Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 689 The Eighth Star Market

Chapter 689 Eighth Star Market
"I can recall some things from the ancient times.

I can recall that the man named Lu Qiu Wuji came to the ninth plane and fought with the Tianying clan.

But I can't recall Luqiu Wuji's face, and I'm not sure if he is Mr. Liang."

In the castle, Shang Zi rubbed his aching brow.

Then he said to the people around him: "Assume that Mr. Liang is Luqiu Wuji, the Eternal Holy Lord.

Then the reason why he came to the Ninth Star Market must be to find the Eternal Book Mr. Ye mentioned.

Now it seems that the Book of Eternity should not be in the Ninth Star Market, so Mr. Liang is still looking for it.

And if the guess is correct, Boss Liang’s destination is the next area on the star map - the Eighth Star Ruins!
There is also our next destination! "

Whether it is to follow Liang Mu's footsteps or find a way to deal with Yongjie.

Or settle the remaining blue star humans.

It is impossible for the Demon Elimination Legion to stop at the Ninth Star Market.

Therefore, only some people stayed and wiped out the remaining Star Demon Race.

The rest of the people embarked on a new journey without stopping.

On the way, Shang Zi came to Lan Xiaoli's side.

Looking at the embarrassed Lan Xiaoli, Shang Zi shook his head and laughed: "What? Are you still nervous?"

Lan Xiaoli nodded with a bitter face.

According to the laws of ancient times, since Shang Zi is the reincarnation of the master of the ninth plane, then Lan Xiaoli is very likely to be the reincarnation of the master of the eighth plane.

And the next destination of this trip - the eighth star market, is the location of the eighth plane in the ancient times.

The so-called closer to the hometown is more timid, so Lan Xiaoli can't help being nervous.

"Sister Shang, you said that you recalled some of Luqiu Wuji's memories.

So do you remember what weapon he used? "

In order to relieve her nervousness, Lan Xiaoli found a topic.

"Weapon? Hmm." Shang Zi closed his eyes and recalled the blurred images in his mind, and said uncertainly, "It seems like a sword."

"Is it the one we saw on Tianzhu Mountain?"

"Not very sure."

"Crack! Crack!"

Following two slaps, two whips viciously lashed at Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun.

It directly stunned the two of them.

what is this?
A burning pain penetrated from the skin, and Liang Mu gritted his teeth in pain.

Dongji Xingjun roared angrily: "Who the hell are you?!"

"Huh?" The tone of the figure holding the flashlight suddenly rose, "You trash, do you know that you are talking to me?!"

When the visitor approached, Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun finally saw each other's appearance clearly.

It turned out to be a manul walking upright!

However, it is different from ordinary mantles, this mantle is several heads taller than humans.

Outside this large skeleton, there are layers of fine black scales.

Liang Mu had just seen this kind of scale armor not long ago!

It was the scale armor on those star demon crocodile soldiers!

Could it be that this manul is also...?

In addition to a body of scales, the rabbit mantle is carrying a flashlight and a long whip in each hand.

Obviously, it was the one who moved towards Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun just now.

"It seems that I haven't eaten a whip for a long time, and even your master has forgotten!"

The rabbit had a ferocious face and raised his hand to swing the whip again.

However, at this moment, it saw the swords in the hands of Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun.

"Hmph! It turns out that the two of you hid here and didn't go out because you dug up a treasure!

bring it to me! "

Saying that, with a roll of the long whip, the plastic lightsaber that killed your father and Mr. Dongji Xing was rolled into his hand.

"Ben Xingjun's sword!"

Dongji Xingjun exclaimed.


With a whip, Dongji Xingjun, who was about to pounce, was sent flying far away.

Seeing this scene, Liang Mu, who originally planned to pounce on him, quietly withdrew his feet.

"Tch! So it's plastic!" Rabbit Manlook glanced at the plastic lightsaber and showed disdain.

But he didn't return the sword to Dongji Xingjun.

And when he looked at Liang Mu's hacking your father, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Muttering in his mouth: "This material seems to have never been seen before.
It might be a baby!
If you dedicate it to His Majesty, you will definitely be rewarded! "

Then, the rabbit man pointed the whip at Liang Mu: "You, have you dug up anything, hand it over!"

Liang Mu spread out his hands, indicating that he didn't have any left.

But the manul noticed the jelly at Liang Mu's feet.

At this moment, Liang Mu's heart suddenly tightened.

This guy won't even grab the jelly, will he? !

"What kind of beast is this?
Looks like a piece of crap!
It's you human trash who raise this kind of useless beast! "

Fortunately, manul doesn't seem to be interested in jelly.

Just holding the two swords that had been confiscated, he couldn't wait to turn around and leave.

But after walking a few steps, he turned his head and said viciously: "You two trash are not allowed to be lazy, keep working!"

After leaving these words, the manul left the pit.

"Asshole! Give me back the divine sword!"

Even though Dongji Xingjun jumped up and down again and again, the rabbit cat didn't come back.

Liang Mu found that this guy was quite tough.

After being whipped twice, he was still alive and well.

Well, the next time you encounter danger, don't think too much, just push this guy out as a meat shield.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

Dongji Xingjun, who was in a frenzy, noticed that Liang Mu was walking out with the jelly, and asked quickly.

"Of course it's to figure out where this place is."

Liang Mu lazily replied.

Obviously, this is his new mission.

But judging from the manul just now, the mission environment this time is still not optimistic.

Therefore, Liang Mu couldn't waste time here and had to quickly investigate the situation.

"I don't believe it, you must betray Ben Xingjun!

Ben Xingjun will definitely not let you succeed! "

While speaking, Dongji Xingjun followed Liang Mu closely.

Liang Mu has already learned to ignore this Erha.

No matter how much he murmured in the back, he didn't pay any attention to it.

Not long after, Liang Mu left the pit.

But out of a small pothole, but into a bigger pothole.

A huge mine that extends in all directions but is intertwined with each other.

Mine carts transporting ore shuttled around.

The tinkling sound of digging never stopped coming to my ears.

From time to time, the whip can be heard loudly.

A dark and bloody mining scene appeared in front of Liang Mu.

And obviously, the workers digging in this big mine are all human beings.

The guys holding whips at the side looked like the manulus they had just seen not long ago.

Liang Mu seemed to have returned to the Ninth Star Ruins, a world where humans were treated like ants by the Star Demons.

"Ding! The second mission of the fourth stage is officially opened."

(End of this chapter)

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