Chapter 716
Faith is originally a word without specific limitations.

Monks believe in Buddha, Christians believe in God, soldiers believe in kings, musicians believe in music, and doctors believe in medical skills.
But although everyone can have faith, not everyone must have faith.

Those without faith are confused.

It's like the humans of the Sixth Star Market who were once ruled by the Star Demons.

When the demon cloud shrouded, the belief belonging to human beings had been obliterated by the Star Demon Race.

Therefore, when the curse of gold spreads, the greed in the hearts of human beings is infinitely magnified because they do not have the protection of faith, causing everyone to fall for it.

What Liang Mu did was very simple.

It is through man-made beliefs that temporarily cover the greed in the hearts of the people in the city.

The moment their greed was suppressed, they also woke up from the golden curse.

On this day, the name of the God of Jelly spread rapidly in the Golden City.

The people who had been implanted in their beliefs spontaneously promoted the name of the God of Jelly.

It also helped more and more people in the city to lift the curse.

At night, the city is already buzzing with people.

The lights of thousands of families are all lit up.

The human fireworks that disappeared for a long time have returned to this seaside city.

However, Liang Mu, who created this grand event, quietly left the Golden City with Jelly and returned to the hut outside the city.

The curse has been lifted, and it is time for him to complete his task.

"Little Liang, I really don't know how to thank you."

The old lady Hei Yao took Liang Mu's hand, her tone was emotional, her eyes were flushed.

But in the next second, this gentle old lady turned into a tigress.

Turning his head suddenly, he shouted behind him: "Why don't you come over here and thank your savior?!"

Those who were yelled at by the old lady were a group of dark-skinned strong men.

They rushed over and knelt down towards Liang Mu.

"Thank you Engong!"

"I want to give birth to a monkey for my benefactor!"

"Grandpa, we are a bunch of big bastards, we can't speak.

All in all, in the future, if you have something to do, call us directly, and we promise to be there whenever you call! "

With the chatter of these strong men, the scene was chaotic for a while.

These strong men are actually the golden knights that Liang Mu saw on the first day.

He was also an old pirate subordinate of the old lady Obsidian.

Today they landed as usual, intending to move the golden statue into the city.

But as soon as he entered the city, he was baptized by the jelly believers who rushed towards him.

So quickly recover from the curse.

It was also under the explanation of the old lady Hei Yao that they knew that the hero who lifted the curse of gold was Liang Mu in front of them.

And the savior of all their pirates.

"If you really want to thank me, just agree to my request."

Liang Mu smiled and looked at the group of people including the old lady Hei Yao.

"Benefactor, just open your mouth!"

The pirates thumped their chests.

"I put some books I wrote in a tower in the city.

It’s all about cultivating faith.

As long as everyone reads those books, faith can be deeply planted, and the golden curse will no longer be feared.

That tower has been a bookshop ever since.

But if more people want to know about this bookstore, a store manager is needed for long-term management.

I don't know who among you would like to be the store manager? "

Liang Mu glanced over, and the pirates who were swearing at each other lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"Grandpa, treasure hunting and exploration are our forte. It's really too difficult to manage bookstores or anything like that."

And just when all the pirates felt embarrassed, the old lady Hei Yao stepped forward: "If you don't mind Xiao Liang, let me be the manager of the store!"

"Boss, you want to wash your hands in the golden basin?!"

The pirates looked at their captain in shock.

"Well, it's time to hand over the sea to young people." Old Mrs. Obsidian sighed: "After this incident, I deeply understand the importance of faith.

If there is no faith, people will be bound by various desires in a cursed cage.

As someone who has personally experienced this incident, I have an obligation to let more people know what faith is! "

"Then we will also accompany the boss!"

"That's right, the boss will be the store manager, and we will be the clerks!"

"Never fail to live up to benefactor's expectations!"

The pirates followed suit to make up their minds.

"Then. The transaction is established."

The corner of Liang Mu's mouth twitched slightly.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for building the Inheritance Bookstore, confirming the store manager, and completing the fourth task of the fourth stage.

The limitation of the range of activities is lifted. "

As the system's voice came, it announced that Liang Mu finally didn't have to become a golden statue.

The journey of the Sixth Star Market is probably coming to an end.

This night, a lively bonfire party was held outside the hut.

Everyone, including the old lady Obsidian, was very drunk.

The drunken Liang Mu returned to the house and lay down on the bed, but he didn't fall asleep immediately.

In the dead of night, he suddenly asked the dark room: "Then who, what is your belief?"

After a few seconds of silence, Dongji Xingjun's impatient voice came: "The belief of this Xingjun is of course this Xingjun himself!

Really, what nonsense are you asking! "

Although he was scolded by Lord Dongji Xing, Liang Mu was not annoyed at all, instead a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

During the day, Liang Mu was actually thinking about a problem.

What is his belief?

Liang Mu had never thought about this problem before.

Until he personally created the belief in the God of Jelly, and let this belief be deeply rooted in the hearts of every Golden City citizen.

At this time, Liang Mu turned back to think about his own beliefs.

Ever since he was a child, Liang Mu didn't seem to believe in the existence of such things as God.

Then, Liang Mu crossed over.

However, the strange thing is that even though he has gone through an unimaginable experience all the way, he has seen practitioners, star demons, and various non-human creatures, but he still does not have the word "immortal" in his heart.

Not to mention, believing in a certain god.

Until just now, Liang Mu heard Dongji Xingjun's answer.

Suddenly, suddenly realized.

It turned out that from beginning to end, Liang Mu's belief was himself!
Therefore, from a certain point of view, Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun are the same kind of people.

Perhaps this is the relationship between the two of them always going the same way?
"Actually, you are quite interesting sometimes."

In the darkness, Liang Mu murmured.

"Huh? What are you talking about? I didn't catch it!"

Lord Dongjixing asked.

But within a few seconds, he heard Liang Mu's even grunt.

".Liang, you bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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