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Chapter 739 Liang Mu's Starry Sky

Chapter 739 Liang Mu's Starry Sky

The familiar voice brought Liang Mu's thoughts from resentment back to reality.

The same mission mode as always, the same rewards and punishments as always.

Liang Mu couldn't help but think of his home world, some ridiculous capitalists who treat not working overtime as a reward.

On the other hand, once an employee makes a small mistake, the punishment they face far exceeds what is agreed in the contract.

And that brainless system is such a capitalist.

Because of the rewards and punishments that Liang Mu faced, the risks of the two were not equal at all.

In Liang Mu's view, the so-called reward is the freedom he deserves.

But the punishment is to be thrown into the poisonous swamp.

Moreover, the mission deadline has been shortened by another day compared to the last time!
Liang Mu was only given four days!
Liang Mu finally realized the speechless mood of the migrant workers when they faced the brain-dead Party A.

This night, Liang Mu slept very restlessly.

Uh, not because of anyone else in the room.

Although Situ Luoluo's parents died young and she grew up alone in the mountains, she is pure and not stupid.

There is no such thing as a difference between men and women. It doesn't need to be taught, it is born.

Some novel plots that make country girls look like fools are impossible to appear in reality.

So that night, Situ Luoluo planned to give up his house to Liang Mu.

Then she went to sleep in another small room in the Bamboo Garden.

But Liang Mu knew the situation in that small room at a glance.

It was a utility room full of messy things.

Although this was a sign of Situ Luoluo's respect for his teacher, how could Liang Mu, a grown man, do something like occupying someone else's boudoir.

Therefore, he rejected Situ Luoluo's intention, and directly called the reluctant Dongji Xingjun to work together to clean up the two rooms in the bamboo garden.

He and Jelly shared a room, and Dongji Xingjun himself shared a room.

As for Situ Luoluo, of course he still lived in the original room.

This made Situ Luoluo both ashamed and moved, and said in his heart that he did not find the wrong master.

However, the temporary room is not as comfortable as the bedroom after all.

Although the sundries piled inside had been cleared out, some weird smells were still left behind.

Surrounded by these smells, Liang Mu tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes, the strange picture I saw tonight appeared again in my mind.

I can't sleep anymore.

Liang Mu was deeply envious of the jelly lying on the ground and sleeping like a pool of dead pigs.

Distraught, Liang Mu simply put on his clothes, got up and walked out of the house.

At this time, it was already the middle of the night.

There was no other sound on the top of the mountain except the rustling of the breeze over the medicine garden.

Situ Luoluo's room was pitch black, and he must have slept soundly.

Liang Mu wanted to take a breath outside, but he didn't want to see an unexpected figure.

Lord Dongjixing sat on the grass with his back to him.

'This guy probably can't stand the smell of the room either.'

Liang Mu watched Dongji Xingjun's back silently, his thoughts surging.

Once upon a time, he also doubted Lord Dongjixing.

Isn't this guy really a master at pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

But later, Dongji Xingjun dispelled Liang Mu's suspicion by relying on all kinds of brain-dead operations with no limit.

Just like the current Dongji Xingjun, looking up at the sky, pointing his fingers at the night sky, as if counting the stars.

But tonight is the night of the new moon, and the sky is dark.

Not only is there no moon, but there is not even a single star to be seen.

In this case, Dongji Xingjun's behavior looks like a fool.

But when Liang Mu also looked up at the night sky, his thoughts seemed to be attracted by this dark dome, flying higher and farther.

Gradually, this thought seems to have traveled through time and space, returning to Liang Mu's hometown, back to Liang Mu's childhood.

At that time, he was still living with his grandparents in the village.

At that time, Liang Mu liked to go to the Zodiac Tower in the village alone.

And still at night.

After growing up, Liang Mu couldn't remember what attracted him to that tower.

So much so that when all the children dared not approach the solitary tower at night, he was the only one who dared to climb up.

Did he just think that the tower was built by his grandfather?
Do not.
At this moment, Liang Mu, who was on the other side of the distant starry sky, finally remembered the reason!
The reason why he climbed up the solitary tower every night was just to stand on the tallest building in the village and look up at the starry sky above him at a close distance.

It turns out that Liang Mu has loved watching stars since that time.

No, to be precise, it's watching "Stars Fight".

Unlike other people who look at stars, young Liang Mu can always see different pleasures in the stars in the sky.

The seemingly irregular star map has become cities one by one in Liang Mu's eyes.

The flickering stars are the battles between the cities.

The winner shines until dawn, the loser fades in the first half of the night.

Liang Mu watched it like that for many years.

Every time I watch it, I feel like I have experienced the battlefield, focused and nervous.

He will cheer for the victorious stars and feel lost for the defeated ones.

Worrying about gains and losses, it seems that all the stars in the sky have become his children.

And it seems that there is something important waiting for him in the depths of the starry sky.
Those years were Liang Mu's purest and happiest days.

But as he got older, he gradually felt ashamed of his behavior.

"Liang Mu is so old, why does he still look at the stars all day?"

"It's still a child who can't grow up."

"I heard that he imagined the stars as cities."

"You don't really think that there are people living on the stars, do you?"

"Hee hee hee hee. Ha ha ha ha!"

The laughter from outside made Liang Mu's face red.

Also from then on, he gradually reduced the number of times he went to the Zodiac Tower to look at the stars.

Later, all kinds of trivial matters in real life overwhelmed him, making him gradually forget the delicate mood when he was a child watching the stars on the top of the tower.

Until this moment, Liang Mu inexplicably recalled the feeling at that time.

Could it be that the way Lord Dongji Xing pointed at the night sky made Liang Mu think of himself who was also in the second grade when he was a child?

At this moment, Liang Mu's mind skipped a beat, but he remembered his dream again.

I thought of Luqiu Wuji and Guliang Xuanji who stood side by side on the tower of giants and looked at the stars.

At the beginning, who would have thought that those two children who watched the stars together would grow up to be husband and wife?

Thinking of the sweetness of the two in the last dream, Liang Mu couldn't help laughing.

He wished he had entered that dream now.

Because of those two people, Liang Mu has a feeling of chasing the drama, looking forward to the wonderful development of the two in the future.

But just when Liang Mu laughed out loud, a disgusted voice came from his ear: "Your surname is Liang, the top of the mountain is so empty, why do you have to crowd around Ben Xingjun?!"

Liang Mu turned his head and was taken aback on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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