Chapter 534

"Just facing the jelly, you can't help but retreat.

When facing the enemy in the future, it will be defeated! "

"Let's take a step back now, and at most lose face.

To retreat when facing the enemy in the future is to abandon one's wife and children, and even one's family and country! "

Seeing these cowards, Liang Mu felt angry.

And Liang Mu's voice, like rolling thunder, made everyone deafened.

"Mr. Liang really worked hard." Lan Mumu smiled wryly.

The Tianren race is indeed a race with congenital mental disabilities.

This race loves peace and has nothing to do with the world.

It advocates the establishment of a heaven where humans and beasts coexist harmoniously.

This point has been perfectly realized under the wise governance of Tianren Sect Master and Lord Fox from generation to generation.

However, Lan Mumu knew well that from the moment Liang Mu appeared in Tianren Realm, this kind of peace could no longer be sustained.

Because of Liang Mu's appearance, it means that the passage between Tianren Realm and the outside world has been opened.

Unknown aliens may enter the Tianren Realm at any time.

At that time, other races will not be as soft and timid as the Tianren race.

They will use the butcher knife in their hands to smash this peaceful world into pieces.

So the Tian Ren Clan must make a change.

Absolutely can not continue to be so weak!
But Lan Mumu didn't expect that it was a foreigner who took the first step for the Tianren Clan.

Lan Mumu didn't even expect that when she was thinking about these things, a figure had already walked towards Jelly.

It's Bo Rong!

Bo Rong resisted the fear in her heart, and approached Jelly step by step.

The closer she got to the jelly, the more anxious Bo Rong became.

There is always a feeling of heading towards a black hole.

It seems that if you are not careful, you will be swallowed up by the jelly.

In the end, she could only close her eyes and not look at the jelly.

Then he bit his lip, summoned all his courage, and put his finger on Jelly.

The ice is cool and slippery, as if touching a clear spring.

It was not as scary as Bo Rong imagined, but a special experience.

"It's not scary, you guys have a try too."

Bo Rong's uneasy mood eased, and she turned her head to wave to the disciples of the Yuhua Sect.

Afterwards, the disciples of Yuhuazong also bit the bullet and went to touch the jelly.

"Huh? It really won't hurt anyone."

"It's cool and refreshing to the touch."

Like Bo Rong, the members of the Yuhua Sect also changed their minds.

Perhaps it was because some people experimented first, and later people were not so afraid.

One by one, people mustered up their courage and went to touch the jelly.

The jelly deity is comfortably enjoying the "massage" of a group of people.

From time to time, bubbles were spit out, making everyone giggle.

For a time, the village was filled with a pleasant atmosphere.

"Is this how it feels to conquer fear?"

Lan Mumu muttered to himself, and looked back at Liang Mu.

What I thought in my heart was: 'How much change will this man bring to the Tianren Clan? '

Liang Mu looked at the scene in front of him with satisfaction.

There is quite a sense of joy that the doctor has cured the patient.

But obviously, these guys are still a long way from being cured.

Barlow therapy, after all, treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

Because one fear is overcome, other fears will arise.

Therefore, only when one's heart is strong can one not be afraid of any external influences.

And this is the next step of Liang Mu's plan.

"Congratulations, all of you are eligible to read my work.

But now you can only read my ordinary works.

If you want to read my excellent works, you need to do one more thing. "

Liang Mu said with a smile.

Anyone with a little bit of scheming could smell the smell of a series of scams from Liang Mu's smile.

But it's a pity that in front of him is a group of pure-hearted Tianren.

They did not doubt Liang Mu, but asked with interest: "What do you want us to do?"

"Now, listen to my order and hold the hands of those around you."

Liang Mu shouted loudly.

Although everyone didn't know what Liang Mu wanted to do, they still obediently held the hands of the people beside them.

"Then, sing with me!
The talisman of starlight, the end of the world."

Liang Mu said it was Duanmu Xianya's "Starry Sky".

However, after hearing this familiar melody, the people of the Tianren clan were surprised.

Why did Liang Mu learn the [Holy Empty Chant] that they have passed down from generation to generation?
But no matter why Liang Mu did it, as soon as this familiar melody came out, it naturally caused everyone to sing in chorus.

Soon, the singing in unison became louder and more orderly.

The melodious melody goes straight to the night sky.

As if turning into an invisible hand, it pulled out the curtain of the starry sky shyly hiding behind the clouds.

Starry sky, sea of ​​trees, bonfire, singing.
A beautiful picture scroll of nature is frozen between heaven and earth.

The little head with slanted bangs swayed left and right with the melody.

Suddenly, she walked aside and took the faceless dumb woman's hand, with a silly smile on her face.

Maybe it was because the faceless dumb girl was the only one who couldn't make a sound, so I came here to comfort her.

The faceless dumb girl stroked the head of the slanted bangs, and looked up at the starry sky.

The bright stars are reflected in the eyes of the faceless dumb girl.

It seems that there are all kinds of stars in the universe, and they all enter the eyes of the faceless dumb woman.

Slanting Liu Hai blinked his eyes, looking at the faceless dumb girl at this time, there seemed to be stars shining in his eyes.

On the other side, Lan Mumu and Bo Rong looked at each other in shock.

"Do you remember that prophecy?"

"of course I remember!
That is an ancient prophecy that has been circulated in the Tianren world for countless years.

It is mentioned in the prophecy: [When someone comes with the Holy Kongyin, it means that the Star Magic Song will also reappear in the world]."

"Holy Kong Chant, Star Demon's Song. The strings are broken, Samsara is busy
According to legend, this is the words left by a certain power in the Eternal Saint.

People of later generations deliberated and determined that Sheng Kongyin was written by the Eternal Holy Sect.

The Star Demon Song was composed for the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult.

The two appeared at the same time, indicating that a new round of Holy Demon War is about to start again."

Bo Rong smiled wryly.

When she turned her head and saw that Lan Mumu was still in deep thought, she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

"You are right, but you only know the first half of the prophecy. In fact, the ancient book also mentioned that Yuyuan has the second half."

Lan Mumu raised his head suddenly, staring straight at Liang Mu who was leading the crowd to sing.

"The second half? What is it?" Bo Rong asked curiously.

"That's what the second half of the prophecy says.
[The person who makes the holy empty chant resound through the earth is the incarnation of the eternal Holy Lord.

He will bring the starlight to dispel the darkness from the abyss]."

When Lan Mumu said this, he kept looking at Liang Mu.

But Bo Rong suddenly got goosebumps all over her body, and looked at Liang Mu in amazement: "Could it be that he is!"

(End of this chapter)

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