Chapter 726

"Go in!"

After finishing their work, the soldiers pushed Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun roughly into the yard.

"You are so rude to me, Xingjun. After I recover my strength, I will definitely let you go around!"

Dongji Xingjun yelled at the door.

But Liang Mu had already begun to observe the environment in the yard.

This is a small courtyard.

Located in the middle of the yard is an open-air flower garden.

An old farmer with his hands and feet in shackles and a straw hat on his head was watering and fertilizing the flower beds.

After hearing the movement at the door, the old farmer turned his head, revealing a drowsy old face.

The small eyes surrounded by wrinkles looked at Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun curiously.


With the gate closed, Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun officially "settled" in the small courtyard.

"Hi! The one named Liang, Jelly."

Dongji Xingjun suddenly discovered that the jelly was not sent in together.

"Don't worry about that guy."

Liang Mu has no confidence in other aspects of jelly, but he has absolute confidence in the aspect of fate.

He believed that even if he died of old age one day, the jelly would still be alive and kicking in front of his grave.

At this time, Liang Mu focused all his attention on the old farmer.

Not surprisingly, this old farmer is considered that special prisoner.

Looking at the old farmer's ordinary appearance, Liang Mu couldn't help being secretly puzzled.

What kind of terrifying ability does this old man have that he is treated like a special prisoner?
"What crime did you two commit to be imprisoned here?"

The old farmer put down the tools in his hands and walked over doubtfully.

Liang Mu wanted to scratch his head subconsciously, but because of the inconvenient hands and feet, he had to give up.

A little embarrassed, he said, "Old man, do you believe me when I say that we don't even know what crime we have committed?"

The old farmer was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly: "I believe it! Why don't you believe it?"

"Come on, let's go into the room and talk."

The old farmer warmly invited the two into the house.

In the hall to the north, the old farmer made a pot of tea for the two of them.

Although there are shackles on the hands and feet, some basic movements are still unaffected.

"Old man [Jin Buzhen], what do you call the two little brothers?"

The old farmer gave his name with a smile.

Although he was a prisoner and was locked up in this campus, he seemed very optimistic.

Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun also reported their names.

"Dongji Xingjun?" Jin Buyun narrowed his eyes and looked at Dongji Xingjun, "Dare to use Xingjun as your name, it seems that the little brother has a lot of background.

No wonder they were locked up here! "

Instead, Jin Buzhen showed a strong interest in Dongji Xingjun's name.

"Hahaha! Old man Jin, you have a good eye!" Mr. Dongji Xing gave Jin Buyun a thumbs up.

In his mouth, he promised all kinds of benefits just like he did to Chen Fafa back then, and so on.

Only Liang Mu knew that this guy was talking nonsense again.

What Liang Mu couldn't bear to look at was that Jin Buzhen seemed to really believe it!
"Where were you two caught by those guys?"

At this time, Jin Buzhen asked again.

Liang Mu mentioned tribe 650.

"The lower realm??"

Just like Gou Chen, Jin Buzhen also showed an incredulous expression.

But he didn't continue to ask, but looked at the two with deep meaning: "It seems that the background of the two of you is more complicated than I thought."

In Gou Chen's laboratory, Gou Chen was quietly watching a light curtain.

What is reflected in the light curtain is exactly the scene in the courtyard.

The conversation between Jin Buyun and Liang Mu was heard clearly and audibly from the light curtain.

Listening to the conversation coming from inside, Gou Chen frowned deeper and deeper.

"Strange, don't they really have nothing to do with each other?

So where did these two guys come from? "

At this moment, another light curtain jumped out from the side.

A walrus figure appeared inside, and reported to Gou Chenhui: "Master Dean, there is an [escaped person] appearing in the east of Tiancheng!"

"Catch!" Gou Chen said coldly: "It must be Jin Bujin's subordinates who are working!
Catch me without leaving anything!
I will use their lives to force Jin Buzhen to join the nursing home!

It's a pity that that guy's talent can't be used by me! "

"As ordered!"

Immediately, the light curtain disappeared.

Gou Chen remained silent and continued to monitor the courtyard.

On the other side, Captain Walrus, who had sent off Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun, took Jelly and left the nursing home.

All the way out, until you come to a slaughterhouse.

"Hoo hoo.
You guy, why are you so heavy? ! "

In order to pull the jelly to the slaughterhouse, Captain Walrus was exhausted and panting.

"Kill this guy for me, I want to see what's in its belly!"

Captain Walrus threw the jelly to several slaughterhouse butchers.

The butchers took orders and worked together to drag and drag the jelly inside.

Jelly tilted her head the whole time, her eyes were cute.

"Ha! You idiot, no wonder Dean Gou Chen called you a lowly creature."

Captain Walrus sneered at Jelly.

Then sat outside, waiting for the jelly to be butchered.

On the other side, the butchers worked hard to pull the jelly into the slaughter room.

Another group of people was called to finally put Jelly's body on the slaughter board.

The solid butchering board made of diamond cracked when it was pressed by the jelly.

The corners of the butchers' eyes twitched.

"What kind of monster is this guy?"

"How to use the knife?"

The butchers surrounded the jelly and studied it for a long time.

They had never slaughtered a water mollusc, so they couldn't do it for a while.

"It doesn't matter, just drop the knife casually!"

"Don't keep the officer waiting too long!"

The butchers gritted their teeth, raised their knives and dropped them on the jelly's body.


The sharp butcher knife fell on Jelly, but it made a sound like a spring.

"call out--"

Immediately afterwards, the butcher's knife flew upside down in a strong elastic force.


Unbiased, it happened to hit a butcher.

With a scream, the butcher fell down.

"This beast!"

The fall of his companion made the butchers furious.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen butcher knives fell on Jelly at the same time.

But this time, the jelly opened its mouth.

Then, a huge suction force that was rare in ancient times was generated in the jelly's mouth.

Perhaps only the demons of Tianfu Valley and the rabbit cats of the Eighth Star Market have personally experienced this terrible suction.

Under this suction force, more than a dozen butcher knives all flew into Jelly's mouth.

But Jelly didn't seem to be satisfied, and continued to open her mouth wide.

Immediately afterwards, the clothes on the butchers were sucked off uncontrollably.

For a while, there were more than a dozen naked figures on the scene.

The butchers looked at their empty hands, then at their naked body, and fell silent.

After a few seconds.

More than a dozen screams of being violated like a girl came from the slaughter room.

(End of this chapter)

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