Chapter 711 Curse Principle
dark power?

Hearing what Old Madam Obsidian said, Liang Mu thought of the behavior of the Golden Knights carrying the golden statue to the ship.

Could it be that the dark power in the dark is targeting the golden statue?

"Where is the dark power?"

Liang Mu asked subconsciously.

"I don't know yet." The old lady Hei Yao shook her head, "I only know roughly that the dark power is hidden in a certain sea area.

But how to find it requires special props.

Although I started to make that kind of props very early, but because of the complicated process and the inability to go to overseas islands to obtain the required materials, I have not been able to do it well.”

The old lady Obsidian walked to the corner and looked depressedly at the pile of parts on the table.

There, there was something like a black spoon.

But this spoon is missing a part.

As the old lady Obsidian said, it is a half-finished product.

At this time, Liang Mu did not go to see the works of the old lady Hei Yao.

Because of a voice, echoing in his mind.

"Ding! The fourth mission of the fourth stage is officially opened.

Current task: build a heritage bookstore, choose a suitable target, and become the manager of the bookstore.

Scope of mission activities: Sixth Star Market.

Reward for successful missions: remove the restrictions on the range of activities.

Mission failure penalty: become a golden statue.

Task time limit: ten days. "

The moment the voice sounded, Liang Mu twitched the corner of his mouth.

It really belongs to you, system!

In the past missions, at least there is a place to open a shop.

But in the Sixth Star Market that is cursed everywhere, where can he find a place to open a shop? !
Even if they find it, who can become the manager of the bookstore?

It seems that there is a person!

Obsidian old lady!
But the question is, under the current circumstances, might the old lady Obsidian agree to become the manager of the bookstore?

Liang Mu already knew the answer without asking the old lady Hei Yao.

Liang Mu broke the golden curse and restored the Sixth Star Market to normal.

and many more!

Isn't this the main purpose of the system? !

Just when Liang Mu's head was hurting, Lord Dongji Xing, who had been silent all this time, suddenly pointed at the old lady Hei Yao and shouted: "No! You're lying!"

"Huh?" The old lady Hei Yao looked at Mr. Dongji Xing with a gloomy expression.

Mr. Dongji Xing looked unnatural from the sharp eyes, but his voice did not drop in the slightest: "You just said that the curse of gold turned every living body in the Sixth Star Market into gold.

how about you? !

Why are you still fine! "

Liang Mu's eyebrows twitched, and he looked at Dongji Xingjun in surprise.

Yes, why didn't he think of this question?

Liang Mu couldn't help but blame himself secretly.

Perhaps it was because he was not very wary of the old lady, so he ignored such a crucial issue.

It's fine if the old lady is a good person, but if she is a bad person with ulterior motives, Liang Mu will slap herself to death!
How can you be so careless? !
In the next second, Liang Mu also looked at the old lady Hei Yao, ready to hear her answer.

Faced with Dongji Xingjun's questioning, the old lady Hei Yao's eyes suddenly became darker, and her tone became even more serene: "Because the object of the golden curse is a person who possesses greed."

"What do you mean by that?" Liang Mu frowned.

"People are born with desires.

As the life course increases, desires will become more and more complex and powerful.

And greed is a desire that almost everyone has.

Children are greedy for play, adults are greedy for money, and old people are greedy for life.

Officials are greedy for power, licentious people are greedy for sex.
No matter how clean a person is, there is something he wants.

As long as you have this kind of thought, you will inevitably be dominated by greed.

This is where the power of the golden curse emerges.

Once there is greed in the heart, it will immediately become a golden statue under the golden curse.

Of course, pirates like us are most greedy for all kinds of treasures.

But I am different.

I've lived for so long, and I've been out to sea again and again, what treasures haven't I seen?

Tired of watching.

So the word "greedy" doesn't make any sense to me.

And because of this, I was able to survive the golden curse. "

The old lady Obsidian showed disdain on her face.


Dongji Xingjun was speechless for a moment.

But Liang Mu touched his chin, and a bold idea suddenly popped up in his heart.

He seems to have found a way to break the curse of gold!
"Do you think that as long as you get rid of the greed in people's hearts, you can break the curse of gold?"

Unexpectedly, the old lady Hei Yao seemed to penetrate Liang Mu's heart again, and looked at him jokingly.

"Couldn't it be?" Liang Mu suddenly felt unconfident again.

"Of course it's not that simple!" The old lady Hei Yao stared at her left eye, "If it really had to be that simple, old lady, I would have rescued the old subordinates long ago!

You tell me, now that they have all turned into golden statues, how do you get rid of their greed in their hearts?

Simply ask you, can they hear us? !

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you can hear the voices from the outside world, how can you persuade them to give up their greed?
This is not something that can be done with lip service! "

Liang Mu thought for a while, and the truth is indeed such a truth.

This thing is easy to say, but it must be extremely difficult to practice.

But for some reason, he always felt that letting the cursed person get rid of greed was the key to breaking the curse.

The only problem that needs to be solved is how to do it.

Liang Mu fell into deep thought.

This night, Liang Mu and Jelly lived in the house logically.

Dongjixing Junben also wanted to squeeze into the room with the cheek, but was kicked out by the old lady Obsidian who saw him displeased.

In the process of cursing, he could only find a random place outside the house to make do.

In the house, after eating the food prepared by the old lady Hei Yao, Liang Mu never thought of a way to break the curse.

At this time, he happened to see the old lady making props in the corner, so he couldn't help leaning over curiously.

Looking at the black spoon in the old lady's hand, Liang Mu couldn't help asking curiously, "What is this?"

At the same time, Liang Mu felt as if he had seen something similar somewhere.

It's just because the memory is too long, I didn't think of it for a while.

"This is [Shenyin]." The old lady introduced: "We who are pirates all believe in [God of Pirates].

Whenever we go to sea, we must pray to the god of pirates, let him bless us all the way.

The so-called god guide is a kind of sea navigation tool with divine power.

In God's Guide, we can hear the instructions of the pirate god, so as to choose the right direction.

I believe that when this guide is done, it will definitely help me find where the dark power is! "

Liang Mu was noncommittal, and nodded perfunctorily.

So what if the dark power is found?

Can you beat it?

Let's look at the present and start with the curse principle.

But this god
Where did you see it?
(End of this chapter)

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