Chapter 701 Trading
"Ding! The third mission of the fourth stage is officially opened.

Current task: build a heritage bookstore, choose a suitable target, and become the manager of the bookstore.

Scope of mission activities: Seventh Star Market, Zhujian Town.

Reward for successful missions: remove the restrictions on the range of activities.

Punishment for mission failure: Brought back to Sword Bone City by Sword Bone Moluo.

Task time limit: ten days. "

The moment the system sound appeared, Liang Mu immediately realized how dangerous his situation was.

Ten days!

In just ten days, Liang Mu not only had to open an inheritance bookstore, but also had to find the store manager.

The most dangerous thing is that during these ten days, he may become the target of Sword Bone Moro at any time!

The time is short and the task is tight, Liang Mu is no longer allowed to waste a little bit!

In Tiezi's surprised eyes, Liang Mu said to him with a serious face: "Master Tiezi, how about we make a deal?"


Half an hour later, in the blacksmith shop.

Wuming and Dongji Xingjun stared blankly at Liang Mu and Tie Zi who entered the store side by side, and rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

When did the relationship between the two of them become so good?
Not only that, Tie Zi even helped Liang Mu carry a big bag of things.

"Ten days, I will only give you ten days.

Remember our agreement, if things fail within ten days, don't blame me for turning my face against others. "

Tie Zi said to Liang Mu expressionlessly.

"Don't worry, store manager, if I don't complete the agreement within ten days, you don't need to do it, someone will take care of me!"

Liang Mu gave a firm expression.

But this made Wuming and Dongji Xingjun even more at a loss.

What riddles are these two guys playing?

Soon, the mystery will be revealed.

It turned out that the big bag was full of things for writing books.

And Liang Mu also took a little time to transform the inner room into a small study.

This is the deal between Liang Mu and Tie Zi.

The content of the transaction is that Tiezi will provide the materials needed to write the book.

In exchange, Liang Mu wrote a book about sword-making knowledge and provided it to Tie Zi so that he could forge a sword that satisfied Sword Bone Mo Luo.

If there is no success within ten days, Liang Mu will pay ten times the money Tie Zi spent.

As both parties to the transaction, both Liang Mu and Tie Zi knew the content of the transaction.

But Wuming and Dongji Xingjun didn't know anything about the activities between them.

They only saw that from this day on, Liang Mu became a book writer who devoted himself to writing books.

And Tie Zi didn't interfere with Liang Mu's actions at all except to visit occasionally.

Just one day later, Liang Mu took out a book.

According to the agreement, he called Tie Zi and planned to use the knowledge in the book to forge a sword.

Just when Tie Zi was fully armed and ready to go into battle, Wuming stood up.

Begging Tiezi: "Master, can you let me fight?"

"You're not qualified yet, just stay and go." Tie Zi said blankly.

But Wuming still persisted in blocking Tiezi, and said firmly, "Master, I know why you have been refusing to teach me skills.

Because you are worried that once I learn the skills, I will change from an apprentice to a swordsmith, and I will also be the target of selection by Sword Bone Mara.

Your good intentions, disciples have always understood! "

Tie Zi's eyes trembled, but he quickly stared at Wuming and said, "Since you know, why don't you get out of here quickly?!"

Wuming shook his head: "Master, I almost starved to death at the entrance of the village, but you pulled me back from the gate of hell.

So my life belongs to you.

Even if unfortunately chosen by Sword Bone Moluo, so what?
But give it your life.

But if you can block the next catastrophe for you, master, the apprentice will have no regrets even if he dies nine times! "


Tie Zi looked at Wuming, his lips trembling.

In those restless eyes, there was clearly fog gathering.

I wanted to say something, but it seemed to be stuck in my throat.

"Today, master, please make this apprentice a real swordsmith!"

Nameless knelt in front of Tie Zi and kowtowed three times.

Tie Zi was even more moved.

"Tch! Ordinary people are so boring."

Mr. Dongji Xing muttered boredly, and went to the side to tease the jelly.

After getting along for this period of time, he has overcome his fear of jelly and got along pretty well.

The jelly who was sleeping soundly was awakened by Mr. Dongji Xing.

When it opened its sleepy eyes, it saw a pair of red eye sockets
"You don't believe me that much?"

Liang Mu was left speechless by both master and apprentice.

Are you so unconfident to create a work that satisfies Sword Bone Mara?
"Stop fighting, let's fight together."

Liang Mu simply pulled the master and apprentice together to the edge of the sword casting platform.

Then he flipped through the book pretendingly, and issued orders to the two of them: "Manager, you are in charge.

Nameless, let me help you.

First, the temperature is "

The contents of this book are actually all in Liang Mu's mind.

I really want to teach two people to forge swords, but one mouth is enough.

It's just that in order to complete the task, he has to write a book.

Soon, under Liang Mu's guidance, a long sword was freshly produced.

Although it was just a starting point, Wuming had participated in the whole process of making it, and it could be regarded as completing the first sword in his life.

After the sword was forged, Wuming looked back and forth excitedly around the sword, refusing to rest.

And Tie Zi looked at the sword suspiciously: "The method in your book is unheard of, can the sword made by this method really work?"

"Is it okay, don't you know if you try it tomorrow?" Liang Mu looked confident.

The next day, among the sword works displayed on the square, a long sword made under the guidance of Liang Mu appeared.

Tiezi and Wuming held the sword together, nervously waiting for the sword bone Moluo to examine.


Suddenly, Sword Bone Mo Luo's gaze was fixed on the long sword in Tie Zi and Wuming's hands.

'Could it be that! '

Tiezi and Wuming couldn't help but have expectations in their hearts.

With a sound of "咻", the long sword was taken away by the Sword Bone Moluo.

After quietly looking at the long sword for a while, Sword Bone Moluo still shook his head: "It's a pity, it's a bit tasteless."

It first took a deep look at Tiezi and Wuming, and then said lightly to the surroundings: "Although there is still no work that satisfies me today, there is finally one that is barely noticeable.

So this seat is extra merciful today and exempted from punishment. "

Said, took the long sword and flew away.

Compared with the past, miraculously no swordsmith was taken away today!
And everyone around knows who brought this miracle to them.

"Iron son!!"

"big hero!"

"Teach us how to do it!"

Tie Zi and Wu Ming, who were surrounded by swordsmiths, were both surprised and delighted.

Before coming here, they did not expect such a result.

Although Sword Bone Moluo was still not satisfied, it was already a major breakthrough!

'It turns out that kid really wasn't bragging! '

Liang Mu's figure filled Tiezi's excited heart.

(End of this chapter)

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