Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 672 The Ferryman on the Long River

Chapter 672 The Ferryman on the Long River

"Yes, I am Li Shi, but I am not Li Shi."

The masked man said so.

Yep, another Riddler.

But even if he said that, Liang Mu already believed that he was Li Shi!

"Then what about you guys? Report your names to me!"

Liang Mu ordered these guys who appeared in his dream unceremoniously.

His dream, his biggest!
"Meeting for the first time... Well, it's not the first meeting either.

Hello, my name is Night Eleven. "

The man with the black silver moon mask made a young voice.

Liang Mu looked at Ye Shiyi meaningfully.

If it is said that Li Shi gave him the feeling of a calm king.

Then Ye Shiyi in front of him had a calm and composed elegance.

This kind of man should be very popular with girls, right?

"What about you?"

Liang Mu looked at the third person again.

A bald monk in cassock.

Although wearing a starlight mask, the bright bald head was not blocked.

For some reason, this hairstyle also made Liang Mu feel familiar.

"Hee hee, Benefactor Liang, long time no see."

The moment the monk's voice sounded, Liang Mu's pupils widened.

"It's you, Twelve Monks?!"

This person turned out to be the Twelve Monk who sneaked into Peking University and became a professor!
When they first met, Liang Mu was involved in a storm by this guy.

After that, every time I meet this guy, nothing good will happen!

It was once regarded as a disaster by Liang Mu.

Unexpectedly, this guy also appeared in his dream.

"What about you?"

With surprise, Liang Mu looked at the fourth person.

A woman wearing a black dragon mask.

"Hello, my name is Ye Xi, and I am Ye Shiyi's aunt."

The woman introduced herself like this.

"Auntie?" Liang Mu looked at Ye Shiyi and Ye Xi suspiciously, and muttered, "Looking at the age of the two of you, it doesn't seem like this relationship."

But Liang Mu didn't continue to ask any more questions, but just cast his eyes on the next person.

A woman in a white palace dress wearing a mask with a sword-shaped pattern.

The oiled paper umbrella in her hand is very conspicuous.

"My name is Luqiu Mei."

The woman's voice is very gentle.

And in tenderness, with sadness.

The eyes behind the mask looked at Liang Mu bewilderedly.

This made Liang Mu feel embarrassed.

He quickly looked away and looked at the last of the six people.

A fat man in a whale mask.

"Hey, just call me [Fat Rou]."

Before Liang Mu could ask any questions, Fatty spoke first.

"Fat meat? This name suits you quite well."

Liang Mu looked at Fatty's fat body and nodded secretly.

But when he looked at the fat, the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly shook.

A memory that seemed to be locked in a box suddenly jumped out.

In memory, he and Fatty have met before!

It was in the cave behind the waterfall that day!
And at that time, the fat meat also allowed him to see the scene of his hometown and see his grandparents.

Liang Mu's eyes widened instantly.

"I'm sorry, sorry, but for special reasons, we can't let people know that you and Fatty met."

Fatty didn't say anything, but Ye Shiyi did it for him.

"So you changed my memory without authorization?!"

Liang Mu was furious.

"Tell me, is this a reality or a dream!

Are you a real existence, or a product of my imagination! "

Liang Mu shouted and asked the six people in front of him.

He could feel that he was shrouded in layers of fog.

This fog confuses reality and stirs dreams.

Liang Mu couldn't tell the truth from reality anymore.

“Of course we are real.

Our organization is called the Rebels.

We are here to tell you that what you think is a dream is not a dream.

but your memory. "

Li Shi pointed to the doomsday scene outside the wooden tower: "Everything you see is a scene that actually happened in the long river of time and space.

And you, the ferryman on the long river, have seen these scenes with your own eyes.

It's just that these previous pictures are re-enacted in your dreams. "

"I do not understand what you are saying?
What rebels, what time and space are, I don't understand them all! "

Liang Mu's headache was about to split.

"Actually, like you, we are not from this world.

But we have a common purpose. "

This time it was changed to Night Eleven to talk.

Liang Mu raised his head in a daze, looking at Ye Shiyi.

Not from this world?
Like him, are they all time travelers?
But Ye Shi continued on his own: "Our purpose is to change.

Change the established destiny and correct the distorted time and space.
Ah, sorry, I accidentally said too much.

Right now, you probably don't understand what I'm saying.


"But one day, benefactor Liang, you will understand."

The twelve monks took Ye Eleven's words.

Only then did Liang Mu react.

The names of these three guys are actually arranged in the order of ten, eleven and twelve.

Even ghosts would not believe that they were real names.

"Look at the sky."

The words returned to Li Shi's mouth.

He pointed to the black palm that released the meteor shower in the sky, and said calmly: "Go, go and recall everything that happened at that time.

Thinking back on what made it what it is now"

Liang Mu raised his head subconsciously.

When he stared at the black palm, he seemed to be able to see a pair of eyes that appeared and disappeared in it.

Sometimes gentle, sometimes violent.

Sometimes calm, sometimes perverse.

Sometimes shy, sometimes indifferent.

Gradually, Liang Mu was taken aback.

When he came back to his senses, the scene around him had already changed.

At the foot, is a very tall tower.

This can be seen from the clouds floating around.

And not far from the top of the tower, there are two children with their backs facing themselves.

They are standing side by side, looking at the beautiful starry sky in the sky.

Liang Mu looked around in a daze, looking at the bright sky above his head.

Was it this place that I stayed just now?
I always feel like I saw several people just now, but I can't remember who they are.

His head was just buzzing, as if he had been punched several times.

And when Liang Mu tried hard to recall, he could only recall the most recent memory, when he was in the Canopy Palace.

In the next second, Liang Mu reacted.

That's right, I finished the last task of the third stage by myself, and then fell asleep.

From this point of view, I am in a dream again?

Looking at the two children not far away, Liang Mu suddenly remembered that he had seen these two children before the start of the second and third stages.

One in red and one in blue, like a pair of brothers.

"Did you know that at the end of the sky, there is a library."

What was said between the pair of little boys at that time clearly resurfaced in Liang Mu's heart at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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