Chapter 679

"She should have written a lot of content, right?"

"You should be worried if you don't see me?"

"Will you take the opportunity to confess to me?"

"Then should I accept it?"

This is someone's mental activity before opening the letter.

But when he opened the letter, Liang Mu was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Strange, is the lighting here too bad?"

"Or am I dazzled?"

Liang Mu flipped through the letter paper back and forth, but couldn't see what was written on it.

It was empty, as if nothing was written on it.

"Could it be some kind of invisible ink?"

Perhaps it was because there was too much movement, and Chen Fen, who was sleeping beside him, also woke up.

He came over to take a look and asked curiously: "Brother Liang, you're up so late at night, what are you mumbling about here?"

"Brother Chen, please help me check if there is any interlayer in this letter."

Liang Mu quickly handed the letter to Chen Fafa.

Chen Ming, as a genius inventor, can not only invent metal instruments.

Like the haze that confused the soldiers of the Star Demon Race before, it was also his masterpiece.

So Liang Mu asked Chen Faming to see if there was any mechanism hidden in the letter.

Chen Mingming took the letter paper, examined it back and forth, and said with a frown, "After careful observation, I didn't find any interlayer."

He turned to look at Liang Mu: "Brother Liang, who gave you this?"


Liang Mu was speechless for a moment.

Because he didn't know how to introduce the faceless dumb girl.

Let's say she is a maid, but in fact Liang Mu no longer treats her as a maid.

Let's say it's a relative, but the faceless and dumb girl never admitted it.

However, Chen Faming is worthy of being a genius inventor, with sharp eyes.

Immediately, he could see something from Liang Mu's subtle expression.


That teasing look made Liang Mu blush.

"Haha! Looks like I guessed it right!"

Liang Mu's reaction convinced Chen Fa of his guess.

Then he observed the letter again: "Since he is Brother Liang's sweetheart, then I have to read it for you."

Chen Fafa's drowsiness had long since disappeared, so he got up and rummaged through the boxes.

After that, various tools were found to identify the letter paper in turn.

But after working on it for a long time, he still could only shake his head helplessly: "Unfortunately, brother Liang, this letter has nothing but paper."

This made Liang Mu puzzled.

The faceless dumb girl sent him a letter without words, what does it mean?
"As the saying goes, feelings don't lie in words, thoughts don't lie in Nobunaga.

Maybe this wordless letter is the longest confession of love from your siblings to Brother Liang! "

Chen Faming patted Liang Mu's shoulder reassuringly.

Liang Mu's mouth twitched slightly.

This "common saying" was made up by Chen Fafa himself, right?
Returning younger siblings. They didn't even write a word!

Even so, Liang Mu's mood was inexplicably much better.

He asked Jelly, "Did she write the letter in front of you?"

Jelly tilted her head, as if recalling the scene at that time.

After a few seconds, Cai Mengmeng nodded.

"Then she only wrote the word outside?"

Liang Mu asked expectantly.

After a few seconds, Jelly nodded again.

Seeing the jelly's reaction, Liang Mu inevitably felt disappointed.

It turns out that this letter really only has one word "letter".

But thinking about it carefully, this seems to be something done by the faceless dumb girl.

Just like her style of doing things, she is unrestrained, clean and neat, and never drags her feet.

To leave is to leave, why leave too much nonsense to increase troubles?
"Where did that guy go?"

Liang Mu sighed secretly, still uncontrollably asking Jelly about the whereabouts of the faceless dumb girl.

But this is difficult for the jelly who can't speak.

After making gestures for a while, he could only roughly express the meaning that the faceless dumb girl was well.

In this way, Liang Mu felt relieved.

Since everything is fine, why worry about it.

One is different and two are wide, and each is happy.

Furthermore, this wordless letter left room for Liang Mu's imagination?

Maybe one day, she will suddenly appear in Liang Mu's sight like Sanhuo Village did back then?
While Liang Mu was secretly sad there, Chen Fafa's attention was no longer on Liang Mu.

When Liang Mu asked Jelly what to say, Chen Fafa stared at Jelly without blinking.

At this time, he finally couldn't help asking: "Brother Liang, I've wanted to ask you for a long time.

What breed is your pet?

Why have I never heard or seen it in the Ninth Star Market? "

"Jelly is a water mollusk, a kind of... ancient race, it's normal that you haven't heard of it."

At this time, Liang Mu already understood that this place and the third stage did not belong to the same world, of course he knew that there were no water soft beasts here.

So I just use this to perfunctory.

But Chen Mingming didn't seem to give up on this, and looked straight at Jelly: "According to my many years of experience, your pet is really amazing.

I can faintly feel that there is an extremely powerful force hidden in its body.

I don't even feel this way about the Star Demons. "

"That should be because you are blind." Liang Mu rubbed Jelly's chubby body, curled his lips and said, "Besides being able to eat, this guy basically has no other specialties.

Oh, yes, and occasionally catch parasites. "

Only then did Liang Mu remember that jelly was not that useless.

At least when Tianfugu faced those parasitic spiders, Jelly showed a brave side.

"Can you eat? How much can you eat?"

Chen Fafa looked like he had broken the casserole and asked the bottom line.

Perhaps this is the unique obsession of inventors.

"How edible it is"

Liang Mu rubbed his chin, recalling the amount of jelly.

But at this time, Chen Fafa was attracted by an object.

Exclaimed, he pointed at the dad beside Liang Mu and said, "Where did this thing come from?!"

"It came out of Jelly's mouth." Liang Mu described the facts lightly.

To him, there was nothing surprising about this.

But Chen found out that his pupils shrank suddenly.

When he looked at Jelly again, and even at Liang Mu, his eyes had become deep and subtle.

There was one thing that Chen Fafa didn't tell Liang Mu.

That is, in the Ninth Star Market, there is one thing that is extremely precious.

That is space.

All magic weapons that can widen and increase space are priceless treasures of the first class.

As for the strange beast that can open up space in the stomach, Chen Mingfa has never heard of it.

But today, he saw one.

Then, brother Liang who can keep this kind of space pet is probably not an ordinary person!
On the other hand, Liang Mu didn't know that Chen had made so many associations through a small incident.

He just took out the wordless letter again and read it over and over again.

Suddenly, a metal instrument sounded a piercing alarm!

Chen Faming and Liang Mu were shocked at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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