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Chapter 698 The Little Yellow Duck

Chapter 698 The Little Yellow Duck

When the army of corpses raised their heads with difficulty, the ghostly fire in the hollow eye sockets reflected the figure of a woman.

Even if they are all corpses now, even if time has passed, I don’t know the ages.
But at this moment, that beautiful name still appeared in their hearts at the same time.

The name they swore to protect forever.

The ruler of the eighth plane, who is in charge of the stars, Lan Xiaoli!
"Heavenly Army is waiting for the master to dispatch!"

Uniform voices emerged from every corpse.

The majestic majesty never diminished in life!
Clanking and iron bones, recasting the soul of the army!
At this moment, Tian Renjun, who was in the ancient times, seemed to come alive.

"This thief stole my eighth plane and insulted my heavenly military might. What should I do?"

Lan Xiaoli pointed at the corpse ghost emperor and drank in a deep voice.


The Tianren army roared collectively.


Lan Xiaoli waved his hand, and the Tian Ren Army instantly attacked the Zombie Emperor.

Then he closed his eyes and let the tears run down his face.

Things are different, and the faces that were vivid in the ancient times have now turned into corpses.

And she herself has been reincarnated several times.

But at this moment, Lan Xiaoli seemed to have returned to the ancient times.

The soldiers in front of her also seemed to be resurrected, smiling at her.

At the flick of a finger, the world has been tens of thousands of years.

Looking back, the soul enters the nether world.

The ruler of the eighth plane, Lan Xiaoli, has officially returned to her throne!

Mao Mao, the will of the eighth plane, also returns to the world!

When the two recalled their powers, it was clear what happened to the Ghoul Emperor.

In the end, he was pierced through the body by tens of thousands of weapons from the Tianren Army.

"I don't want to die. I still want to dig a lot of ore."

Before dying, the corpse ghost emperor's eyes were unwilling to look at the ground under his feet.


As Mao Mao sprayed fire, he directly burned the greedy little leader of the Star Demon Clan to the ground.

After the corpse ghost emperor died, the giant cat nest immediately returned to its original appearance.

It is a building similar in appearance to Maomao.

"Your Majesty is dead, everyone run!"

On this day, the Star Demons in the Eighth Star Ruins were frightened and fled in all directions.

When they were in a panic, a gray BC city suddenly descended from the sky and sucked them in.

Another robbery!

And perhaps having learned the lesson of the Ninth Star Ruins, this time the robbery quickly escaped.

There was no chance for the Demon Slayers to catch up.

As for the rest of the Star Demon Race, they are not so lucky.

Under the sharp blade of the Demon Slayer Legion, they all died one after another.

The humans in the Eighth Star Ruins were also surprised to find that the rule of the Star Demon Tribe had fallen.

Surprisingly, they cooperated with the Demon Slayer Corps to eliminate the remaining Star Demon Race in various places.

So far, the situation of the Eighth Star Market has been settled.

There are some humans on Blue Star who can temporarily migrate here.

But the problem remains the same.

The Eighth Star Ruins, which is in ruins and waiting to be renovated, cannot accommodate too many people.

The interstellar migration still has to continue.

But the members of the Demon Slayer Corps did not forget the other purpose of their trip.

That is to inquire about Liang Mu's whereabouts.

Soon, a girl named Xiaomi was brought to the crowd.

"Have you met Mr. Liang?"

Everyone stared at Xiaomi.

Xiaomi was a little timid at first, but after realizing that everyone is a good person, the communication gradually became natural.

Tell everyone what happened after Liang Mu arrived.

After listening to Xiaomi's words, everyone burst into laughter.

Sure enough, Mr. Liang opened another bookstore.

I just didn't expect the store manager to be a little girl like Xiaomi.

"What happened later? Where did Mr. Liang go?"

Some people are concerned about Liang Mu's whereabouts.

"Well, Brother Liang, Jelly, and that silly thing were all sucked away by a black hole."

Xiaomi tried hard to recall the scene of that day.

Her description was similar to what Chen Faming said at the time.

Based on this, everyone speculated that Liang Mu still hadn't found the Book of Eternity.

So as usual, the Demon Slayer Army took Xiaomi with them, intending to continue their journey of following Liang Mu's footsteps.

At this time, Liang Mu had already entered the dreamland of Lianhuan again.

Bustling streets, lively shops.

The towering city walls nearby and the magnificent palace in the distance.

It all shows that this is a great city.

Wuji and Xuanji, who looked like teenagers, walked on the street.

The two young men from the countryside looked in amazement at these things, large and small, which they had never seen along the way.

Xuanji was okay, although he was surprised in his heart, he could restrain himself from exclaiming.

But Wuji, who has always escaped, didn't worry so much.

Wherever you go, you are screaming.

"Xuanji, look, that toy is so beautiful!"

What Wuji pointed to was a small stall selling various toys.

Xuanji followed Wuji's finger and found that it was a yellow toy duckling.

"I want to buy, I want to buy!"

Wuji excitedly ran towards the little yellow duck.

But Xuanji grabbed her and persuaded him, "Wuji, that's just a kid's plaything, there's no need to waste money on buying it.

We are here to study in the [Huangdu], before we find a teacher, we can save some trouble.

I heard people say that although famous teachers treat money like dung, the servants of famous teachers are not so noble.

And to see a famous teacher, you must first arrange for the servants."

"Stop, stop, stop talking, I just don't buy it!"

Wuji was overwhelmed by the mystery.

After looking reluctantly at the little yellow ducks on the stall, he followed Xuanji and left the street.

The destination of the two of them seems to be the palace in the distance.

Little yellow duck?
Liang Mu opened his eyes drowsily.

A scene from a dream seemed to flash before his eyes.

And he always felt that he seemed to have seen the little yellow duck in his dream somewhere.

Just when Liang Mu was dizzy, there was a sound of iron striking in his ear.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang", knocked away his drowsiness all at once.

Only then did Liang Mu notice that he was lying on a simple small bed.

In the corner, Jelly was lying there sleeping soundly.

Cut your dad right on the jelly's head, rising and falling as the jelly's body rises and falls.

This warm scene made Liang Mu smile.

The moment he saw the jelly, Liang Mu felt at ease.

Even if he has realized that he should be teleported to a new environment.

But as long as the jelly is there, there's nothing to worry about.

Liang Mu heard that voice.

"Hey, you're wrong to strike like this, how can this make a good sword?
Get out of the way, let Ben Xingjun come! "

Liang Mu's good mood for the day was completely destroyed from the moment he heard Dongji Xingjun's voice.

How come this lingering guy was teleported here again!

(End of this chapter)

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