Chapter 655 Act Eight
Liang Mu thought about waking up and appearing at a new mission location.

But he never thought that he would sit directly on a dragon chair after waking up.

At the foot of the steps was a girl kneeling with a pair of kites on her back.

Well, although this girl is quite cute and looks like Wen Yuan, but
What the hell is that giant pangolin next to it? !

Liang Mu suddenly remembered that he had seen this creature in the library of Beijing University.

Not the pangolin, but the ancestor of the armadillo, a long-extinct animal called the glyptodon.

But the book said that the Glyptodon was huge, but it never said it was this big!
This is almost bursting the roof of the palace, right?

Also, what is going on with this white-faced Qingxin Palace?
What the hell did the system send him to?
"Ding! The final mission of the third stage is officially opened.

Current activity range: Canopy Palace. "

"Canopy Palace"

Liang Mu was taken aback, and subconsciously murmured these three words.

The reason why he was surprised was because he thought of the dream he had not long ago.

Yes, in his last sleep, he entered a serial dream state as always.

An old acquaintance with the pseudonym "Tian Rui Zhe" also appeared in the dream, but it was Wu Mohuan.

But at the same time, there was a girl who called herself [Canopy Person], who turned out to be Bai Xi.

Not only that, there was also a black-clothed swordsman wearing a moon pattern mask in the dream.

Liang Mu had seen three such masked people before, namely the sword mask, the whale mask, and the dragon mask.

Counting this, it's the fourth one.

And in that dream, the black-faced swordsman suggested that the Tianrui and the Canopy join forces to form a large army to fight against the enemy.

This is the embryonic form of the red-clothed army in the dream.

However, as soon as Liang Mu woke up, he came to a place called Canopy Palace.

This suddenly overturned Liang Mu's previous speculation about the principle of the dream.

In the past, Liang Mu always thought that the scenes in dreams were derived from real-life observations.

The people, things, and things in the dream are all projections of Liang Mu's real psychological activities.

The stronger the psychological suggestion, the easier it is to form a corresponding dream.

Therefore, every time Liang Mu passes through a task site, elements corresponding to the name will be formed in the dream.

For example, the Tianying Zhe corresponding to Tianying Realm, the Tianren Zhe corresponding to Tianren Village, the Tianzhu Zhe corresponding to Tianzhu Mountain, etc.

Only the canopy man who looks like Bai Xi appeared in the dream before Liang Mu came to the Canopy Palace.

Could it be that Liang Mu's dream has evolved to the point where he can predict the future?

Obviously this is nonsense.

Predicting the future is a superpower related to time and space.

Liang Mu, an ordinary person who has not even set foot on the threshold of cultivation, and a broken system that is useless except for selling books, how can he pry into this legendary ability?

Thinking of the moment of practice, Liang Mu's mood suddenly became extremely bad.

He is only a step away from stepping into the door of practice!

Liang Mu was distracted here, but the two people at the foot of the stairs were horrified when they heard Liang Mu murmuring the words Tianpeng Palace.

Even without going out the door, you know this is the Canopy Palace?

This is not the omnipotent Eternal Tribulation Demon Lord, what is it?
As for Liang Mu's identity, the two no longer doubted it.

But when they saw Liang Mu's ugly face, their hearts thumped again.

"Wen Chu forcibly asks the Lord to come down, and I hope the Lord will forgive me!"

Wen Chu knelt on the ground in fear.


Haven't heard this name for a long time.

I remember the last time I heard it, it was the last time.

Liang Mu immediately put this label on Wen Chu in his heart.

Then he raised his eyes to look at the glyph tooth.

Oh boy, no matter how many times I watch it, this big guy looks cool.

Especially the hard and large plate armor made Liang Mu drool secretly.

If only I could touch it.

It's best to be able to ride on it and go out for a walk, it will be awesome.

Seeing Liang Mu sizing him up, Liang Qin was also startled, quickly pointed at Wen Chu, and stammered: "Yes, she forcibly summoned you, I have nothing to do with rain!"

This guy can actually talk?

It's not that Liang Mu has never seen a talking beast before, but it's the first time for such a big one.

And what didn't match his appearance was that such a big guy had a voice like a skinny young man.

It's very entertaining.

Where did you hear this sound?

For some reason, Liang Mu suddenly felt annoyed by Liang Qin's voice.

Liang Qin was keenly aware of Liang Mu's displeasure with him, and immediately lowered his body even lower.

Liang Mu didn't know that his small micro-expression directly frightened all the first and second in command of the Yongjie Devil's Cult, so they dared not speak.

He just felt that his situation was not as bad as he imagined.

In front of me, there is a middle school girl and a carved-toothed monster. They all seem to be afraid of themselves?

Could it be that, like the Great Sage Bai, they are all fancy but not useful, easy to handle goods?

Liang Mu suddenly gained confidence.

He stood up from the dragon chair, and dragged your father down the steps.

He said in a skillful pretentious tone: "Lead the way."

The eighth rule of pretentiousness is that when pretending to be coquettish, it doesn’t mean that the more you say, the better.

On the contrary, the shorter the words, the easier it is to pretend to be aloof.

What Liang Mu actually wanted to achieve was to let this man and beast take him out for a stroll around the canopy palace and get familiar with the environment here.

By the way, find out what the so-called summoning is all about.

But he doesn't say it all.

Just say the word lead the way, as for the rest, let the two of them make up their own brains.

Sure enough, this trick is very effective.

Although Wen Chu and Liang Qin didn't know where Liang Mu wanted them to take him, how dare they ask too much at this moment?
Lead the way directly in front and invite Liang Mu out of the main hall.

As soon as he stepped out of the main hall, Liang Mu subconsciously looked up at the sky.

At this time, the sky that was originally covered with dark clouds slowly returned to the original clear day with the appearance of Liang Mu.

But immediately after, Liang Mu saw a cultivator in a blue robe descending from the sky on black clouds.

Liang Mu was taken aback suddenly.

Aren't these guys the same enemies of Tianruizong that they saw on the battlefield of Tianruizong at that time?

Could it be that his new mission location is actually the lair of these people?

Seeing this group of practitioners falling towards the area in front of him, Liang Mu was suddenly startled!
Finish the calf!
He followed the people of Tian Ruizong back in front of these people!

If this is recognized, how can I continue to pretend to be a boss?
So before those practitioners landed, Liang Mu made a move that Wen Chu and Liang Qin couldn't think of.

I saw Liang Mu, who had just stepped out of the hall, turned around and turned back in.

Only Wen Chu and Liang Qin were left staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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