Chapter 66 Are You Really Human
Liang Mu gave Duanmuyan and Wu Mohuan a strange look.

They didn't understand why such a clear picture, but they said they didn't see it.

I wondered in my heart, could it be that there is something wrong with the eyes of these two people?

He remembered that when he was studying, sometimes due to excessive use of his eyes, his vision would be blurred for a short time.

It is also possible that these two people have the same problem because they practice calligraphy too hard.

He blamed himself secretly, and decided to assign less practice tasks to the two of them in the future.

Duanmuyan and Wu Mohuan were taken aback for a moment, and then came to their senses.

Others can't see each other's books, but Liang Mu, the original owner of this book, can't see it?
Under Sima Bo's surprised eyes, Liang Mu pointed at the black-haired savage on the picture, and said with a smile, "Isn't this a water monkey?"

"Water monkey?" Sima Bo was taken aback for a moment.

"Well, a water ghost monster that is said to be extremely powerful and specializes in hurting people in the water."

Liang Mu couldn't help laughing.

In my mind, I recalled a certain well-known water monkey expert in my original world.

The classic mantra of "recently popular biometric identification on the Internet" is still fresh in people's memory.

But in Liang Mu's memory, there is no water monkey at all.

Either a similar-looking aquatic creature, or a farce fabricated by man.

But the black-haired monster in front of him, because of its slender body, reminded Liang Mu of the water monkey.

At the same time, he also knew in his heart that this thing is probably fake.

He heard Sima Bo's explanation just now, and he knew that there was a crew member pretending to be a savage.

So, isn't it possible that this so-called black-haired savage was artificially disguised?

It was only to take care of Sima Bo's face that he didn't point it out.

After all, being frightened by fake savages one after another, it would be too embarrassing to spread the word.

"Ah, don't you think it's kind of empty up there?"

Liang Mu pointed to the blank area next to the black-haired wild man and said.

Sima Bo was still immersed in the name Water Monkey, and nodded subconsciously.

"It seems that a name is missing."

Liang Mu took a writing brush and wrote the three characters "Water Monkey" in the blank space.

"Well, it looks much more pleasing to the eye now."

Liang Mu looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

However, what he didn't know was that the moment he finished writing, a black-haired figure suddenly got up from the ground in a dark cave in the distant Riyue Island.

Like an electric shock, trembling all over.

The green eyes were full of fear.

As if to vent this fear, it kept roaring towards the surroundings.

On the other side, Sima Bo looked dumbfounded at the three words next to the black-haired wild man.

Before he could react, Liang Mu had already written the words on it.

He could only cry without tears: "But Mr. Liang, are you really sure it's not a savage?"

"Oh, what do you always worry about about wildlings or water monkeys?
This kind of thing, if I say it is a savage, it is a savage, and if I say it is a water monkey, it is a water monkey! "

Liang Mu was also annoyed.

Xin Dao Sima Bo is worthy of being a teacher, but he likes to dig into dead ends.

In his opinion, they are all fake anyway, so why worry about what the appearance looks like?

At the same time, the black-haired figure in the cave shook his head.

A voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu, like a thunderbolt, fell into his head.

"I said it was a savage and it was a savage, and I said it was a water monkey and it was a water monkey!"

It's like the gods in the sky descending the heavenly constitution, like the judge of the underworld giving the verdict!
An irresistible force instantly penetrated the whole body of the black-haired figure.

Then it was horrified to find that the sharp claws on its hands and feet were gradually fading away.

Instead, it grows webs like a thin film!

It wanted to roar, but when it uttered a sound, it made a chirping sound like a monkey.

It was so frightened that it tightly covered its mouth, its eyes full of bewilderment and horror.

In the bookstore, Sima Bo was about to close the book.

But at that last second, he was shocked to find that the original image of the black-haired savage had changed.

The sharp claws turned into flat webs like duck feet.

The originally scary appearance seems to have become a little cuter.

Seeing the changed pattern, Sima Bo was shocked.

This is exactly the same as the water monkey mentioned by Liang Mu!
He thought of the words Liang Mu wrote on it just now, and the unquestionable words like the laws of heaven, and couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

What kind of magical method is this?

The look in Liang Mu's eyes was already unbelievable.

I really want to ask in front of Liang Mu——

Are you...really human? !
Sima Bo closed the book with mixed feelings.

Cautiously asked: "Brother Liang, if I meet the wild water monkey you mentioned next time, how should I deal with it?"

"It's very simple, this kind of thing is timid, just scare it casually."

Liang Mu replied casually.

Guys who pretend to be gods and ghosts are always guilty, so naturally they can't stand being scared.

But according to Sima Bo, what Liang Mu meant was for him not to be afraid, but to continue his research with a more courageous attitude!
"I see, thank you Mr. Liang for your guidance!"

Satisfied, Sima Bo left the bookstore.

But before leaving, he begged some wood gods to Liang Mu to take the woodcarving away.

After eating the sweetness, he naturally understood how powerful Liang Mu's woodcarving was.

I plan to bring some more, just to be prepared.

Looking at the back of his old friend leaving, Duanmuyan couldn't help feeling worried.

Although he couldn't see what was drawn on the book, he could feel that Sima Bo's research this time was not simple.

Because in his opinion, a boss like Liang Mu has a different perspective on things than ordinary people like them.

Many small things that are insignificant in Liang Mu's eyes may be difficult for them!
Just like that water monkey, is it really as weak as Liang Mu said?
Glancing at Wu Mohuan beside him, Duanmuyan made a secret decision in his heart.

In the evening, Wu Mohuan received a call when he was at home.

It was Duanmuyan who called.

"Senior Brother Mu, what advice do you have?"

Wu Mohuan's voice was so calm that there were no waves.

Duanmuyan said with a wry smile: "Miss Wu, now, don't make fun of me.

With your shrewdness, you should have seen my true identity long ago, right? "

The corner of Wu Mohuan's mouth curled slightly: "Then, Master Duanmu, what's your business in finding me at night?"

"Actually, the reason why I came to you is to cooperate with you."

"What cooperation?"

"I want you to send someone to protect my good friend Sima Bo!"

Hearing this, Wu Mohuan laughed silently on the phone: "Since you said it's cooperation, what benefits can I get in exchange?"

(End of this chapter)

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