Chapter 620
"So, where is the passage leading to Tianchong Realm?"

When someone asked Sima Xianliang this question, Sima Xianliang pointed to a place and said, "It's right below."

Everyone looked subconsciously, and then their eyes were all stunned.

Because the place Sima Xianliang was pointing at was the treasure of Tianfuzong—the space sand table!
That is, the one messed up by Liang Mu.

When Sima Xianliang removed the sand table, everyone found similar formations in other passages.

The next thing is much simpler.

After the nine secret keys were inserted, the teleportation array of the channel was successfully activated.

"It's not too late, let's go."

A group of people stepped into the teleportation array.

But after a burst of light flashed by, everyone opened their eyes, only to find that the surrounding scenery hadn't changed in the slightest.

He went back to the tent again!
Sima Xianliang and the others who were waiting nearby were also stunned.

"Could it be that the teleportation array is broken?"

"try again!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone activated the formation again.

But after the light shined, he was teleported back to the original place.

Two, three, four times.
After everyone tried more than a dozen times in a row, what shone from the teleportation array was a different light.

The previous dozen or so times were all colored rays of light.

But this time, it was pure white.

Just when everyone was pleasantly surprised that it was successful, there was an invisible force that knocked the whole group out of the teleportation array.

And a thick man's voice came out from the white light: "Don't try again, or you will get hurt."

The moment the voice appeared, everyone immediately became vigilant.

You know, top experts from all walks of life gathered at the scene.

But even they didn't notice that there was someone hiding in the white light!

Fortunately, the owner of the voice didn't seem to be hostile, otherwise we wouldn't know how they died!

"Who are you?"

Wu Mohuan asked with a frown.

"An insignificant person."

In the white light, the voice continued to be heard.

The voice is dull and thick, and it always makes people feel that the person speaking is a simple fat man.

"We want to go to Tianchong Realm, can you make way for us?"

This time it was Shang Zi who asked.

"Sorry, no way.

If you go there now, you will only lose your life in vain.

It's better to feel at ease here to improve your own strength. "

There was only deep concern in the man's voice.

Like an elder who worries about his children.

But this made everyone more suspicious.

The owner of this voice is not related to them, why should he care about them so much?

Also, what happened in Tianchong Realm?
"May I trouble you to show up and see?"

Sima Xianliang asked politely.

But Little Snot obviously didn't have her patience.

"That guy who is pretending to be a ghost! Look, I'll knock him out!"

As Xiaozheng said so, his body instantly recovered into the body of the huge Pangxiang King.

After breaking through the tent, his huge feet stepped directly towards the white light in the teleportation array.

"Oh, my kid is a little irritable."

Facing Xiang Jun's big feet, Bai Guangli's voice remained calm.

But everyone discovered that a dark blue skin with wrinkles appeared in the white light.

It looks like the surface skin of some kind of strange beast.


Little Snot's big feet landed on the skin.

But what made Little Snot uncomfortable was the feeling of stepping on a banana peel.

In the slippery autumn weather, there is another layer of stickiness.

But the next moment, there was a huge force coming from the soles of his feet.


With a scream, Little Snout's huge body flew upside down into the air.

And flew straight out of the camp, hitting the ground heavily.


The huge movement caused many people to watch.

Every look was full of astonishment.

How terrifying is the power that can fly the majestic Xiangjun? !
Maybe even Sima Xianliang, the most powerful person in the Tianfu world, can't do it? !
And these people near the teleportation array looked at the skin in the teleportation array in astonishment.

The body of Little Snot is already big enough, but everyone thinks that the owner of this skin is much bigger than it!

At the other end of the teleportation array, there must be a shocking giant beast!
"I told you a long time ago that you will be hurt. Why don't you listen?"

The voice in the white light muttered.

Then the dark blue skin disappeared, but another thing appeared in the white light.

It was a mask engraved with a whale pattern!

In the crowd, someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

But it was Huang Xiao, the number one powerhouse in the Heavenly Bird Realm, the master of the Heavenly Bird Palace, who came along with her, who was known as a witch!
She looked at the whale mask in the white light, and suddenly lost her composure.

Because she had seen this mask on a certain stone tablet!
It is one of the six masks of the rebels, the whale face!
At that time, Huang Xiao met Lu Qiumei, the owner of the sword face. Could it be that the man in the teleportation formation is the owner of the whale face? !

At the same time, Caishiyan, Huang Xiao's ancestor, who left the stele, also stared blankly at the mask in the white light, as if remembering something.

Not only that, Sima Qingjian was also stunned, as if some related memory flashed through his mind.

"Children, you are weaker than you think.

Listen to my uncle's advice, the road ahead is too deep, you can't grasp it!
Go back and exercise more."

As the earnest voice slowly became lower, the mask and the white light gradually disappeared.

The teleportation array was restored to its original state.

Everyone looked at each other and were speechless for a long time.

Tianchong Realm, the third realm of the four realms on the Tower of Eternity.

As Sima Xianliang said, this is a beautiful and peaceful world.

Practitioners will not be superior, and ordinary people will not feel inferior.

Because in this world, the measure of status is not how hard a fight is, let alone the difference in age.

Here, artistic ability comes first.

As long as you have high artistic attainments, even an ordinary three-year-old child can still be respected by practitioners who have lived for hundreds of years.

But if the level of art is not good, even if you are the suzerain of some sect, you will still not be able to hold your head up in front of others.

Among all art categories, music is the most popular among the people in Tianchong.

Almost every household has musical instruments.

Any passerby can sing a nice song just by opening his mouth.

Cities, villages, cottages. Music-related gatherings can be found everywhere.

And the sect recognized by the entire Tianchong world as the sect of practitioners with the highest musical attainments is called Tianchongzong.

It was a top sect located in the holy land of Tianchong Realm - Tianchongjian.

It is also the highest palace in the minds of art lovers all over the world.

However, this supreme palace has now encountered the biggest disaster in history!

Tian Chongjian.
Got eaten by a big guy!
(End of this chapter)

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