Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 584 Take the sky as the sea and the Tao as the hook

Chapter 584 Take the sky as the sea and the Tao as the hook

"Stop it!"

At this time, the sun gave an order.


Suddenly, countless chains flew into the sky.

Some got tangled up on the knight, and some got tangled up in the fishhook.

Then all the Knights of the Star Stepping Legion worked hard together, intending to pull the fishhook and his companions back together.

"Why are they all hooked all of a sudden?!"

On the seashore of Tianqigong, all the younger brothers looked at the blue-gray fishes that were biting their hooks in astonishment.

Isn't this moths to the flame?

But only Liang Mu knew how strong the struggle was coming from the other end of the fishing line.


The taut fishing line kept trembling.

It seems to indicate that those fish may break free and escape at any time.

How could Liang Mu let them go?

He's already biting the hook, if he can still run away, wouldn't his big brother lose face in front of his younger brothers?
So Liang Mu gritted his teeth directly and used the strengthening power of the first stage to drag the large string of fish to the surface of the sea.

But Liang Mu's strength is enough, but the fishing rod and fishing line seem to be unable to hold on.


A crack opened on the taut fishing rod.


Just when Liang Mu thought something was wrong, he didn't notice the faceless dumb girl not far away made a small movement.

She took her own fishing rod and patted lightly on the surface of the sea.

An invisible ripple spread out quietly.

At the same moment, Liang Mu suddenly felt that the resistance in his hands had decreased a lot.

He didn't care about the reason, he just pulled the fishing rod and ran for a long distance to the sea.

But from the perspective of everyone in the White Goose Academy, they saw those knights of the Star Stepping Legion who wanted to rescue their companions were pulled up into the sky by the giant fishhook.

And farther and farther away from the ground, farther and farther away.
"The Star-Taking Legion was lured away?"

Everyone at the scene had fantasized about a hundred solutions to the Star Legion.

But never thought that such an absurd scene would appear in the end.

Only some strong men looked at the sky solemnly: "Take the sky as the sea, use the Tao as the hook, and fish for all living beings.
Who is the one who can do it? ! "

These people subconsciously looked at Huang Xiao.

They all know that the sea outside the Heavenly Bird Palace is not the sea, but a piece of real sky.

The entire Heavenly Bird Palace is actually a palace located in the sky.

And that fishhook from outside the sky must have come from the Heavenly Bird Palace.

But the only one who can do this seems to be the owner of the Heavenly Bird Palace in front of him.

So, who in the world controls the hooks in the Bird Palace?

But the one that collapsed the most was the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult.

They never imagined that they would witness two tragedies in just one day.

First, the leader died suddenly for no reason, and then even the star stepping army, which had high hopes, was caught in the sky!

Could it be that God is going to perish and they will forever rob the Devil's Cult? !
"It seems that we can only give up the Star Stepping Legion.

It seems that the world of birds and birds can't be taken down. "

The sun shook his head, and was about to organize the troops in the sect to retreat.

But at this moment, he found that the Star Stepping Legion flying high into the sky had a collective meal.

The moving fishhook also stopped in mid-air.

what's the situation?
Questions pop up in everyone's mind.

"Why did you stop?!"

The ones who hurriedly came to Liang Mu were not his younger brothers, but the big white duck.

That is Mr. Goose.

When Liang Mu was fishing, Mr. Goose and the birds were quietly observing.

And their expressions, from disdain at the beginning, to collective consternation now.

Apart from Huang Xiao, there is really someone who can catch something from this sea of ​​sky!
Therefore, everyone including Mr. E was very interested in the fish Liang Mu caught.

Because they understand that those guys are not fish, they just appear like fish in this sea of ​​sky.

As for the specifics, we can only find out when Liang Mu is fully hooked.

But what drove them crazy was that just when the blue-gray fish were about to be pulled out of the sea, Liang Mu suddenly stopped.

It’s like a Sakura Country movie that has been downloaded for several days, suddenly stuck at 99.99% due to network speed problems!

Who can not go crazy?
Even Mr. Goose couldn't care less about being reserved and rushed out angrily.

"I have my own plans."

However, Liang Mu only replied lightly.

He frowned and looked at the blue-gray fish on the hook, feeling suddenly very upset.

For some reason, when he was fishing, he accidentally thought of his own serial dream.

He even thought of the figure in the gray robe in the blue camp.

That is, the damn wood chooser!
Maybe it's because of the similar colors.

So Liang Mu suddenly had an indescribable disgust for these gray fish in blue.

It's better not to catch a fish than to catch a fish you don't like.

So Liang Mu caught half of the fish and suddenly threw the hook.

He directly threw the blue-gray fish on the hook back into the sea.

"You, you, what are you doing?!"

Mr. Goose and other birds completely collapsed.

This is more than a movie stuck at 99.99%!

After clicking to continue downloading, I suddenly found that the progress bar has changed to 00.00%!
An understatement by Liang Mu almost made the group of birds vomit blood with anger.

But from the ground, it was found that the hook in the air was loose.

Those Knights of the Star Stepping Legion who were caught in the air were also thrown away together.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa—"

It was like meteorites falling from a high altitude, hitting the ground everywhere.

"While he is sick, kill him!"

The army of the bird world will not let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Before the knights had time to get up, the moves all over the sky smashed into the pit.

The knights didn't expect that they didn't kill themselves by falling from such a high place, but they died aggrieved by the men in the Heavenly Bird Realm.

The army of the Heavenly Bird Realm was greatly boosted.

On the other hand, the Eternal Tribulation Demon Sect has already retreated.

Only Huang Xiao looked at the fishhook in the air with a smile.

Because she found that the hook did not retract to the sky, but fell to the ground again.

The master of the hook, there are follow-up actions!

Looking out to sea from the shore, you can see that the blue-gray fish have all disappeared.

It seemed to be eaten up by those light yellow fish.

The blue school of fish appeared to be fleeing.

Only the biggest dark yellow fish has never changed its position.

And Liang Mu's goal is that big fish!
He doesn't like those blue-gray fish, but he likes this beautiful big yellow croaker very much.

That's it!

Liang Mu swung the hook and accurately landed next to the big yellow croaker.

On the ground, Huang Xiao jumped with a smile on her face, and jumped directly onto the fishhook that flew to her side.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that one day I would be able to return to the palace like this."

(End of this chapter)

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