Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 756 Chongzhang Restaurant

Chapter 756
"What? Aren't you asking Ben Xingjun to betray his hue?!

The surname Liang, please be a human being, please? "

When he heard in private that Liang Mu wanted to make himself a tool person to build a good relationship with Tianhou, Dongji Xingjun showed strong resistance.

"It's not really asking you to sacrifice, it's just a perfunctory at least during this period of time.

Three days, three days later, we can leave here! "

Liang Mu could only persuade Dongji Xingjun patiently.

No way, who made Tianhou like this little boy.

If Tianhou liked him, he wouldn't mind selling his body ahem.

"Really only three days?"

Dongji Xingjun looked at Liang Mu suspiciously.

"Of course, I promise!"

Liang Mu looked sincere.

"Hmph! I'll promise you first this time, but remember, you owe me a big favor from Mr. Xing, and you will have to pay it back in the future!"

Dongji Xingjun finally reluctantly agreed.

So from that night onwards, the two lived in Tianhou's mansion.

Liang Mu planned to start solving the task tomorrow.

Even though the task time limit is only three days, he is not as anxious as before.

Because compared with the previous missions, the current mission environment is much better.

You can lean on the big tree of Tianhou Mansion behind your back, and there are no shortage of normal humans in the surroundings as the mission target.

So as long as Liang Mu can open a bookstore, he won't have to worry about finding a store manager.

And having experienced the last mission, he also has the secret to opening a store, so he is not worried anymore.

Now Liang Mu is only worried about one situation.

That's the diva.

For some reason, Tianhou seemed to regard him as an unsightly light bulb.

Every time Tianhou came to Dongji Xingjun to express his love, he always met Liang Mu.

There are some words that seem too embarrassing to say.

Ever since, Tianhou looked at Liang Mu with resentment and dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Liang Mu also had a headache about this.

Although Dongji Xingjun agreed to make a deal with Tianhou, this guy was too perfunctory.

The time with Tianhou is not as much as with Liang Mu.

Can the Queen of Heaven not be resentful?

Liang Mu couldn't think of any solution for the time being, so he could only maintain the delicate atmosphere among the three of them.

That night, in Tianhou City, Prince Duan Jinse of Qin Kingdom and Princess Mu Yaosheng of Xiao Kingdom received information at the same time.

"Did that person enter the Tin Hau Mansion during the day?"

"Could he be from Tianhou Mansion?"

"What does Tianhou Mansion plan to do secretly cultivate such powerful musicians?"

That night, both of them lost sleep because of Liang Mu's information.

The next day, Liang Mu got up early in the morning.

Then, taking advantage of Master Dongji Xing not paying attention, he quietly left Tianhou Mansion alone.

There is no way, once Lord Dongji Xing knows that he is leaving the mansion, he will definitely follow.

And if he followed, the Queen of Heaven would definitely be upset.

In order to carry out the task smoothly, he can only choose to sell Dongji Xingjun to Tianhou.

'Hope you have a wonderful day.'

Liang Mu chuckled, and left the Tianhou Mansion without looking back.

If you want to open an inheritance bookstore, the key is to determine the suitable inheritance object.

For example, Chen Fafa from the ninth star market, Xiaomi from the eighth star market, Wu Ming from the seventh star market, Hei Yao from the sixth star market, Jin Bujin from the fifth star market, and Situ Luoluo from the fourth star market.

These people are all studious.

Only such a person can be interested in being the manager of a bookstore.

What Liang Mu is looking for now is this kind of person.

Of course, Tianhou City is so big and has a population of hundreds of thousands.

Blindly looking for someone will definitely not work.

Not to mention the mission deadline is only three days.

So Liang Mu could only choose a place where he knew people he knew.

The first choice is Tin Hau Mansion.

However, the water there was too deep, and Liang Mu felt uneasy about doing the task under the eyes of the Queen of Heaven.

The second option is to fight in the restaurant.

Although he was drunk yesterday, Liang Mu vaguely remembered that he seemed to know someone in the fighting restaurant.

That being the case, it is better to open the situation from there.

Ten thousand steps back, even if there is a deviation in memory, it is still a good place to inquire about information.

Maybe you will be able to inquire about a suitable mission goal.

Therefore, Liang Mu came to Dou Dou Restaurant again.

But before Liang Mu got close to the door of the restaurant, there was commotion at the door.

"Yes, that adult is here!"

"I discovered it first, I'll receive it!"

"Go away, obviously I saw it first!"

Looking at the little girls who were arguing together in front of the store, Liang Mu was a little dazed.

the one who makes these people quarrel
is it him?
"Go away! This is the distinguished guest we personally received yesterday!"

Suddenly, a waiter squeezed through the crowd and went straight to Liang Mu.

And said earnestly: "Guest officer! Do you still remember me?

I!Received your second child yesterday! "

Liang Mu looked at the familiar face in front of him, and some fragments came to his mind.

"I seem to remember."

He replied ambiguously.

"Listen! This guest officer remembers us!"

This little girl raised her head proudly, showing off to her colleagues.

And the waiters in the other shops all showed envious eyes.

This made Liang Mu even more confused.

Was it such an honor for him to receive him?

In a daze, Liang Mu was welcomed into the hall by the enthusiastic waiter.

But this time, the waiter kept walking, as if trying to lure Liang Mu upstairs.

"Yesterday, my little eyesight was so stupid that I didn't recognize that you, guest sir, are actually a dragon and a phoenix.

How can a mere lobby on the first floor match your noble status?

The private room upstairs is welcome! "

The more flattering the waiter was, the more confused Liang Mu felt.

How come there is a feeling of going back to the past and being inexplicably regarded as a big boss?

But Liang Mu himself knew that he was not a big shot.

In this Tianhou city where practitioners run all over the place, he is just a weak chicken.

So here comes the question, well done, why did the second couple treat him so well?

Do you know that he is backed by the big tree of Tianhou Mansion?
No, my intuition told Liang Mu that this was not the reason.

Because as soon as he entered the store, he found that he suddenly became the center of sight.

In addition to the enthusiastic waiter, the drinkers in the store also looked at him with fiery eyes.

If it was because of Tianhou Mansion, it would be impossible for so many people to know about his relationship with Tianhou Mansion, right?

It can only be related to yesterday's experience.

But the memory at that time was washed away by Jiu Jin, so that Liang Mu couldn't recall what he did here at that time.

He only vaguely remembered that two men came to share a table with him

Could it be related to those two men?

That is to say, Xiao Er is not actually flattering herself, but because of some misunderstanding, she regards herself as a friend of those two men, and thus flatters herself by flattering those two men?
The more Liang Mu thought about it, the more likely it was.

Just at this time, Liang Mu saw two familiar figures in the corner when his eyes swept across the hall.
(End of this chapter)

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