I saw that this was a human teenager who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

He has a handsome face and elegant temperament.

Dressed in fancy clothes, he seemed to be a noble son from a certain big family.

In his clean and bright eyes, there was no trace of concern for Liang Mu and others.

Liang Mu became more and more puzzled.

At first, he thought that the young man might be a Star Demon Clan pretending to be a human being.

After all, he hadn't seen it before.

But observing closely, he didn't feel any evil feeling on the young man.

On the contrary, it looks like a clear spring, full of purity.

But it was such a pure-looking human Pianpian boy, but behind him were more than a dozen respectful star demon archers.

What kind of world is here?
(End of this chapter)

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